This article continues the discussion of my previous 2 articles ’Extend the CPS concept, remodel the company organization ’ and ‘ Self-aware value network in the context of i4.0’.
With the development of an enterprise, the numbers of application software increases, and this for sure will create silos and barriers. So shall this situation to be continued in the era of i 4.0? What if we change mind, we don’t implement for enterprises with applications with system boundaries?
Quote from one the most famous writer in China: There’s no road in the world, as people keeping walking on it, there’s a road.
Similarly, there’s no systems in the physical world of an enterprise or the physical world, neither any boundaries.
The following picture from ISA88 standards shows a enterprise physical structure:
And accordingly, in ISA95 there’s level structure for software applications:
The interfaces between each level, especially between level 3 and level4, between level 3 and level 2, are the root cause of silos. And that’s why i4.0 mentioned about the keyword vertical integration.
What I’m suggesting is, to eliminate the level structure.
If you’ve experience with the control software of equipment or automation control, you shall know, the control PC of an equipment master all the information about the equipment, it can display in real-time the information about each chamber, transferring unit, sensors and even each pumps, and some of them may support 3D view; it has full control rights to all the actionable units, it provides recipe edit and other execution functions, some even can have some routing and scheduling function over works.
Extend the control software, other than existing functions, it shall also have the CPS functions as described(You can check my previous blog article ‘Extend the CPS concept, remodel the company organization’), to maintain the basic self-definitions, input/output, service definition, cost management, work plan and scheduling, the communication semantics and the scenarios to outside.
As following picture:
As my concept described in the ‘Extend the CPS concept, remodel the company organization , the enterprise’s gonna be formed by many different CPS objects, each of them have full control over the physical assets and provide some service to others. There’s no levels, only the combination of CPS objects and the connection of their services. Thus accordingly, the software application can be in following loose and open way:
2 examples to explain the usages:
1)Cost management
CPS objects define and monitor all the input/output materials and the power supply。
The consumption of power supply can be calculated in real-time, the consumption during idle time and meanwhile the equipment depreciation won’t be allocated to WIPs.
Before processing(Including material handling/logistics), the cost information of input material/WIP shall be provided by upstream CPS object(can be upstream equipment, material handling system or a facility pipe), after processing, this CPS object adds up the supply and depreciation to the WIP cost and pass it over to downstream.(You can refer to my blog article ‘A new way of real-time product costing’)
2) Work plan and scheduling
You can look into my blog article ’Self-aware value network in the context of i4.0 ’, I described 4 steps scenario. Supply chain is pull mode. Similarly, the interaction between the CPS objects is pull mode. 1) Fore-ward CPS objects receives the request from back-ward ones; 2) calculate, pass it backward, assess respond from back-ward then respond to initial request; 3) Select the final decided path. 4) Execution step by step.
Each CPS objects maintain its own capacity plan, we can refer to ISA95 here, you might be familiar with the following picture, but as in here, this information are maintained by CPS object, not an upper system.
I will explain using a classical logistic example.
One of the most mentioned example of the total cost approach for logistic system is: A factory might need 2 service from a same logistic vendor in one single day. For say, ship some raw material to the factory in the morning and deliver the final goods to customer in the afternoon. If you don’t take the total cost approach, the logistic vendor might need deploy double capacity. That is, one loaded truck ship the raw material and left in the morning, another empty truck come in the afternoon and wait to ship out the final goods.
If we take my CPS object concept, the logistic company is a CPS object, while receiving the request from the factory, it publishes the information inside, question all the truck CPS object, each truck CPS object, according to its own schedule and status, calculates the feasibility(current location, time on road) and the cost info, provide feedback to logistic company’s CPS object.
Assume that the logistic company CPS object release the raw material delivery request first.
The respond from each truck might be as following:
Truck 1 |
Truck 2 |
Truck 3 |
Truck 4 |
Shipping request 1, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Truck 1 |
Truck 2 |
Truck 3 |
Truck 4 |
Shipping request 1, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Shipping request 2, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Of course the respond from each truck CPS object is based on the selection the company CPS made for previous requests.
I delete the ones not been selected in each step for different request sequences to show the result.
Truck 1 |
Truck 2 |
Truck 3 |
Truck 4 |
Shipping request 1, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Shipping request 2, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Truck 1 |
Truck 2 |
Truck 3 |
Truck 4 |
Shipping request 2, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Shipping request 1, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
The logistics company CPS need to select the best one. Because the best selection for each step won’t leads to the best select for the big picture. So, the logistic company CPS needs to publish N! different combinations of requests. After receiving the respond from each truck CPS for each step, sum up and select best one.
This can apply to process equipment, and the physical combinations of equipment and automation/logistic.
本文是之前的两篇文章:“扩展CPS概念,对企业信息系统进行重新建模”和“ 工业4.0背景下,具有感知能力的价值网络”的延续。
实际消耗的能源可以实时统计,设备空闲状态时的能耗和设备折旧可以不归集给具体的产品。在加工处理(包括搬送)WIP时本对象收到的各种物料由输入方的CPS对象(可以是上游加工设备,可以是搬送物流系统,甚至可以是气体管路)提供成本信息,在加上本对象加工处理时消耗的能源和本对象折旧后,汇总成本信息到输出。(你可以参考一下我的博客里的“A new way of real-time costing”一文)
你可以回顾一下我在另一篇文章“工业4.0背景下,具有感知能力的价值网络”里描述的四段机制,价值链是拉式的。同样的,企业内的各个CPS对象的交互也是拉式的。1)前端的CPS对象收到后端的CPS对象的请求 2)逐级发出响应预案并向前传导评估最优方案并向后传导,3) 最前节点选定最终路径再逐级向后传导 4)从最后节点开始逐级完成实际工作或响应。
Total cost approach的一个经典问题是:一个工厂同一天可能会需要来自同一个物流供应商两项服务,比如上午运送原料到本厂,下午运出成品到客户。如果不采用Total cost approach的话,物理供应商可能需要调度双倍的运力。
Truck 1 |
Truck 2 |
Truck3 |
Truck4 |
Shipping request 1, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Truck 1 |
Truck 2 |
Truck3 |
Truck4 |
Shipping request 1, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Shipping request 2, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Truck 1 |
Truck 2 |
Truck3 |
Truck4 |
Shipping request 1, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Shipping request 2, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Truck 1 |
Truck 2 |
Truck3 |
Truck4 |
Shipping request 2, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |
Shipping request 1, time,location, |
ETA, cost if I do it |