private T referent;
volatile ReferenceQueue super T> queue;
/* When active: NULL
* pending: this
* Enqueued: next reference in queue (or this if last)
* Inactive: this
Reference next;
transient private Reference discovered; /* used by VM */
/* List of References waiting to be enqueued. The collector adds
* References to this list, while the Reference-handler thread removes
* them. This list is protected by the above lock object. The
* list uses the discovered field to link its elements.
private static Reference
next 即当前引用节点所存储的下一个即将被处理的节点。但 next 仅在放到queue中才会有意义,因为只有在enqueue的时候,会将next设置为下一个要处理的Reference对象。为了描述相应的状态值,在放到队列当中后,其queue就不会再引用这个队列了。而是引用一个特殊的 ENQUEUED(内部定义的一个空队列)。因为已经放到队列当中,并且不会再次放到队列当中。
static {
ThreadGroup tg = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
for (ThreadGroup tgn = tg;
tgn != null;
tg = tgn, tgn = tg.getParent());
Thread handler = new ReferenceHandler(tg, "Reference Handler");
/* If there were a special system-only priority greater than
* MAX_PRIORITY, it would be used here
// provide access in SharedSecrets
SharedSecrets.setJavaLangRefAccess(new JavaLangRefAccess() {
public boolean tryHandlePendingReference() {
return tryHandlePending(false);
/* List of References waiting to be enqueued. The collector adds
* References to this list, while the Reference-handler thread removes
* them. This list is protected by the above lock object. The
* list uses the discovered field to link its elements.
private static Reference
接下来,我们在来看一下 RefrenceQueue 的 enqueue 方法
boolean enqueue(Reference extends T> r) { /* Called only by Reference class */
synchronized (lock) {
// Check that since getting the lock this reference hasn't already been
// enqueued (and even then removed)
ReferenceQueue> queue = r.queue;
// queue 为 null 或者 queue 已经被回收了,直接返回
if ((queue == NULL) || (queue == ENQUEUED)) {
return false;
assert queue == this;
// 将 refrence 的状态置为 Enqueued,表示已经被回收
r.queue = ENQUEUED;
// 接着,将 refrence 插入到链表
// 判断当前链表是否为 null,不为 null,将 指向 head,为 null,head 直接指向 r = (head == null) ? r : head;
// head 指针指向 r
head = r;
if (r instanceof FinalReference) {
return true;
判断 queue 为 null 或者 queue 已经被回收了,直接返回
若 queue 不为 null,将 r (refrence) 的状态置为 Enqueued,表示已经被回收
将 refrence 插入到 queue 的头部
Refrence 和 RefrenceQueue 的源码分析到此为止
Refrence 的子类
4种引用 我们都知道在Java中有4种引用,这四种引用从高到低分别为:
这个引用在Java中没有相应的类与之对应,但是强引用比较普遍,例如:Object obj = new Object();这里的obj就是要给强引用,如果一个对象具有强引用,则垃圾回收器始终不会回收此对象。当内存不足时,JVM情愿抛出OOM异常使程序异常终止也不会靠回收强引用的对象来解决内存不足的问题。
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls;
Given a linked list and a value x, partition it such that all nodes less than x come before nodes greater than or equal to x.
You should preserve the original relative order of th