2.在进行分组操作时,用group by 时要用having来限制条件。
3.order by是排序要求 desc是降序 ,asc是升序。
(1) 查询每个学生及其选课情况
select student.sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept,cno,grade
from student,sc
where student.sno=sc.sno
(2) 查询每门课的间接先修课
select first.cno,second.cpno
from course first,course second
where first.cpno=second.cno
(3) 将STUDENT,SC进行右连接
select student.sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept,cno,grade
from student right outer join sc on student.sno=sc.sno
(4) 查询既选修了2号课程又选修了3号课程的学生姓名、学号
select student.sno,sname
from student inner join sc on student.sno=sc.sno
where cno='3' and sc.sno in
(select sno
from sc
where cno='2')
select student.sno,sname
from student
where sname!='刘晨' and sage=
(select sage
from student
where sname='刘晨')
select sname,sage
from student
where sno in
(select sno
from sc
where cno in
(select cno
from course
where cname='数据库'))
select student.sno,sname
from student
where sdept<>'IS' and
select student.sno,sname
from student
where sdept<>'IS' and
select sname
from student
where Sno in
(select Sno from SC
group by Sno
having count(*) = (select count(*) from course ))
select student.sno,sname
from student
where sdept='IS' and ssex='男'
select sno
from sc
where cno='1' except
select sno
from sc
where cno='2'
select cno
from course
where cno not in
(select cno
from sc
where sno in
(select sno
from student
where sname='李丽'))
select AVG(sage) as avgsage
from student inner join sc on student.sno=sc.sno
where cno='3'
select cno,AVG(grade) as avggrade
from sc
group by cno
select course.cno '课程号', count(sc.sno) '人数'
from course,sc
where course.cno=sc.cno
group by course.cno having count(sc.sno)>3 order by COUNT(sc.sno) desc,course.cno asc
select sname
from student
where sno>
(select sno from student where sname='刘晨')and
sage<(select sage from student where sname='刘晨')
select sname,sage
from student
where ssex='男'and sage>
(select MAX(sage) from student where ssex='女')