最近在生产环境和预发环境经常出现java.lang.IllegalStateException: urls to invokers error .invokerUrls.size :1, invoker.size :0,这一类的error错误,具体错误信息如下
java.lang.IllegalStateException: urls to invokers error .invokerUrls.size :1, invoker.size :0. urls :[dubbo://,complex,Timeout,complexObject,complexUser,sayHello2,$$sayHelloTest,complexArray2,hessianTest,sayHello,HelloWorld,hessianMapTest,complexArray,hessianSerialable,ThrowException,mockDate&pid=3094&revision=×tamp=1493780202580]
at com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.integration.RegistryDirectory.refreshInvoker(RegistryDirectory.java:229) [dubbo-]
at com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.integration.RegistryDirectory.notify(RegistryDirectory.java:195) [dubbo-]
at com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.support.AbstractRegistry.notify(AbstractRegistry.java:449) [dubbo-]
at com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.support.FailbackRegistry.doNotify(FailbackRegistry.java:273) [dubbo-]
at com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.support.FailbackRegistry.notify(FailbackRegistry.java:259) [dubbo-]
at com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.zookeeper.ZookeeperRegistry.access$400(ZookeeperRegistry.java:45) [dubbo-]
at com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.zookeeper.ZookeeperRegistry$3.childChanged(ZookeeperRegistry.java:163) [dubbo-]
at com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.zookeeper.zkclient.ZkclientZookeeperClient$2.handleChildChange(ZkclientZookeeperClient.java:82) [dubbo-]
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient$7.run(ZkClient.java:568) [zkclient-0.1.jar:na]
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkEventThread.run(ZkEventThread.java:71) [zkclient-0.1.jar:na]
private void refreshInvoker(ListinvokerUrls){ if (invokerUrls != null && invokerUrls.size() == 1 && invokerUrls.get(0) != null && Constants.EMPTY_PROTOCOL.equals(invokerUrls.get(0).getProtocol())) { this.forbidden = true; // 禁止访问 this.methodInvokerMap = null; // 置空列表 destroyAllInvokers(); // 关闭所有Invoker } else { this.forbidden = false; // 允许访问 Map > oldUrlInvokerMap = this.urlInvokerMap; // local reference if (invokerUrls.size() == 0 && this.cachedInvokerUrls != null){ invokerUrls.addAll(this.cachedInvokerUrls); } else { this.cachedInvokerUrls = new HashSet (); this.cachedInvokerUrls.addAll(invokerUrls);//缓存invokerUrls列表,便于交叉对比 } if (invokerUrls.size() ==0 ){ return; } Map > newUrlInvokerMap = toInvokers(invokerUrls) ;// 将URL列表转成Invoker列表 Map >> newMethodInvokerMap = toMethodInvokers(newUrlInvokerMap); // 换方法名映射Invoker列表 // state change //如果计算错误,则不进行处理. //这里是抛出具体错误的地方,当newUrlInvokerMap都为空时,这里会打印出ERROR日志 if (newUrlInvokerMap == null || newUrlInvokerMap.size() == 0 ){ logger.error(new IllegalStateException("urls to invokers error .invokerUrls.size :"+invokerUrls.size() + ", invoker.size :0. urls :"+invokerUrls.toString())); return ; } this.methodInvokerMap = multiGroup ? toMergeMethodInvokerMap(newMethodInvokerMap) : newMethodInvokerMap; this.urlInvokerMap = newUrlInvokerMap; try{ destroyUnusedInvokers(oldUrlInvokerMap,newUrlInvokerMap); // 关闭未使用的Invoker }catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("destroyUnusedInvokers error. ", e); } } }
protected void notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, Listurls) { if (url == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("notify url == null"); } if (listener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("notify listener == null"); } if ((urls == null || urls.size() == 0) && ! Constants.ANY_VALUE.equals(url.getServiceInterface())) { logger.warn("Ignore empty notify urls for subscribe url " + url); return; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Notify urls for subscribe url " + url + ", urls: " + urls); } Map > result = new HashMap >(); for (URL u : urls) { if (UrlUtils.isMatch(url, u)) { String category = u.getParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORY); List categoryList = result.get(category); if (categoryList == null) { categoryList = new ArrayList (); result.put(category, categoryList); } categoryList.add(u); } } if (result.size() == 0) { return; } Map > categoryNotified = notified.get(url); if (categoryNotified == null) { notified.putIfAbsent(url, new ConcurrentHashMap >()); categoryNotified = notified.get(url); } for (Map.Entry > entry : result.entrySet()) { String category = entry.getKey(); List categoryList = entry.getValue(); categoryNotified.put(category, categoryList); saveProperties(url); listener.notify(categoryList); } }
public synchronized void notify(Listurls) { List invokerUrls = new ArrayList (); List routerUrls = new ArrayList (); List configuratorUrls = new ArrayList (); for (URL url : urls) { String protocol = url.getProtocol(); String category = url.getParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORY); if (Constants.ROUTERS_CATEGORY.equals(category) || Constants.ROUTE_PROTOCOL.equals(protocol)) { routerUrls.add(url); } else if (Constants.CONFIGURATORS_CATEGORY.equals(category) || Constants.OVERRIDE_PROTOCOL.equals(protocol)) { configuratorUrls.add(url); } else if (Constants.PROVIDERS_CATEGORY.equals(category)) { invokerUrls.add(url); } else { logger.warn("Unsupported category " + category + " in notified url: " + url + " from registry " + getUrl().getAddress() + " to consumer " + NetUtils.getLocalHost()); } } // configurators if (configuratorUrls != null && configuratorUrls.size() >0 ){ this.configurators = toConfigurators(configuratorUrls); } // routers if (routerUrls != null && routerUrls.size() >0 ){ List routers = toRouters(routerUrls); if(routers != null){ // null - do nothing setRouters(routers); } } List localConfigurators = this.configurators; // local reference // 合并override参数 this.overrideDirectoryUrl = directoryUrl; if (localConfigurators != null && localConfigurators.size() > 0) { for (Configurator configurator : localConfigurators) { this.overrideDirectoryUrl = configurator.configure(overrideDirectoryUrl); } } // providers refreshInvoker(invokerUrls); }
//destroyUnusedInvokers这个方法中真正去销毁时会去调用该方法 public void destroy() { //防止client被关闭多次.在connect per jvm的情况下,client.close方法会调用计数器-1,当计数器小于等于0的情况下,才真正关闭 if (super.isDestroyed()){ return ; } else { //dubbo check ,避免多次关闭 destroyLock.lock(); try{ if (super.isDestroyed()){ return ; } super.destroy(); if (invokers != null){ invokers.remove(this); } for (ExchangeClient client : clients) { try { client.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn(t.getMessage(), t); } } }finally { destroyLock.unlock(); } } }