

  • 主题管理
    • 创建主题
    • 分区副本的分配
    • 查看主题
    • 修改主题
    • 配置管理
    • 删除主题




kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka --topic topic-create --partitions 4 --replication-factor 2
# 返回结果:Created topic "topic-create".


get /kafka/brokers/topics/topic-create
# 以json格式返回了分区的情况,"2":[1,2],分区id为2的分区在brokerId为1和2的机器上


kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka --create --topic topic-create-same --replica-assignment 2:0,0:1,1:2,2:1
# 不再需要指定partitions和replication-factor这两个参数,2:0,0:1,1:2,2:1代表0分区在2和0机器上,1分区在0和1机器上。:分割相同分区的不同副本所在机器的brokerId,分割不同分区且分区按顺序排

在创建主题的时候,我们也可以手动修改一些config使用参数–config k=v的方式,如果是多个就设置多个–config

kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka --create --topic topic-config ---partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --config cleanup.policy=compact --config max.message.bytes=10000


get /kafka/config/topics/topic-config





 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package kafka.admin

import java.util.Random

import kafka.utils.Logging
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.{InvalidPartitionsException, InvalidReplicationFactorException}

import collection.{Map, mutable, _}

object AdminUtils extends Logging {
  val rand = new Random
  val AdminClientId = "__admin_client"

   * There are 3 goals of replica assignment:
  1. Spread the replicas evenly among brokers.
  2. *
  3. For partitions assigned to a particular broker, their other replicas are spread over the other brokers.
  4. *
  5. If all brokers have rack information, assign the replicas for each partition to different racks if possible
  6. *
* * To achieve this goal for replica assignment without considering racks, we: *
  1. Assign the first replica of each partition by round-robin, starting from a random position in the broker list.
  2. *
  3. Assign the remaining replicas of each partition with an increasing shift.
  4. *
* * Here is an example of assigning * * * * * * * * *
p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 (1st replica)
p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 (1st replica)
p4 p0 p1 p2 p3 (2nd replica)
p8 p9 p5 p6 p7 (2nd replica)
p3 p4 p0 p1 p2 (3nd replica)
p7 p8 p9 p5 p6 (3nd replica)
* *

* To create rack aware assignment, this API will first create a rack alternated broker list. For example, * from this brokerID -> rack mapping:

* 0 -> "rack1", 1 -> "rack3", 2 -> "rack3", 3 -> "rack2", 4 -> "rack2", 5 -> "rack1" *


* The rack alternated list will be: *

* 0, 3, 1, 5, 4, 2 *


* Then an easy round-robin assignment can be applied. Assume 6 partitions with replication factor of 3, the assignment * will be: *

* 0 -> 0,3,1
* 1 -> 3,1,5
* 2 -> 1,5,4
* 3 -> 5,4,2
* 4 -> 4,2,0
* 5 -> 2,0,3

* Once it has completed the first round-robin, if there are more partitions to assign, the algorithm will start * shifting the followers. This is to ensure we will not always get the same set of sequences. * In this case, if there is another partition to assign (partition #6), the assignment will be: *

* 6 -> 0,4,2 (instead of repeating 0,3,1 as partition 0) *


* The rack aware assignment always chooses the 1st replica of the partition using round robin on the rack alternated * broker list. For rest of the replicas, it will be biased towards brokers on racks that do not have * any replica assignment, until every rack has a replica. Then the assignment will go back to round-robin on * the broker list. *


* As the result, if the number of replicas is equal to or greater than the number of racks, it will ensure that * each rack will get at least one replica. Otherwise, each rack will get at most one replica. In a perfect * situation where the number of replicas is the same as the number of racks and each rack has the same number of * brokers, it guarantees that the replica distribution is even across brokers and racks. *

* @return a Map from partition id to replica ids * @throws AdminOperationException If rack information is supplied but it is incomplete, or if it is not possible to * assign each replica to a unique rack. * */
def assignReplicasToBrokers(brokerMetadatas: Seq[BrokerMetadata], nPartitions: Int, replicationFactor: Int, fixedStartIndex: Int = -1, startPartitionId: Int = -1): Map[Int, Seq[Int]] = { if (nPartitions <= 0) throw new InvalidPartitionsException("Number of partitions must be larger than 0.") if (replicationFactor <= 0) throw new InvalidReplicationFactorException("Replication factor must be larger than 0.") if (replicationFactor > brokerMetadatas.size) throw new InvalidReplicationFactorException(s"Replication factor: $replicationFactor larger than available brokers: ${brokerMetadatas.size}.") if (brokerMetadatas.forall(_.rack.isEmpty)) assignReplicasToBrokersRackUnaware(nPartitions, replicationFactor, brokerMetadatas.map(_.id), fixedStartIndex, startPartitionId) else { if (brokerMetadatas.exists(_.rack.isEmpty)) throw new AdminOperationException("Not all brokers have rack information for replica rack aware assignment.") assignReplicasToBrokersRackAware(nPartitions, replicationFactor, brokerMetadatas, fixedStartIndex, startPartitionId) } } private def assignReplicasToBrokersRackUnaware(nPartitions: Int, replicationFactor: Int, brokerList: Seq[Int], fixedStartIndex: Int, startPartitionId: Int): Map[Int, Seq[Int]] = { val ret = mutable.Map[Int, Seq[Int]]() val brokerArray = brokerList.toArray val startIndex = if (fixedStartIndex >= 0) fixedStartIndex else rand.nextInt(brokerArray.length) var currentPartitionId = math.max(0, startPartitionId) var nextReplicaShift = if (fixedStartIndex >= 0) fixedStartIndex else rand.nextInt(brokerArray.length) for (_ <- 0 until nPartitions) { if (currentPartitionId > 0 && (currentPartitionId % brokerArray.length == 0)) nextReplicaShift += 1 val firstReplicaIndex = (currentPartitionId + startIndex) % brokerArray.length val replicaBuffer = mutable.ArrayBuffer(brokerArray(firstReplicaIndex)) for (j <- 0 until replicationFactor - 1) replicaBuffer += brokerArray(replicaIndex(firstReplicaIndex, nextReplicaShift, j, brokerArray.length)) ret.put(currentPartitionId, replicaBuffer) currentPartitionId += 1 } ret } private def assignReplicasToBrokersRackAware(nPartitions: Int, replicationFactor: Int, brokerMetadatas: Seq[BrokerMetadata], fixedStartIndex: Int, startPartitionId: Int): Map[Int, Seq[Int]] = { val brokerRackMap = brokerMetadatas.collect { case BrokerMetadata(id, Some(rack)) => id -> rack }.toMap val numRacks = brokerRackMap.values.toSet.size val arrangedBrokerList = getRackAlternatedBrokerList(brokerRackMap) val numBrokers = arrangedBrokerList.size val ret = mutable.Map[Int, Seq[Int]]() val startIndex = if (fixedStartIndex >= 0) fixedStartIndex else rand.nextInt(arrangedBrokerList.size) var currentPartitionId = math.max(0, startPartitionId) var nextReplicaShift = if (fixedStartIndex >= 0) fixedStartIndex else rand.nextInt(arrangedBrokerList.size) for (_ <- 0 until nPartitions) { if (currentPartitionId > 0 && (currentPartitionId % arrangedBrokerList.size == 0)) nextReplicaShift += 1 val firstReplicaIndex = (currentPartitionId + startIndex) % arrangedBrokerList.size val leader = arrangedBrokerList(firstReplicaIndex) val replicaBuffer = mutable.ArrayBuffer(leader) val racksWithReplicas = mutable.Set(brokerRackMap(leader)) val brokersWithReplicas = mutable.Set(leader) var k = 0 for (_ <- 0 until replicationFactor - 1) { var done = false while (!done) { val broker = arrangedBrokerList(replicaIndex(firstReplicaIndex, nextReplicaShift * numRacks, k, arrangedBrokerList.size)) val rack = brokerRackMap(broker) // Skip this broker if // 1. there is already a broker in the same rack that has assigned a replica AND there is one or more racks // that do not have any replica, or // 2. the broker has already assigned a replica AND there is one or more brokers that do not have replica assigned if ((!racksWithReplicas.contains(rack) || racksWithReplicas.size == numRacks) && (!brokersWithReplicas.contains(broker) || brokersWithReplicas.size == numBrokers)) { replicaBuffer += broker racksWithReplicas += rack brokersWithReplicas += broker done = true } k += 1 } } ret.put(currentPartitionId, replicaBuffer) currentPartitionId += 1 } ret } /** * Given broker and rack information, returns a list of brokers alternated by the rack. Assume * this is the rack and its brokers: * * rack1: 0, 1, 2 * rack2: 3, 4, 5 * rack3: 6, 7, 8 * * This API would return the list of 0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8 * * This is essential to make sure that the assignReplicasToBrokers API can use such list and * assign replicas to brokers in a simple round-robin fashion, while ensuring an even * distribution of leader and replica counts on each broker and that replicas are * distributed to all racks. */ private[admin] def getRackAlternatedBrokerList(brokerRackMap: Map[Int, String]): IndexedSeq[Int] = { val brokersIteratorByRack = getInverseMap(brokerRackMap).map { case (rack, brokers) => (rack, brokers.iterator) } val racks = brokersIteratorByRack.keys.toArray.sorted val result = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int] var rackIndex = 0 while (result.size < brokerRackMap.size) { val rackIterator = brokersIteratorByRack(racks(rackIndex)) if (rackIterator.hasNext) result += rackIterator.next() rackIndex = (rackIndex + 1) % racks.length } result } private[admin] def getInverseMap(brokerRackMap: Map[Int, String]): Map[String, Seq[Int]] = { brokerRackMap.toSeq.map { case (id, rack) => (rack, id) } .groupBy { case (rack, _) => rack } .map { case (rack, rackAndIdList) => (rack, rackAndIdList.map { case (_, id) => id }.sorted) } } private def replicaIndex(firstReplicaIndex: Int, secondReplicaShift: Int, replicaIndex: Int, nBrokers: Int): Int = { val shift = 1 + (secondReplicaShift + replicaIndex) % (nBrokers - 1) (firstReplicaIndex + shift) % nBrokers } }




# 多个topic名称有逗号隔开
kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka --describe --topic topic-create,topic-demo






kafka-configs.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka --describe --entry-type topics --entry-name topic-config


entry-tyoe解释 entry-name解释
topics 主题类型 指定主题名称,如上面topic-config
brokers kafka实例 指定brokerId
客户端类型 生产者或者消费者中设定的client.id编号
用户类型,users 指定用户名


kafka-configs.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka --alter --entry-type topics --entry-name topic-config --add-config cleanup.policy=compact,max.message.bytes=10000





  1. 删除Zookeeper中的节点/kafka/config/topics/topic-delete
  2. 删除Zookeeper中的节点/kafka/brokers/topics/topic-delete
  3. 删除集群中所有与主题topic-delete有关的文件,就是这个topic的副本文件
