postgresql 在流复制模式下,WAL发生以下错误的对处方法


record with zero length at XXX

FATAL:terminating walreceiver process due to administrator command


  else if (record->xl_len == 0)      
    ereport(emode_for_corrupt_record(emode, *RecPtr),
        (errmsg("record with zero length at %X/%X",
            RecPtr->xlogid, RecPtr->xrecoff)));
    goto next_record_is_invalid;    
  failedSources |= readSource;      
  if (readFile >= 0)        
    readFile = -1;      
   * If archive recovery was requested, but we were still doing crash
   * recovery, switch to archive recovery and retry using the offline
   * archive. We have now replayed all the valid WAL in pg_xlog, so
   * we are presumably now consistent.    
   * We require that there's at least some valid WAL present in
   * pg_xlog, however (!fetch_ckpt). We could recover using the WAL
   * from the archive, even if pg_xlog is completely empty, but we'd
   * have no idea how far we'd have to replay to reach consistency.
   * So err on the safe side and give up.    
  if (!InArchiveRecovery && ArchiveRecoveryRequested && !fetching_ckpt)
        (errmsg_internal("reached end of WAL in pg_xlog, entering archive recovery")));
    InArchiveRecovery = true;    
    if (StandbyModeRequested)    
      StandbyMode = true;  
    /* initialize minRecoveryPoint to this record */
    LWLockAcquire(ControlFileLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
    ControlFile->state = DB_IN_ARCHIVE_RECOVERY;
    if (XLByteLT(ControlFile->minRecoveryPoint, EndRecPtr))
      ControlFile->minRecoveryPoint = EndRecPtr;
    /* update local copy */    
    minRecoveryPoint = ControlFile->minRecoveryPoint;
    goto retry;      
  /* See if we need to retrieve more data */  
  if (readFile < 0 ||        
    (readSource == XLOG_FROM_STREAM && !XLByteLT(*RecPtr, receivedUpto)))
    if (StandbyMode)      
       * In standby mode, wait for the requested record to become
       * available, either via restore_command succeeding to restore the
       * segment, or via walreceiver having streamed the record.
      for (;;)      
        if (WalRcvInProgress())
           * If we find an invalid record in the WAL streamed from
           * master, something is seriously wrong. There's little
           * chance that the problem will just go away, but PANIC is
           * not good for availability either, especially in hot
           * standby mode. Disconnect, and retry from
           * archive/pg_xlog again. The WAL in the archive should be
           * identical to what was streamed, so it's unlikely that
           * it helps, but one can hope...
          if (failedSources & XLOG_FROM_STREAM)
           * Walreceiver is active, so see if new data has arrived.
           * We only advance XLogReceiptTime when we obtain fresh
           * WAL from walreceiver and observe that we had already
           * processed everything before the most recent "chunk"
           * that it flushed to disk.  In steady state where we are
           * keeping up with the incoming data, XLogReceiptTime will
           * be updated on each cycle.  When we are behind,
           * XLogReceiptTime will not advance, so the grace time
           * alloted to conflicting queries will decrease.
          if (XLByteLT(*RecPtr, receivedUpto))
            havedata = true;
            receivedUpto = GetWalRcvWriteRecPtr(&latestChunkStart);
            if (XLByteLT(*RecPtr, receivedUpto))
          if (havedata)
             * Great, streamed far enough. Open the file if it's
             * not open already.  Use XLOG_FROM_STREAM so that
             * source info is set correctly and XLogReceiptTime
             * isn't changed.
            if (readFile < 0)
           * Data not here yet, so check for trigger then sleep for
           * five seconds like in the WAL file polling case below.
          if (CheckForStandbyTrigger())
            goto retry;
           * Wait for more WAL to arrive, or timeout to be reached
          pg_time_t now;
           * Until walreceiver manages to reconnect, poll the
           * archive.
          if (readFile >= 0)
            readFile = -1;
          /* Reset curFileTLI if random fetch. */
          if (randAccess)
            curFileTLI = 0;
           * Try to restore the file from archive, or read an
           * existing file from pg_xlog.
          sources = XLOG_FROM_ARCHIVE | XLOG_FROM_PG_XLOG;
          if (!(sources & ~failedSources))
             * We've exhausted all options for retrieving the
             * file. Retry.
            failedSources = 0;
             * Before we sleep, re-scan for possible new timelines
             * if we were requested to recover to the latest
             * timeline.
            if (recoveryTargetIsLatest)
             * If it hasn't been long since last attempt, sleep to
             * avoid busy-waiting.
            now = (pg_time_t) time(NULL);
            if ((now - last_fail_time) < 5)
            last_fail_time = now;
             * If primary_conninfo is set, launch walreceiver to
             * try to stream the missing WAL, before retrying to
             * restore from archive/pg_xlog.
             * If fetching_ckpt is TRUE, RecPtr points to the
             * initial checkpoint location. In that case, we use
             * RedoStartLSN as the streaming start position
             * instead of RecPtr, so that when we later jump
             * backwards to start redo at RedoStartLSN, we will
             * have the logs streamed already.
            if (PrimaryConnInfo)
          /* Don't try to read from a source that just failed */
          sources &= ~failedSources;
          readFile = XLogFileReadAnyTLI(readId, readSeg, DEBUG2,
          switched_segment = true;
          if (readFile >= 0)
           * Nope, not found in archive and/or pg_xlog.
          failedSources |= sources;
           * Check to see if the trigger file exists. Note that we
           * do this only after failure, so when you create the
           * trigger file, we still finish replaying as much as we
           * can from archive and pg_xlog before failover.
          if (CheckForStandbyTrigger())
            goto triggered;
         * This possibly-long loop needs to handle interrupts of
         * startup process.  
      /* In archive or crash recovery. */
      if (readFile < 0)    
        /* Reset curFileTLI if random fetch. */
        if (randAccess)  
          curFileTLI = 0;
        sources = XLOG_FROM_PG_XLOG;
        if (InArchiveRecovery)
          sources |= XLOG_FROM_ARCHIVE;
        readFile = XLogFileReadAnyTLI(readId, readSeg, emode,
        switched_segment = true;
        if (readFile < 0)  
          return false;
   * At this point, we have the right segment open and if we're streaming we
   * know the requested record is in it.    
  Assert(readFile != -1);      
   * If the current segment is being streamed from master, calculate how
   * much of the current page we have received already. We know the
   * requested record has been received, but this is for the benefit of
   * future calls, to allow quick exit at the top of this function.
  if (readSource == XLOG_FROM_STREAM)    
    if (RecPtr->xlogid != receivedUpto.xlogid ||
      (RecPtr->xrecoff / XLOG_BLCKSZ) != (receivedUpto.xrecoff / XLOG_BLCKSZ))
      readLen = XLOG_BLCKSZ;  
      readLen = receivedUpto.xrecoff % XLogSegSize - targetPageOff;
    readLen = XLOG_BLCKSZ;    
  if (switched_segment && targetPageOff != 0)  
     * Whenever switching to a new WAL segment, we read the first page of
     * the file and validate its header, even if that's not where the
     * target record is.  This is so that we can check the additional
     * identification info that is present in the first page's "long"
     * header.      
    readOff = 0;      
    if (read(readFile, readBuf, XLOG_BLCKSZ) != XLOG_BLCKSZ)
      ereport(emode_for_corrupt_record(emode, *RecPtr),
           errmsg("could not read from log file %u, segment %u, offset %u: %m",
      goto next_record_is_invalid;  
    if (!ValidXLOGHeader((XLogPageHeader) readBuf, emode, true))
      goto next_record_is_invalid;  
  /* Read the requested page */      
  readOff = targetPageOff;      
  if (lseek(readFile, (off_t) readOff, SEEK_SET) < 0)  
    ereport(emode_for_corrupt_record(emode, *RecPtr),
     errmsg("could not seek in log file %u, segment %u to offset %u: %m",
        readId, readSeg, readOff)));
    goto next_record_is_invalid;    
  if (read(readFile, readBuf, XLOG_BLCKSZ) != XLOG_BLCKSZ)
    ereport(emode_for_corrupt_record(emode, *RecPtr),
     errmsg("could not read from log file %u, segment %u, offset %u: %m",
        readId, readSeg, readOff)));
    goto next_record_is_invalid;    
  if (!ValidXLOGHeader((XLogPageHeader) readBuf, emode, false))
    goto next_record_is_invalid;    
  Assert(targetId == readId);      
  Assert(targetSeg == readSeg);      
  Assert(targetPageOff == readOff);    
  Assert(targetRecOff < readLen);    
  return true;        
  failedSources |= readSource;      
  if (readFile >= 0)        
  readFile = -1;        
  readLen = 0;        
  readSource = 0;        
  /* In standby-mode, keep trying */    
  if (StandbyMode)        
    goto retry;      
    return false;      
  if (readFile >= 0)        
  readFile = -1;        
  readLen = 0;        
  readSource = 0;        
  return false;        


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