· Device programmers:
o The MIB500 (Crossobw) or any other standard parallel-portprogrammer board.
o The MIB510 (Crossbow's serial port based programming device)
o The AtmelAVRISP
o The EthernetPRogramming Board (EPRB)
1. You only need specify the type of deviceyou are using and how to communicate with it. This is done usingenvironment variables. Example:
bash% MIB510=/dev/ttyS1 make install mica
2. PC System verification: avr gcc compiler, perl,flex, cygwin, JDK 1.3.x or above.
o $: toscheck
3. Hardware Verification: Change to the apps/MicaHWVerify directoryand type(only for mica2)
o (mica platform) make mica
o (mica2/mica2dot) PFLAGS=-DCC1K_DEF_FREQ=
4. Next step is to install the application onto amote.
o Place a powered-on node into a programming board. The redLED on the programming board should light. Connect the programming boardto the parallel port of your computer. To load the program on to thedevice, using a parallel port programmer, type
$ make reinstall [mica|mica2|mica2dot] |
5. The next step is to verify the mote hardware.
a. First, confirm that the LEDs are blinking like abinary counter.
b. Next,connect the programming board to the serial port of the computer. The hardwareverify program will send data over the UART that contains it status.
c. To read from the serial port, we provide a javatool called It is located in the samedirectory. Build and run this tool. The commands are shown below assuming youare using COM1 at 57.6 KBaud to connect to the programming board.
make -f jmakefile |
d. Theoutput on the PC should be something like:
hardware_check started |
6. Radio Verification
To verify radio, you need two nodes. Take a second node(that has passed the hardware check up to this point) and install it with TOSBase. This node will act as a radio gateway toa second node. Once installed, leave this node in the programming boardand place the original node next to it. Re-run the hardware_check javaapplication. The outputshould be the same as shown in the previous section (but will display theserial ID of the remote mote). The indication of a working radio system is,again, something like:
Hardware verificationsuccessful.
Node Serial ID: 1 60 48 fb 6 0 0 1d
If theremote mote is turned off or not functioning, it will return a message"Node transmission failure".
Ifyour system and hardware pass all the above tests, you are all set for havingsome fun with TinyOS. Congratulations.