从2014年9月开始,skrollr就没有进行过频繁的开发了。 (可以从这里看到贡献图https://github.com/Prinzhorn/skrollr/graphs/contributors) 并且我也没有任何计划要对skrollr做重大修改,请在您要对新版本浏览器,尤其是手机浏览器,进行开发之前,考虑到这个因素。老实讲, 手机端的支持很恼火,(因为手机浏览器很难)你永远不应该因为一些奇特的UI特效向UX妥协。
这是个在手机端 (Android, iOS, etc.)和电脑端 都独立的视差滚动JavaScript库,压缩后大小大约12K。
友好的设计,不需要任何JavaScript技巧,只需要简单的 CSS 和 HTML。
其实,skrollr 不单单“只”做了视差滚动。它是一个成熟的滚动动画库。事实上,你可以在完全不用视差滚动的情况下依旧使用它。但是我想让它听起来很酷,于是用了一些时髦用语①。 顺便说一下, skrollr 利用了HTML5 和CSS3 ;-)
在 wiki page 的网页上可以看到有一些使用了skrollr的网站,你可以添加到你自己的网页上。:) 如果你支持了skrollr,你可以大方的把你的网站列在这里。
移动到 wiki上了.
首先: 看一些例子并且读一下源码 ;-). 这会让你对这个框架怎么工作的以及这些例子怎么实现的有初步了解。
skrollr 允许你对任何依赖于水平滚动条的元素设置任何css动画特效。你只需要对每个相对于滚动起点的元素定义好关键帧。
用skrollr, 你在关键帧归属的元素上使用的是你已经了解的语法(CSS)。
如果你更喜欢用JavaScript来定义动画来确保看起来ScrollMagic. 它同时依赖jQuery和 Greensock Animation Platform (GSAP),你可以完全控制你的动画的每一个细节。
首先你要在文件底部引入 skrollr.min.js
标签关闭前) ,然后调用 skrollr.init()
. 或者如果你喜欢你也可以把它放在 标签里,但是要保证调用
的时候要在文档加载完成后 (比如 jQuery 的 ready
事件或者是原生的 window.onload
<script type="text/javascript" src="skrollr.min.js">script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var s = skrollr.init();
如果你在你的工程中用了require.js 你也可以把skrollr当做一个module.
require(['skrollr'], function(skrollr){
var s = skrollr.init();
如果你对CSS很熟悉, 你已经知道了 style
属性。为了创建一个动画你需要几个,最少两个 style属性。这就是skrollr 所做的.你用HTML5 data-
attributes 来定义多个动画组(我们叫其中每一个为关键帧) skrollr在两个关键帧中插值.
从最高处滑动到500ox的时候,我们可以把它的background-color从 #00f
<div data-0="background-color:rgb(0,0,255);" data-500="background-color:rgb(255,0,0);">WOOOTdiv>
. 你需要用 rgb
或者 hsl
并且明确定义你想要的色彩空间,因为他们会导致不同的动画(HSL 在多数情况下表现得更好). 不用担心, 对IE < 9 也做了准确的兼容,可以正确展示 rgb
和 hsl
。<div data-0="background-color:rgb(0,0,255);transform:rotate(0deg);" data-500="background-color:rgb(255,0,0);transform:rotate(360deg);">WOOOTdiv>
<div data-0="background-color:rgb(0,0,255);transform[bounce]:rotate(0deg);" data-500="background-color:rgb(255,0,0);transform[bounce]:rotate(360deg);">WOOOTdiv>
<div data-0="background-color:rgb(0,0,255);transform[bounce]:rotate(0deg);" data-top="background-color:rgb(255,0,0);transform[bounce]:rotate(360deg);">WOOOTdiv>
这里是简短介绍的末尾了, 以下的部分将会介绍更多的详细情况。
的粉丝或者你准备建一个更好结构更灵活的大型的站点,可以看一看 skrollr-stylesheets.
skrollr 从 0.5.0 开始,正式支持包括Android和iOS在内的手机浏览器。并且,手机端支持从skrollr 0.6.0.开始重写。
手机浏览器会尝试它能做的一切来省电。这就是为什么你在滚动的时候手机浏览器会延迟执行JavaScript。尤其是iOS在这方面做得更激进,完全停止了JavaScript.。简而言之,这就是很多滚动的库在手机上根本不起作用,或者他们有自己的滚动条,导致在电脑端的可用性也成了一场噩梦。这在我开发skrollr的时候是一个重要的要求,我不会强迫你按照我想要的方式来滚动。在桌面端skrollr 用了原生的滚动条,并且你可以按照你想要的方式来滚动网页 (键盘,鼠标等).
你只说在手机上这不管用,但是为什么不管用?答案很简单。当你在手机上使用skrollr的时候你歧视不是在滚动,当监测一个手机浏览器的时候,skrollr屏蔽了原生的滚动。并且用css转化代替了监听touch事件和移动内容(更准确的说是 #skrollr-body
元素 )。
从skrollr 0.6.0 开始,你所要做的就只有一件事:把你的页面包裹在id为skrollr-body
的元素下,我们移动这个元素来假装滚动。唯一一个情况你不需要用 #skrollr-body
。事实上, skrollr网站不包括#skrollr-body
元素.如果你又需要fixed的元素的又需要non-fixed的元素(比如static元素)把static元素放在 #skrollr-body
Or to put it differently: On mobile the skrollr-body
element is moved using CSS transforms. 依据CSS规范,你不能使用 position:fixed或者
在使用css 变换元素里面。(http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2011/09/12/un-fixing-fixed-elements-with-css-transforms/). 这就是为什么这些元素需要放在skrollr-body外面 。
开始对AMD尝试着支持。请注意,现在只有 skrollr 核心才支持AMD . 我们在将来将会更新插件。
require(['skrollr'], function(skrollr){
Being only able to define key frames in absolute values is simply insufficient for some cases. For example, if you don't know exactly where an element will be in the document. That's why there are two modes for key frames, namely absolute
The key frames are defined as absolute values describing how much the document has been scrolled down.
The syntax is data-[offset]-[anchor]
, where offset
can be any integer (0 is default) and anchor
can be either start
(default) or end
. Either offset
or anchor
can be omitted in some situations. Here are some examples of key frames and their meaning.
= data-start
= data-0-start
: When the scroll top is 0.data-100
= data-100-start
: When the scroll top is 100.data--100
= data--100-start
: When the scroll top is -100 (sounds like nonsense, but keep in mind that interpolation will be relative to this point).data-end
= data-0-end
: When offset is 0, but counting from the bottom of the document instead of from the top. In short: when you reach the bottom of the page.data-100-end
: 100px before we reach the bottom.data--100-end
: 100px after we reach the bottom (again, it's up to you whether you need it).Instead of defining key frames relative to the document (i.e. absolute), we are able to define them depending on the position of any element in relation to the viewport.
The syntax is data-[offset]-(viewport-anchor)-[element-anchor]
, where offset
can again be any integer and defaults to 0. Both viewport-anchor
(mandatory) and element-anchor
(optional) can be one of top
, center
or bottom
. If element-anchor
is omitted, the value of viewport-anchor
will be taken (just like with background-position). Here are some examples of key frames and their meaning.
= data-0-top
= data-top-top
= data-0-top-top
: When the element's top is aligned with the top of the viewport.data-100-top
= data-100-top-top
: When the element's top is 100px above the top of the viewport.data--100-top
= data--100-top-top
: When the element's top is 100px below the top of the viewport.data-top-bottom
= data-0-top-bottom
: When the bottom of the element is at the top of the viewport (it's just not visible).data-center-center
= data-0-center-center
: When the element is at the center of the viewport.data-bottom-center
= data-0-bottom-center
: When the element's center is at the bottom of the viewport, thus the upper half of the element is visible. By default the keyframes are triggered by the position of the element where the keyframes are described. However there are times when the position of a second element should trigger the first element's keyframes. The data-anchor-target
attribute can be used in these cases. The data-anchor-target
attribute accepts any CSS selector and the position of the first element on the page matching the selector will be used to trigger keyframes on the element where the attribute is defined. data-anchor-target
requires IE 8 or greater.
Examples: Note: If you need to support IE 7, then you may only use IDs as Here's an infographic for better understanding of anchors (click to open PDF): Important: All those values will be calculated up-front and transformed to All offsets shown above are given in absolute pixel values, e.g. Check out the skrollr-menu plugin. I was lying to you. The syntax for absolute mode is not Example: Valid characters for a constant are Starting with skrollr You can now use functions and percentages as constants. They are automatically evaluated when the window is resized or if you call skrollr will add a All elements under skrollr's control (elements with appropriate data-attributes) will get the Starting with skrollr 0.6.24 you can also animate attribute and not just style properties. This is especially a big thing because in the SVG world many properties are implemented as attributes and not in CSS. Animating an attribute couldn't be simplier, just prefix the property with an Note: as always, skrollr doesn't do any magic. It doesn't understand what a polygon or points are. It's only interpolating numbers, that's it. So make sure you have the same number of numbers in your keyframes (8 in this case). Imagine the following animation One could expect The reason why skrollr is so lightweight and powerful is because it literally interpolates every number it can find. If you want to prevent some side effect, you can suppress interpolation for a specific value by prepending an exclamation point. Example: Note: The values for both keyframes (if they contain a number) need to be prefixed if you want to avoid skrollr throwing an exception at you! There are some limitations of skrollr you should be aware of. But feel free to send in a pull request to fix any of them. Just keep in mind that keeping skrollr as lightweight as possible has high priority. On the JavaScript part there's not much to do (you can, if you want to!). So if you only know CSS and HTML, perfect. All there is to do is to call Possible options for Smooth scrolling smoothens your animations. When you scroll down 50 pixels, the animations will transition instead of jumping to the new position. The global setting can be overridden per element by setting The number of milliseconds the animations run after the scroll position changed the last time. An object containing integers as values. The keys can contain Example: By default, skrollr uses the largest key frame and makes document height + viewport height this high, thus the max possible scroll top offset. If your animation runs too fast or too slow, just adjust the scale value. When This option allows you to pass a function to skrollr overwriting the check for mobile devices. The function should return The default looks like this The amount of deceleration for momentum scrolling on mobile devices. This options tells skrollr how fast or slow you want the scrolling to stop after the user lifted his finger. Set it to This option allows you to override the default id-selector used for supporting mobile browsers. It might come in handy when the element in question already has a assigned id or if you would like to define more then one skrollrBody depending on preceding JavaScript-logic. This option specifies how to handle animations when the scroll position is outside the range on the keyframes (i.e. before the first or after the last keyframe). One of three options are possible Example: Given the following element with two keyframes and the following easing function which always returns and imagine the scrollbar is at A listener function that gets called each time right before we render everything. The function will be passed an object with the following properties: Returning A listener function that gets called right after we finished rendering everything. The function will be passed with the same parameters as Example Experimental In order to receive Example: Note: this is experimental, expect the API to change! Originally I wanted to emit the events right on the element, so you could do this but IE. An object defining new easing functions or overwriting existing ones. Easing functions get just one argument, which is a value between 0 and 1 (the percentage of how much of the animation is done). The function should return a value between 0 and 1 as well, but for some easings a value less than 0 or greater than 1 is just fine. An easing function basically transforms the timeline for an animation. When the animation should be 50% done, you can transform it to be 90% done or whatever your function does. Example: You can now use the easing functions like any other. skrollr ships with some built in functions: Custom easing Example shown with the values for easeOutElasticBig Returns the skrollr instance if Calling Reparses all given Useful when When no Time consuming operations, should not be called on every rendering. Returns an integer which represents the absolute scroll position which correlates to the relative anchor. Example: Returns the current scroll offset in pixels. Normalizes different browser quirks and handles mobile scrolling. Returns the number of pixels that can be scrolled down in total. If Sets the top offset using When Returns if skrollr runs in mobile mode (see also Animates the scroll position from current position to How long the animation should run in milliseconds. The default is The name of an easing function. The same functions can be used as for property animations. Default is A function to be called after the animation finished. When you pass a Stops the animation and calls the Returns if an animation caused by animateTo is running. Set a listener function for one of the events described in the options section (beforerender, render, keyframe). Only one listener can be attached at a given time. This method overwrites the current listener, if any. Removes the listener for the given event. Destroys skrollr. All See HISTORY.md. ①译者注:指插件名字skrollr-scroll>
will have it's keyframes tiggered by the position of the #foo element
. Any CSS selector can be used, i.e data-anchor-target=".bar:not(.bacon) ~ span > a[href]"
s, i.e. #foo
. The IE plugin maps querySelector
to getElementById
mode. So if either the element's box height changes (height, padding, border) or the elements position within the document, you probably need to call refresh()
(see documentation in JavaScript section below). Window resizing is handled by skrollr. Percentage offsets
for 300px
from the top or data-13-top-bottom
for a13px
offset to the top-bottom
anchor. As of skrollr 0.6.13
you can also have offsets as percentages of the viewport by appending a p
to the number. For example data-75p
for when you scrolled down 75%
of the viewport or data-10p-center
to have a 10%
offset from the center
anchor. Hash navigation
Working with constants
and for relative mode it's not data-[offset]-(viewport-anchor)-[element-anchor]
. In both cases, offset
can be preceded by a constant which can be passed to the init
method. The name of the constant needs to be preceded with an underscore.skrollr.init({
constants: {
foobar: 1337
<div data-_foobar="left:0%;" data-_foobar--100="left:50%;" data-_foobar-100="left:100%;">div>
<div data-1337="left:0%;" data-1237="left:50%;" data-1437="left:100%;">div>
. Dynamic constants
the word "constants" doesn't quite fit anymore, but who cares.refresh
constants: {
foo: function() {
//Note: you can access the skrollr instance with `this` for things like `this.relativeToAbsolute`
return Math.random() * 100;//trolololol
vh: '100p'
CSS classes
class to the HTML
element when calling init
and will remove a no-skrollr
class if present. Additionally, it will add a skrollr-desktop
or skrollr-mobile
class depending on which it detects. This allows fallback CSS rules to create a good user experience on unsupported devices or when JavaScript or skrollr are disabled.skrollable
class. In addition, we add either the skrollable-before
, skrollable-between
or skrollable-after
class, depending on whether the current scroll position is before, between or after the first/last (smallest/largest) keyframe of an element. Animating attributes
points='426,720 -200,720 -200,0 955,0'
data-0="@points:426,720 -200,720 -200,0 955,0"
data-500="@points:380,720 -200,720 -200,0 1302,0">
Filling missing values
<div data-100="left:0%;" data-200="top:0%;" data-300="left:50%;" data-400="top:50%;">div>
to have a value of 25%
at keyframe 200
. That is not the case. By design, skrollr only interpolates values between key frames which are direct neighbors. What actually happens is that skrollr internally fills out all holes once from left and then from right. So the above is equivalent to<div data-100="left:0%;top:0%;" data-200="left:0%;top:0%;" data-300="left:50%;top:0%;" data-400="left:50%;top:50%;">div>
Preventing interpolation
<div data-0="background-image:url(kitten1.jpg);" data-100="background-image:url(kitten2.jpg)">div>
<div data-0="background-image:!url(kitten1.jpg);" data-100="background-image:!url(kitten2.jpg)">div>
needs a unit. It's not possible to animate from 5%
to 100px
. skrollr won't complain, but results are undefined.margin:0 0 0 0;
are only possible for the same number of values. margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;
to margin:0px 100px 50px 3px;
is fine, but not margin:10px;
tomargin:5px 10px;
.rotate(0deg) scale(1)
to rotate(1000deg) scale(5)
is fine.rgb()
, hsl()
and hsla()
. Don't worry, there's a skrollr plugin for IE < 9 to support hsl()
(without "a"!) and to fall rgba back to rgb.hsl()
to hsl()
or hsla()
is fine, but not rgb()
to hsl()
. Which makes sense, because animating from the same colors in rgb space and in hsl space results in different animations (hsl gives you the nice rainbow stuff). JavaScript
which returns an instance of the singleton skrollr class. Subsequent calls to init()
will just return the same skrollr instance again.init()
are smoothScrolling=true
to on
or off
. smoothScrollingDuration=200
. They do not need a leading underscore.data-_myconst-200
and skrollr.init({constants: {myconst: 300}})
result in data-500
. scale=1
only affects keyframes in absolute mode.forceHeight
is set to false, scale
is ignored.scale
affects constants
as well.scale
does only affect key frames in absolute mode, e.g. data-500
but not data-top
. forceHeight=true
: Make sure the document is high enough that all key frames fit inside. Example: You use data-1000
, but the content only makes the document 500px high. skrollr will ensure that you can scroll down the whole 1000px. Or if you use relative mode, e.g. data-top-bottom
, skrollr will make sure the bottom of the element can actually reach the top of the viewport.false
: Don't manipulate the document and just keep the natural scrollbar. mobileCheck=function() {...}
when mobile scrolling should be used and false
if not.function() {
return (/Android|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i).test(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera);
to disable momentum scrolling. skrollrBody='skrollr-body'
(default): When before/after the first/last keyframe, apply the styles of the first/last keyframe to the element.ease
: Same as set, but the values will be transformed using the given easing function.reset
: When before/after the first/last keyframe, apply the styles which the element had before skrollr did anything. This means resetting the class attribute as well as removing all styles which have been applied to the style
property. This means the element won't have any skrollable-*
CSS classes.<div data-1000="left:0%;top:0%;" data-2000="left:50%;top:100%;" style="left:-100%;" class="section">div>
(I know it's pointless, but it's just an example. A real world example would be an easing function that represents a curve and starts somewhere between 0
and 1
, but not at 1
)function(p) {
return 0.5;
, which is below the first keyframe which is at 1000
will result in which is plain
will result in which is
0.5 * data-1000
will result in which is what the element originally had. Note how
is missing. beforerender
curTop: 10, //the current scroll top offset
lastTop: 0, //the top value of last time
maxTop: 100, //the max value you can scroll to. curTop/maxTop will give you the current progress.
direction: 'down' //either up or down
will prevent rendering. render
render: function(data) {
//Log the current scroll position.
events from an element, add the data-emit-events
attribute to the element. The keyframe function will be called with three arguments
that passed the keyframe.name
of the keyframe, camel-cased (see example).direction
the user is scrolling.<div
Some content
keyframe: function(element, name, direction) {
//name will be one of data500, dataTopBottom, data_offsetCenter
//Wouldn't this be nice?
document.querySelector('#foo').addEventListener('skrollr.dataTopBottom.up', function() {
//#foo just passed the data-top-bottom keyframe while scrolling up
}, false)
easing: {
//This easing will sure drive you crazy
wtf: Math.random,
inverted: function(p) {
return 1 - p;
t5*(p*p*p*p*p) + t4*(p*p*p*p) + t3*(p*p*p) + t2*(p*p) + t*p
easeOutElasticBig: function(p) {
return 56*(p*p*p*p*p) - 175*(p*p*p*p) + 200*(p*p*p) - 100*(p*p) + 20*p;
has been called before or undefined
. Public API
returns an instance of skrollr which exposes a public api. refresh([elements])
. You can pass a single element or an array-like element (Array, NodeList or jQuery object)
mode change and need to be updated.elements
are given, all elements in the document will be parsed again. In fact, when calling skrollr.init()
skrollr uses refresh()
without parameters internally. relativeToAbsolute(element, viewportAnchor, elementAnchor)
must be a DOM element.viewportAnchor
and elementAnchor
must be one of top
, center
or bottom
var offset = s.relativeToAbsolute(document.getElementById('foo'), 'top', 'bottom');
//offset contains the scroll position at which #foo's bottom is at the top of the viewport.
//If you now use setScrollTop(offset) or animateTo(offset) #foo's bottom will be perfectly aligned with the top of the viewport. Yay.
is true, that's usually the largest keyframe. Otherwise it's the height of the document minus the viewport height. setScrollTop(top[, force = false])
window.scrollTo(0, top)
on desktop or updating the internal state in case of mobile scrolling.force
is set to true
, skrollr will jump to the new position without any kind of transition. By default, the globalsmoothScrolling
setting applies. isMobile()
option). animateTo(top[, options])
. Possible options
are duration
or one second. easing
. done
value, which is the same as the current, then the function will be called immediately. The function gets a boolean argument interrupted
which indicates if the animation was interrupted by stopAnimateTo
or finished to the end. stopAnimateTo()
callback passing true
as interrupted
arguments. isAnimatingTo()
on(name, fn)
and style
attributes will be set to the values they had before. Changelog