
Yingyingchen 团队相关文献:


2008:A Theoretical Analysis of WirelessLocalization Using RF-based Fingerprint Matching


Robust Wireless Localization to Attacks on Access Points


1)Clearing theRF Smog: Making 802.11 Robust to Cross-Technology Interference, SIGCOMM


1)Push theLimit of Wi-Fi based Localization for Smartphones

2013:MeasuringHuman Queues Using Wi-Fi Signals,

1)AdaptiveDevice-Free Passive Localization Coping with Dynamic Target Speed,


1)AccurateRogue Access Point Localization Leveraging Fine-grained Channel Information

2)E-eyes:Device-free Location-oriented Activity Identification Using Fine-grained WiFiSignatures

3) 3D Tracking via BodyRadio Reflections, NSDI’14

3)TrackingHuman Queues Using Single-Point Signal Monitoring

4)PracticalUser Authentication Leveraging Channel State Information (CSI),

5)InterferenceAlignment by Motion, Mobicom’2013

6) See through walls with wi-fi, SIGCOM, 2013


1)TrackingVital Signs During Sleep Leveraging Off-the-shelf WiFi

2)Multi-PersonLocalization via RF Body Reflections,2015 NSDI

3) 3D Tracking via BodyRadio Reflections, CHI’15

4)  Capturing the HumanFigure through a Wall, SIGGPATH’15


1) Decimeter-LevelLocalization with a Single WiFi Access Point, 2016 NSDI

2) Friend or Foe? Your Wearable Devices Reveal Your Personal PIN,ASLACCS,16  BEST PAPER WARD




1) Incentives forMobile Crowd Sensing: A Survey。 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 18(1): 54-67(2016).

2) Tuning by Turning: Enabling Phased Array Signal Processingfor WiFi with Inertial Sensors, IEEE INFOCOM 2016

3) Smokey: Ubiquitous Smoking Detectionwith Commercial WiFi Infrastructures”, InProceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, SanFrancisco, USA, Apr 10 - Apr 15, 2016 



1)Non-invasive Detection of Moving andStationary Human with WiFi,JASC

2)Mobility Increases Localizability: A Survey onWireless Indoor Localization using Inertial Sensors, ACM ComputingSurveys, Volume 47, Issue 3, Article No. 54, 2015

3)Bring Light to the Blind: Enhancing WiFi-based Localizationwith Visual Clues, ACM UbiComp 2015.

4) Relative Localization of RFID Tags using Spatial-TemporalPhase Profiling, USENIX NSDI 2015, Oakland, CA, USA, May 4-6, 2015.

5) PhaseU: Real-time LOS Identification with Wi-Fi, IEEEINFOCOM 2015

6)Static Power of Mobile Devices: Self-updating Radio Mapsfor Wireless Indoor Localization, IEEE INFOCOM 2015

7)Smartphones basedCrowdsourcing for Indoor Localization,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.14, no.2, pp.444-457, Feb. 2015

8)HumanMobility Enhances Global Positioning Accuracy for Mobile Phone Localization", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystems, vol.26, no.1, pp.131-141, Jan. 2015

9) On MultipathLink Characterization and Adaptation for Device-free Human Detection",In Proceedings of IEEE ICDCS, Columbus, USA, June 29 - July 2, 2015.

10)Static Powerof Mobile Devices: Self-updating Radio Maps for Wireless Indoor Localization", In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Hong Kong, April 26- May 1, 2015



1)From RSSI to CSI: Indoor Localizationvia Channel Response, ACM ComputingSurveys, Volume 46, No. 2, 2014.

2)Sherlock: Micro-environment Sensingfor Smartphones, IEEE Transactions onParallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Volume 25, Issue 12, 3295 – 3305,December 2014

3)LiFi: Line-Of-Sight Identification with Wi-Fi, IEEE INFOCOM2014

4)PADS: Passive Detection of Moving Targets with DynamicSpeed using PHY Layer Information"(Best Paper Candidate), IEEE ICPADS

5)Robust TrajectoryEstimation for Crowdsourcing-based Mobile Applications, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,vol.25, no.7, pp.1876-1885, July 2014



1) Towards Omnidirectional Passive Human Detection,IEEE INFOCOM 2013

2)Footprints Elicit the Truth: Improving Global PositioningAccuracy via Local Mobility, IEEE INFOCOM 2013

3)WILL:Wireless Indoor Localization without Site Survey, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,vol.24, no.4, pp.839-848, April 2013

4)"BeyondTriangle Inequality: Sifting Noisy and Outlier Distance Measurements forLocalization", ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol.9,no.2, pp.26:1-26:20, March 2013



1)Locating in Fingerprint Space:Wireless Indoor Localization with Little Human Intervention, ACM MobiCom 2012



1) Location,Localization, and Localizability, Journalof Computer Science and Technology (JCST), Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 274-297, March, 2010.







1) “A Survey on Wireless IndoorLocalization from the Device Perspective”,ACM Computing Surveys, vol.49, no.2, pp.25:1-25:31, 2016

2) “An Adaptive WirelessPassive Human Detection via Fine-grained Physical Layer Information”, Ad Hoc Networks, vol.38, pp.38-50, 2016(哈尔滨工程大学与香港科技大学合作的成果)

3)“We Can Hear You with Wi-Fi!”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 

4)“NomLoc: Calibration-free IndoorLocalization With Nomadic Access Points”,In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed ComputingSystems, Madrid, Spain, Jun 30 - Jul 02, 2014

5) We Can Hear You with Wi-Fi, In Proceedingsof ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Maui, USA,Sep 07 - Sep 11, 2014



Souvik Sen(杜克大学,后转到惠普公司继续科研研究)



1)Spot localization using PHY layer information. Souvik Sen, BozidarRadunovic, Romit Roy Choudhury, Tom Minka. MobiSys 2012  

2)No Need to War-Drive: Unsupervised Indoor Localization. HeWang, Souvik Sen, Ahmed Elgohary, Moustafa Farid, Moustafa Youssef,Romit RoyChoudhury  MobiSys 2012

3)SpinLoc: Spin once to know your location. Souvik Sen, RomitRoy Choudhury, Srihari Nelakuditi. HOTMOBILE 2012

4)Precise Indoor Localization using PHY Layer Information. ouvikSen, Bozidar Radunovic, Romit Roy Choudhury, Tom Minka HOTNETS 2011

5)No Time to Countdown: Migrating Backoff to the FrequencyDomain. Souvik Sen, Romit Roy Choudhury, Srihari Nelakuditi MOBICOM 2011

6) SAIL: SingleAccess Point-Based Indoor Localization, mobisys’14(souvik sen为第二作者)


Romit Roy:

1) SemanticSLAM:Using Environment Landmarks for Unsupervised Indoor Localization H. Abdelnasir, R. Samir, A. Elgohary, M. Alzantot, H.Wang, S. Sen, R. Roy Choudhury, M. Youssef .IEEE Transactions on MobileComputing, 2015.

2) No Need toWar-Drive: Unsupervised Indoor Localization HeWang, Souvik Sen, Ahmed Elgohary, M. Farid, Moustafa Youssef, Romit RoyChoudhury 
ACM MobiSys, June 2012.



Moustafa Youssef:


1)RASID:A robust technique for wlan device-free passive motion detection’2011

RASID:a robust wlan device-free passive motion detection system, percom’2012


2)WLAN location  determination via clustering and probabilitydistributions. PerCom’03

3)Continuous space estimation for wlan location determination systems,2004

4)The horus WLAN location determination system, mobisys’2005

5)Challenges: device-free passive localization for wireless environment mobicom’07

6)smart devices for smart environments: device-free passive detection in realenvironments , perdev’09

7)Propagation modeling for accurate Indoor wlan rss-based localization, IEEEVehicular technology conference’10

8)Automatic generation of radio maps for localization systems, 2010

9)Impact of the human motion on the variance of the received signal strength ofwireless links, PIMRC’11

10)no need to war-drive: Unsupervised indoor localization

11)crowdinside: automatic construction of indoor floorplans,2012

12)New insights into wifi-based device-free localization, UBICOMP 2013

13)wigest: a ubiquitous wifi-based gesture recognition system

14)checkinside: a fine-grained indoor location-based social network

15)ubibreather: a ubiquitous non-invasive wifi-based breathing estimator

16)a robust technique for wlan device-free passive motion detection

17)nuzzer: a large-scale device-free passive localization system for wirelessenvironments

18)an analysis of device-free and device-based wifi localization systems

19)ACE: An accurate and efficient multi-entity device-free wlan localizationsystem
