void find(float a[], int m, float &max, float &min)
min = a[0];
max = a[0];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
if (a[i] > max)
max = a[i];
else if (a[i] < min)
min = a[i];
float getInterestValue(cv::Mat m_srcimg, int Moravecsize, int i_x, int j_y)
int halfsize = (Moravecsize) / 2;//定义小半个窗口大小
float temp4[4];//创立四个方向的数组来进行"*"型的平方和
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
temp4[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Moravecsize; i++)
float l = m_srcimg.at<uchar>(i_x - halfsize + i, j_y);
temp4[0] += pow(m_srcimg.at<uchar>(i_x - halfsize + i, j_y) - m_srcimg.at<uchar>(i_x - halfsize + i + 1, j_y), 2);
temp4[1] += pow(m_srcimg.at<uchar>(i_x, j_y - halfsize + i) - m_srcimg.at<uchar>(i_x, j_y - halfsize + i + 1), 2);
temp4[2] += pow(m_srcimg.at<uchar>(i_x - halfsize + i, j_y - halfsize + i) - m_srcimg.at<uchar>(i_x - halfsize + i + 1, j_y - halfsize + i + 1), 2);
temp4[3] += pow(m_srcimg.at<uchar>(i_x - halfsize + i, j_y + halfsize - i) - m_srcimg.at<uchar>(i_x - halfsize + i + 1, j_y + halfsize - i - 1), 2);
float min, max;
find(temp4, 4, max, min);//给极小值赋值
return min;//返回极小值,即该像素点的兴趣值
int Moravec(std::string path,std::vector<cv::Point3f> &featurePointLeft)
cv::Mat imageRGB = cv::imread(path, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
if (imageRGB.empty())
std::cout << "Fail to read the image!" << path << std::endl;
return -1;
cv::imshow("image", imageRGB);//显示原图
cv::Mat imageGray;
cv::cvtColor(imageRGB, imageGray, cv::COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
std::vector<cv::Point3f> f;
GaussianBlur(imageGray, imageGray, cv::Size(5, 5), 0, 0);//使用opencv自带高斯滤波预处理
cv::Mat result/*结果32bit*/, resultNorm, resultNormUInt8;
result = cv::Mat::zeros(imageGray.size(), CV_32FC1);
int Moravecsize = 5;//计算Moravec兴趣值的窗口大小
int Inhibitionsize = 9;//抑制局部最大的窗口大小
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 5; i < imageGray.rows - 5; i++)
for (int j = 5; j < imageGray.cols - 5; j++)
float min = getInterestValue(imageGray, Moravecsize, i, j);
result.at<float>(i, j) = min;
sum += min;
float mean = sum / (result.rows*result.cols);//经验阈值设置
if (mean < 60) { mean = 300; }
mean = 700;
for (int i = 0; i <result.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < result.cols; j++)
if (result.at<float>(i, j) < mean)
result.at<float>(i, j) = 0;
int halfInhibitionsize = Inhibitionsize / 2;//定义小半个窗口大小
for (int i = halfInhibitionsize; i < result.rows - 1 - halfInhibitionsize; i++)
for (int j = halfInhibitionsize; j < result.cols - 1 - halfInhibitionsize; j++)
float temp1 = result.at<float>(i, j);
for (int m = 0; m < Inhibitionsize; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < Inhibitionsize; n++)
float temp2 = result.at<float>(i - halfInhibitionsize + m, j - halfInhibitionsize + n);
if (temp1 < temp2)
result.at<float>(i, j) = 0;
n = Inhibitionsize;
m = Inhibitionsize;
for (int i = halfInhibitionsize; i < result.rows - halfInhibitionsize - 1; i++)
for (int j = halfInhibitionsize; j < result.cols - halfInhibitionsize - 1; j++)
if (result.at<float>(i, j) > 0)
cv::Point3f temp;
temp.x = i;
temp.y = j;
temp.z = result.at<float>(i, j);
for (int i = 0; i < featurePointLeft.size() - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < featurePointLeft.size(); j++)
if ((featurePointLeft.at(i).z == featurePointLeft.at(j).z))
if (abs(featurePointLeft.at(i).x - featurePointLeft.at(j).x) < Inhibitionsize || abs(featurePointLeft.at(i).y - featurePointLeft.at(j).y) < Inhibitionsize)
featurePointLeft.erase(featurePointLeft.begin() + j);
i = 0;
//Normalizing image to 0-255
cv::normalize(result, resultNorm, 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX, CV_32FC1, cv::Mat());
cv::convertScaleAbs(resultNorm, resultNormUInt8);
int radius = 5;
for (size_t n = 0; n < featurePointLeft.size(); n++)
int i = int(featurePointLeft.at(n).y);
int j = int(featurePointLeft.at(n).x);
cv::circle(resultNormUInt8, cv::Point(i, j), radius, cv::Scalar(255), 1, 8, 0);
cv::circle(imageRGB, cv::Point(i, j), radius, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 4, 0);
cv::line(imageRGB, cv::Point(i - radius - 2, j), cv::Point(i + radius + 2, j), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 8, 0);
cv::line(imageRGB, cv::Point(i, j - radius - 2), cv::Point(i, j + radius + 2), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 8, 0);
cv::imshow("MoravecResult", resultNormUInt8);
cv::imshow("imageRGB", imageRGB);
float Get_coefficient(cv::Mat matchLeftWindow, cv::Mat imageRight, int x, int y)
cv::Mat Rmatchwindow;
Rmatchwindow.create(matchLeftWindow.rows, matchLeftWindow.cols, CV_32FC1);
float aveRImg = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < matchLeftWindow.rows; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < matchLeftWindow.cols; n++)
aveRImg += imageRight.at<uchar>(x + m, y + n);
Rmatchwindow.at<float>(m, n) = imageRight.at<uchar>(x + m, y + n);
aveRImg = aveRImg / (matchLeftWindow.rows*matchLeftWindow.cols);
for (int m = 0; m < matchLeftWindow.rows; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < matchLeftWindow.cols; n++)
Rmatchwindow.at<float>(m, n) -= aveRImg;
float cofficent1 = 0;
float cofficent2 = 0;
float cofficent3 = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < matchLeftWindow.rows; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < matchLeftWindow.cols; n++)
cofficent1 += matchLeftWindow.at<float>(m, n)*Rmatchwindow.at<float>(m, n);
cofficent2 += Rmatchwindow.at<float>(m, n)*Rmatchwindow.at<float>(m, n);
cofficent3 += matchLeftWindow.at<float>(m, n)*matchLeftWindow.at<float>(m, n);
double cofficent = cofficent1 / sqrt(cofficent2 * cofficent3);
return cofficent;
void vectorsort(std::vector < cv::Point3f> &Temp_sort)
for (int i = 0; i < Temp_sort.size() - 1; i++) {
float tem = 0;
float temx = 0;
float temy = 0;
// 内层for循环控制相邻的两个元素进行比较
for (int j = i + 1; j < Temp_sort.size(); j++) {
if (Temp_sort.at(i).z < Temp_sort.at(j).z) {
tem = Temp_sort.at(j).z;
Temp_sort.at(j).z = Temp_sort.at(i).z;
Temp_sort.at(i).z = tem;
temx = Temp_sort.at(j).x;
Temp_sort.at(j).x = Temp_sort.at(i).x;
Temp_sort.at(i).x = temx;
temy = Temp_sort.at(j).y;
Temp_sort.at(j).y = Temp_sort.at(i).y;
Temp_sort.at(i).y = temy;
void lastview(cv::Mat imageLeftRGB, cv::Mat imageRightRGB, std::vector<cv::Point3f> featurePointLeft, std::vector<cv::Point3f> featurePointRight)
cv::Mat bothview;//输出图像
bothview.create(imageLeftRGB.rows, imageLeftRGB.cols + imageRightRGB.cols, imageLeftRGB.type());
for (int i = 0; i <imageLeftRGB.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < imageLeftRGB.cols; j++)
bothview.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j) = imageLeftRGB.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j);
for (int i = 0; i <imageRightRGB.rows; i++)
for (int j = imageLeftRGB.cols; j <imageLeftRGB.cols + imageRightRGB.cols; j++)
bothview.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j) = imageRightRGB.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j - imageLeftRGB.cols);
for (int i = 0; i < featurePointRight.size(); i++)
int a = (rand() % 200);
int b = (rand() % 200 + 99);
int c = (rand() % 200) - 50;
if (a > 100 || a < 0)
a = 255;
if (b > 255 || b < 0)
b = 88;
if (c > 255 || c < 0)
c = 188;
int radius = 5;
int lm = int(featurePointLeft.at(i).y);
int ln = int(featurePointLeft.at(i).x);
cv::circle(bothview, cv::Point(lm, ln), radius, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 4, 0);
cv::line(bothview, cv::Point(lm - radius - 2, ln), cv::Point(lm + radius + 2, ln), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 8, 0);
cv::line(bothview, cv::Point(lm, ln - radius - 2), cv::Point(lm, ln + radius + 2), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 8, 0);
int rm = int(featurePointRight.at(i).y + imageLeftRGB.cols);
int rn = int(featurePointRight.at(i).x);
cv::circle(bothview, cv::Point(rm, rn), radius,cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 4, 0);
cv::line(bothview, cv::Point(rm - radius - 2, rn), cv::Point(rm + radius + 2, rn), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 8, 0);
cv::line(bothview, cv::Point(rm, rn - radius - 2), cv::Point(rm, rn + radius + 2), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 8, 0);
cv::line(bothview, cv::Point(lm,ln), cv::Point(rm, rn),cv::Scalar(a, b, c), 1,8,0);
cv::imshow("左右片影像同名点展示", bothview);
int kyhMatchingImg(std::string pathLeft, std::string pathRight, std::vector<cv::Point3f> featurePointLeft)
cv::Mat imageLeft, imageLeftRGB = cv::imread(pathLeft, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat imageRight, imageRightRGB = cv::imread(pathRight, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
if (imageLeftRGB.empty())
std::cout << "Fail to read the image:" << pathLeft << std::endl;
return -1;
if (imageRightRGB.empty())
std::cout << "Fail to read the image:" << pathRight << std::endl;
return -1;
cv::cvtColor(imageLeftRGB, imageLeft, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cv::cvtColor(imageRightRGB, imageRight, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
int matchsize = 9;//相关系数的正方形窗口的边长
int half_matchsize = matchsize / 2;//边长的一半
std::vector<cv::Point3f> featurePointRight;//右片匹配到的数据
float lowst_door = 0.7; //相关系数法匹配的阈值
int dist_width = 270;//左相片与右相片的相对距离,在这里通过手动观察
//进行f数据的预处理 删除不符合规范的数据
for (size_t i = 0; i < featurePointLeft.size(); i++)
//这里的 5 = half_matchsize + 1
if ((featurePointLeft.at(i).y + dist_width < imageLeft.cols) || (imageLeft.cols - featurePointLeft.at(i).y <5))
featurePointLeft.erase(featurePointLeft.begin() + i);
if ((featurePointLeft.at(i).x < 5) || (imageLeft.rows - featurePointLeft.at(i).x < 5))
featurePointLeft.erase(featurePointLeft.begin() + i);
cv::Mat matchLeftWindow;
matchLeftWindow.create(matchsize, matchsize, CV_32FC1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < featurePointLeft.size(); i++)
float aveLImg = 0;
for (int m = 0; m <matchsize; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < matchsize; n++)
aveLImg += imageLeft.at<uchar>(featurePointLeft.at(i).x - half_matchsize + m, featurePointLeft.at(i).y - half_matchsize + n);
matchLeftWindow.at<float>(m, n) = imageLeft.at<uchar>(featurePointLeft.at(i).x - half_matchsize + m, featurePointLeft.at(i).y - half_matchsize + n);
aveLImg = aveLImg / (matchsize* matchsize);//求取左窗口平均值
for (int m = 0; m < matchsize; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < matchsize; n++)
matchLeftWindow.at<float>(m, n) = matchLeftWindow.at<float>(m, n) - aveLImg;
int halflengthsize = 10; //搜索区的半径
std::vector < cv::Point3f> tempfeatureRightPoint;
for (int ii = -halflengthsize; ii <= halflengthsize; ii++)
for (int jj = -halflengthsize; jj <= halflengthsize; jj++)
//为了省事…… 把边缘超限的都给整没了
if ((featurePointLeft.at(i).x<(halflengthsize + 5)) || (imageRight.rows - featurePointLeft.at(i).x)<(halflengthsize + 5)
|| (featurePointLeft.at(i).y + dist_width - imageLeft.cols)<(halflengthsize + 5))
cv::Point3f temphalflengthsize;
temphalflengthsize.x = 0;
temphalflengthsize.y = 0;
temphalflengthsize.z = 0;
cv::Point3f temphalflengthsize;
int x = featurePointLeft.at(i).x + ii - half_matchsize;
int y = featurePointLeft.at(i).y + dist_width - imageLeft.cols + jj - half_matchsize;
float coffee = Get_coefficient(matchLeftWindow, imageRight, x, y);
temphalflengthsize.x = featurePointLeft.at(i).x + ii;
temphalflengthsize.y = featurePointLeft.at(i).y + dist_width - imageLeft.cols + jj;
temphalflengthsize.z = coffee;
if (tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).z > lowst_door&&tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).z < 1)
cv::Point3f tempr;
tempr.x = tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).x;
tempr.y = tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).y;
tempr.z = tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).z;
featurePointLeft.erase(featurePointLeft.begin() + i);
lastview(imageLeftRGB, imageRightRGB, featurePointLeft, featurePointRight);
return 0;
这部分是我做得很久的一次,和磊哥讨论又进行了一些调整。大概是平时python和matlab惯坏了,总之就是调试花了很久,时隔两年再次体会到debug到凌晨三点的感觉(中途从九点半和高中同学喝酒到一点半之后回家再debug的)。原理是参照武汉大学出版社出版的《数字摄影测量学(第二版)》中第五章内容。据介绍,德国 Ackermann教授 提出了一种新的影像匹配方法—— 最小二乘影像匹配( least aquares image matching)。由于 该方法充分利用了影像窗口内的信息进行平差计算,使影像匹配可以达到 1/10 甚至 1/ 100 像素的高精度,即影像匹配精度可达到子像素(subpixel)等级。为此,最小二乘影像 匹配被称为“高精度影像匹配”。
int kyhMatchImgbyLST(std::string pathLeft, std::string pathRight, std::vector<cv::Point3f> featurePointLeft)
cv::Mat imageLeft, imageLeftRGB = cv::imread(pathLeft, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat imageRight, imageRightRGB = cv::imread(pathRight, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
if (imageLeftRGB.empty())
std::cout << "Fail to read the image:" << pathLeft << std::endl;
return -1;
if (imageRightRGB.empty())
std::cout << "Fail to read the image:" << pathRight << std::endl;
return -1;
cv::cvtColor(imageLeftRGB, imageLeft, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cv::cvtColor(imageRightRGB, imageRight, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
int matchsize = 9;//相关系数的正方形窗口的边长
int half_matchsize = matchsize / 2;//边长的一半
std::vector<cv::Point3f> featurePointRight;//右片匹配到的数据
float lowst_door = 0.7; //相关系数法匹配的阈值
int dist_width = 270;//左相片与右相片的相对距离,在这里通过手动观察
//进行f数据的预处理 删除不符合规范的数据
for (size_t i = 0; i < featurePointLeft.size(); i++)
//这里的 5 = half_matchsize + 1
if ((featurePointLeft.at(i).y + dist_width < imageLeft.cols) || (imageLeft.cols - featurePointLeft.at(i).y <5))
featurePointLeft.erase(featurePointLeft.begin() + i);
if ((featurePointLeft.at(i).x < 5) || (imageLeft.rows - featurePointLeft.at(i).x < 5))
featurePointLeft.erase(featurePointLeft.begin() + i);
cv::Mat matchLeftWindow;
matchLeftWindow.create(matchsize, matchsize, CV_32FC1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < featurePointLeft.size(); i++)
float aveLImg = 0;
for (int m = 0; m <matchsize; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < matchsize; n++)
aveLImg += imageLeft.at<uchar>(featurePointLeft.at(i).x - half_matchsize + m, featurePointLeft.at(i).y - half_matchsize + n);
matchLeftWindow.at<float>(m, n) = imageLeft.at<uchar>(featurePointLeft.at(i).x - half_matchsize + m, featurePointLeft.at(i).y - half_matchsize + n);
aveLImg = aveLImg / (matchsize* matchsize);//求取左窗口平均值
for (int m = 0; m < matchsize; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < matchsize; n++)
matchLeftWindow.at<float>(m, n) = matchLeftWindow.at<float>(m, n) - aveLImg;
int halflengthsize = 10; //搜索区的半径
std::vector < cv::Point3f> tempfeatureRightPoint;
for (int ii = -halflengthsize; ii <= halflengthsize; ii++)
for (int jj = -halflengthsize; jj <= halflengthsize; jj++)
//为了省事…… 把边缘超限的都给整没了
if ((featurePointLeft.at(i).x<(halflengthsize + 5)) || (imageRight.rows - featurePointLeft.at(i).x)<(halflengthsize + 5)
|| (featurePointLeft.at(i).y + dist_width - imageLeft.cols)<(halflengthsize + 5))
cv::Point3f temphalflengthsize;
temphalflengthsize.x = 0;
temphalflengthsize.y = 0;
temphalflengthsize.z = 0;
cv::Point3f temphalflengthsize;
int x = featurePointLeft.at(i).x + ii - half_matchsize;
int y = featurePointLeft.at(i).y + dist_width - imageLeft.cols + jj - half_matchsize;
float coffee = Get_coefficient(matchLeftWindow, imageRight, x, y);
temphalflengthsize.x = featurePointLeft.at(i).x + ii;
temphalflengthsize.y = featurePointLeft.at(i).y + dist_width - imageLeft.cols + jj;
temphalflengthsize.z = coffee;
if (tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).z > lowst_door&&tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).z < 1)
cv::Point3f tempr;
tempr.x = tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).x;
tempr.y = tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).y;
tempr.z = tempfeatureRightPoint.at(0).z;
featurePointLeft.erase(featurePointLeft.begin() + i);
std::vector<cv::Point3f> featureRightPointLST;//存储最小二乘匹配到的点
cv::Mat formerP = cv::Mat::eye(2 * featurePointLeft.size(), 2 * featurePointLeft.size(), CV_32F)/*权矩阵*/,
formerL = cv::Mat::zeros(2 * featurePointLeft.size(), 1, CV_32F)/*常数项*/,
formerA = cv::Mat::zeros(2 * featurePointLeft.size(), 6, CV_32F)/*系数矩阵*/;
for (int i = 0; i < featurePointLeft.size(); i++)
float x1 = featurePointLeft.at(i).x;
float y1 = featurePointLeft.at(i).y;
float x2 = featurePointRight.at(i).x;
float y2 = featurePointRight.at(i).y;
float coef = featurePointRight.at(i).z;//初始同名点的相关系数作为权重
formerP.at<float>(2 * i, 2 * i) = coef;
formerP.at<float>(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 1) = coef;
formerL.at<float>(2 * i, 0) = x2;
formerL.at<float>(2 * i + 1, 0) = y2;
formerA.at<float>(2 * i, 0) = 1; formerA.at<float>(2 * i, 1) = x1; formerA.at<float>(2 * i, 2) = y1;
formerA.at<float>(2 * i + 1, 3) = 1; formerA.at<float>(2 * i + 1, 4) = x1; formerA.at<float>(2 * i + 1, 5) = y1;
cv::Mat Nbb = formerA.t()*formerP*formerA, U = formerA.t()*formerP*formerL;
cv::Mat formerR = Nbb.inv()*U;
for (int i = 0; i < featurePointLeft.size(); i++)
float x1 = featurePointLeft.at(i).x;
float y1 = featurePointLeft.at(i).y;
float x2 = featurePointRight.at(i).x;
float y2 = featurePointRight.at(i).y;
float a0 = formerR.at<float>(0, 0); float a1 = formerR.at<float>(1, 0); float a2 = formerR.at<float>(2, 0);
float b0 = formerR.at<float>(3, 0); float b1 = formerR.at<float>(4, 0); float b2 = formerR.at<float>(5, 0);
float h0 = 0, h1 = 1;
float beforeCorrelationCoe = 0/*前一个相关系数*/, CorrelationCoe = 0;
float xs = 0,ys = 0;
while (beforeCorrelationCoe <= CorrelationCoe)
beforeCorrelationCoe = CorrelationCoe;
cv::Mat C = cv::Mat::zeros(matchsize*matchsize, 8, CV_32F);//系数矩阵,matchsize为左片目标窗口大小
cv::Mat L = cv::Mat::zeros(matchsize*matchsize, 1, CV_32F);//常数项
cv::Mat P = cv::Mat::eye(matchsize*matchsize, matchsize*matchsize, CV_32F);//权矩阵
float sumgxSquare = 0, sumgySquare = 0, sumXgxSquare = 0, sumYgySquare = 0;
int dimension = 0;//用于矩阵赋值
float sumLImg = 0, sumLImgSquare = 0, sumRImg = 0, sumRImgSquare = 0, sumLR = 0;
for (int m = x1 - half_matchsize; m <= x1 + half_matchsize; m++)
for (int n = y1 - half_matchsize; n <= y1 + half_matchsize; n++)
float x2 = a0 + a1*m + a2*n;
float y2 = b0 + b1*m + b2*n;
int I = std::floor(x2); int J = std::floor(y2);//不大于自变量的最大整数
if (I <= 1 || I >= imageRight.rows - 1 || J <= 1 || J >= imageRight.cols - 1)
I = 2; J = 2; P.at<float>((m - (y1 -5) - 1)*(2 * 4+ 1) + n - (x1 - 5), (m - (y1 - 5) - 1)*(2 * 4 + 1) + n - (x1 - 5)) = 0;
float linerGray = (J + 1 - y2)*((I + 1 - x2)*imageRight.at<uchar>(I, J) + (x2-I)*imageRight.at<uchar>(I+1,J))
+(y2 - J)*((I+1-x2)*imageRight.at<uchar>(I,J+1)+(x2-I)*imageRight.at<uchar>(I+1,J+1));
float radioGray = h0 + h1*linerGray;//得到相应灰度
sumRImg += radioGray;
sumRImgSquare += radioGray*radioGray;
float gy = 0.5*(imageRight.at<uchar>(I, J + 1) - imageRight.at<uchar>(I, J - 1));
float gx = 0.5*(imageRight.at<uchar>(I + 1, J) - imageRight.at<uchar>(I - 1, J));
C.at<float>(dimension, 0) = 1; C.at<float>(dimension, 1) = linerGray;
C.at<float>(dimension, 2) = gx; C.at<float>(dimension, 3) = x2*gx;
C.at<float>(dimension, 4) = y2*gx; C.at<float>(dimension, 5) = gy;
C.at<float>(dimension, 6) = x2*gy; C.at<float>(dimension, 7) = y2*gy;
L.at<float>(dimension,0) = imageLeft.at<uchar>(m,n)-radioGray;
dimension =dimension + 1;
float gyLeft = 0.5*(imageLeft.at<uchar>(m, n + 1) - imageLeft.at<uchar>(m, n - 1));
float gxLeft = 0.5*(imageLeft.at<uchar>(m + 1, n) - imageLeft.at<uchar>(m - 1, n));
sumgxSquare += gxLeft*gxLeft;
sumgySquare += gyLeft*gyLeft;
sumXgxSquare += m*gxLeft*gxLeft;
sumYgySquare += n*gyLeft*gyLeft;
sumLImg += imageLeft.at<uchar>(m, n);
sumLImgSquare += imageLeft.at<uchar>(m, n)*imageLeft.at<uchar>(m, n);
sumLR += radioGray*imageLeft.at<uchar>(m, n);
float coefficent1 = sumLR - sumLImg*sumRImg / (matchsize*matchsize);
float coefficent2 = sumLImgSquare - sumLImg*sumLImg / (matchsize*matchsize);
float coefficent3 = sumRImgSquare - sumRImg*sumRImg / (matchsize*matchsize);
CorrelationCoe = coefficent1 / sqrt(coefficent2*coefficent3);
cv::Mat Nb = C.t()*P*C, Ub = C.t()*P*L;
cv::Mat parameter = Nb.inv()*Ub;
float dh0 = parameter.at<float>(0,0); float dh1 = parameter.at<float>(1,0);
float da0 = parameter.at<float>(2,0); float da1 = parameter.at<float>(3,0);float da2 = parameter.at<float>(4,0);
float db0 = parameter.at<float>(5,0); float db1 = parameter.at<float>(6,0);float db2 = parameter.at<float>(7,0);
a0 = a0 + da0 + a0*da1 + b0*da2;
a1 = a1 + a1*da1 + b1*da2;
a2 = a2 + a2*da1 + b2*da2;
b0 = b0 + db0 + a0*db1 + b0*db2;
b1 = b1 + a1*db1 + b1*db2;
b2 = b2 + a2*db1 + b2*db2;
h0 = h0 + dh0 + h0*dh1;
h1 = h1 + h1*dh1;
float xt = sumXgxSquare / sumgxSquare;
float yt = sumYgySquare / sumgySquare;
xs = a0 + a1*xt + a2*yt;
ys = b0 + b1*xt + b2*yt;
cv::Point3f tempPoint;
tempPoint.x = xs;
tempPoint.y = ys;
tempPoint.z = CorrelationCoe;
lastview(imageLeftRGB, imageRightRGB, featurePointLeft, featureRightPointLST);
std::ofstream outputfile;
if (outputfile.is_open()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < featurePointRight.size(); i++)
outputfile << featurePointRight.at(i).x << ", " << featurePointRight.at(i).y << ", " << featurePointRight.at(i).z << "," <<
featureRightPointLST.at(i).x << ", " << featureRightPointLST.at(i).y << ", " << featureRightPointLST.at(i).z << std::endl;
return 0;