cosmos sdk tx

Tx interface


// Transactions objects must fulfill the Tx
type Tx interface {
	// Gets the all the transaction's messages.
	GetMsgs() []Msg

	// ValidateBasic does a simple and lightweight validation check that doesn't
	// require access to any other information.
	ValidateBasic() error





// StdTx is a standard way to wrap a Msg with Fee and Signatures.
// NOTE: the first signature is the fee payer (Signatures must not be nil).
type StdTx struct {
	Msgs       []sdk.Msg      `json:"msg" yaml:"msg"`
	Fee        StdFee         `json:"fee" yaml:"fee"`
	Signatures []StdSignature `json:"signatures" yaml:"signatures"`
	Memo       string         `json:"memo" yaml:"memo"`
Msg interface


// Transactions messages must fulfill the Msg
type Msg interface {

	// Return the message type.
	// Must be alphanumeric or empty.
	Route() string

	// Returns a human-readable string for the message, intended for utilization
	// within tags
	Type() string

	// ValidateBasic does a simple validation check that
	// doesn't require access to any other information.
	ValidateBasic() error

	// Get the canonical byte representation of the Msg.
	GetSignBytes() []byte

	// Signers returns the addrs of signers that must sign.
	// CONTRACT: All signatures must be present to be valid.
	// CONTRACT: Returns addrs in some deterministic order.
	GetSigners() []AccAddress

It has many implementers such as bank, staking, gov and nameservice. Our msg must implement it.

for example: nameservice

// MsgSetName defines a SetName message
type MsgSetName struct {
	Name  string         `json:"name"`
	Value string         `json:"value"`
	Owner sdk.AccAddress `json:"owner"`

// NewMsgSetName is a constructor function for MsgSetName
func NewMsgSetName(name string, value string, owner sdk.AccAddress) MsgSetName {
	return MsgSetName{
		Name:  name,
		Value: value,
		Owner: owner,

// Route should return the name of the module
func (msg MsgSetName) Route() string { return RouterKey }

// Type should return the action
func (msg MsgSetName) Type() string { return "set_name" }

// ValidateBasic runs stateless checks on the message
func (msg MsgSetName) ValidateBasic() error {
	if msg.Owner.Empty() {
		return sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidAddress, msg.Owner.String())
	if len(msg.Name) == 0 || len(msg.Value) == 0 {
		return sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "Name and/or Value cannot be empty")
	return nil

// GetSignBytes encodes the message for signing
func (msg MsgSetName) GetSignBytes() []byte {
	return sdk.MustSortJSON(ModuleCdc.MustMarshalJSON(msg))

// GetSigners defines whose signature is required
func (msg MsgSetName) GetSigners() []sdk.AccAddress {
	return []sdk.AccAddress{msg.Owner}
// StdSignMsg is a convenience structure for passing along
// a Msg with the other requirements for a StdSignDoc before
// it is signed. For use in the CLI.
type StdSignMsg struct {
	ChainID       string    `json:"chain_id" yaml:"chain_id"`
	AccountNumber uint64    `json:"account_number" yaml:"account_number"`
	Sequence      uint64    `json:"sequence" yaml:"sequence"`
	Fee           StdFee    `json:"fee" yaml:"fee"`
	Msgs          []sdk.Msg `json:"msgs" yaml:"msgs"`
	Memo          string    `json:"memo" yaml:"memo"`

// StdSignature represents a sig
type StdSignature struct {
	crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key" yaml:"pub_key"` // optional
	Signature     []byte                          `json:"signature" yaml:"signature"`
// StdFee includes the amount of coins paid in fees and the maximum
// gas to be used by the transaction. The ratio yields an effective "gasprice",
// which must be above some miminum to be accepted into the mempool.
type StdFee struct {
	Amount sdk.Coins `json:"amount" yaml:"amount"`
	Gas    uint64    `json:"gas" yaml:"gas"`

animo encode

register Msg and Tx interface


// Register the sdk message type
func RegisterCodec(cdc *codec.Codec) {
	cdc.RegisterInterface((*Msg)(nil), nil)
	cdc.RegisterInterface((*Tx)(nil), nil)

register StdTx


// RegisterCodec registers concrete types on the codec
func RegisterCodec(cdc *codec.Codec) {
	cdc.RegisterInterface((*exported.GenesisAccount)(nil), nil)
	cdc.RegisterInterface((*exported.Account)(nil), nil)
	cdc.RegisterConcrete(&BaseAccount{}, "cosmos-sdk/Account", nil)
	cdc.RegisterConcrete(StdTx{}, "cosmos-sdk/StdTx", nil)

tx encoder & decoder


// DefaultTxDecoder logic for standard transaction decoding
func DefaultTxDecoder(cdc *codec.Codec) sdk.TxDecoder {
	return func(txBytes []byte) (sdk.Tx, error) {
		var tx = StdTx{}

		if len(txBytes) == 0 {
			return nil, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrTxDecode, "tx bytes are empty")

		// StdTx.Msg is an interface. The concrete types
		// are registered by MakeTxCodec
		err := cdc.UnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(txBytes, &tx)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrTxDecode, err.Error())

		return tx, nil

// DefaultTxEncoder logic for standard transaction encoding
func DefaultTxEncoder(cdc *codec.Codec) sdk.TxEncoder {
	return func(tx sdk.Tx) ([]byte, error) {
		return cdc.MarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(tx)

tx decoder will be used by CheckTx and DeliverTx in BaseApp module.
