



    The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with custom metrics support, on some other application-provided metrics)    

     Horizontal Pod Autoscaling(HPA)是Kubernetes中实现POD水平自动伸缩的功能,根据CPU使用率或应用自定义metrics自动扩展Pod数量(支持 replication controller、deployment 和 replica set)




  How does the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler work?


    The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is implemented as a control loop, with a period controlled by the controller manager’s --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-sync-period flag (with a default value of 30 seconds).


During each period, the controller manager queries the resource utilization against the metrics specified in each HorizontalPodAutoscaler definition. The controller manager obtains the metrics from either the resource metrics API (for per-pod resource metrics), or the custom metrics API (for all other metrics).

  • For per-pod resource metrics (like CPU), the controller fetches the metrics from the resource metrics API for each pod targeted by the HorizontalPodAutoscaler. Then, if a target utilization value is set, the controller calculates the utilization value as a percentage of the equivalent resource request on the containers in each pod. If a target raw value is set, the raw metric values are used directly. The controller then takes the mean of the utilization or the raw value (depending on the type of target specified) across all targeted pods, and produces a ratio used to scale the number of desired replicas.

    The HorizontalPodAutoscaler normally fetches metrics from a series of aggregated APIs (metrics.k8s.iocustom.metrics.k8s.io, and external.metrics.k8s.io). The metrics.k8s.io API is usually provided by metrics-server, which needs to be launched separately. See metrics-server for instructions. The HorizontalPodAutoscaler can also fetch metrics directly from Heapster.


  • Heapster:  直接从heapster获得metrics
  • aggregated APIs:  包括metrics.k8s.iocustom.metrics.k8s.io, and external.metrics.k8s.io



--controllers strings:

         All controllers: attachdetach, bootstrapsigner, clusterrole-aggregation, cronjob, csrapproving,
                csrcleaner, csrsigning, daemonset, deployment, disruption, endpoint, garbagecollector,
                horizontalpodautoscaling, job, namespace, nodeipam, nodelifecycle, persistentvolume-binder,
                persistentvolume-expander, podgc, pv-protection, pvc-protection, replicaset, replicationcontroller,
                resourcequota, route, service, serviceaccount, serviceaccount-token, statefulset, tokencleaner, ttl,
                Disabled-by-default controllers: bootstrapsigner, tokencleaner (default [*])
--horizontal-pod-autoscaler-cpu-initialization-period duration   The period after pod start when CPU samples might be skipped. (default 5m0s)
      --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-stabilization duration     The period for which autoscaler will look backwards and not scale down below any recommendation it made during that period. (default 5m0s)
      --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-initial-readiness-delay duration     The period after pod start during which readiness changes will be treated as initial readiness. (default 30s)
      --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-sync-period duration                 The period for syncing the number of pods in horizontal pod autoscaler. (default 15s)
      --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-tolerance float                      The minimum change (from 1.0) in the desired-to-actual metrics ratio for the horizontal pod autoscaler to consider scaling. (default 0.1)


0. 入口NewControllerInitializers函数

    注册HPA,controllers["horizontalpodautoscaling"] = startHPAController
 = startTTLAfterFinishedController

// NewControllerInitializers is a public map of named controller groups (you can start more than one in an init func)
// paired to their InitFunc.  This allows for structured downstream composition and subdivision.
func NewControllerInitializers(loopMode ControllerLoopMode) map[string]InitFunc {
	controllers := map[string]InitFunc{}
	controllers["replicaset"] = startReplicaSetController
	controllers["horizontalpodautoscaling"] = startHPAController
 = startTTLAfterFinishedController

	return controllers


1. 函数startHPAController


    根据启动参数 --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-use-rest-clients="true",如果要使用自定义metrics,需要开启该选项,则调用startHPAControllerWithRESTClient函数


func startHPAController(ctx ControllerContext) (http.Handler, bool, error) {
	if !ctx.AvailableResources[schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "autoscaling", Version: "v1", Resource: "horizontalpodautoscalers"}] {
		return nil, false, nil

	if ctx.ComponentConfig.HPAController.HorizontalPodAutoscalerUseRESTClients {
		// use the new-style clients if support for custom metrics is enabled
		return startHPAControllerWithRESTClient(ctx)

	return startHPAControllerWithLegacyClient(ctx)

  1.1 startHPAControllerWithRESTClient函数



  kubernetes 1.12.1 已经启动设置 --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-use-rest-clients="true"


     startHPAControllerWithMetricsClient函數做的事情比較多,let me瞅瞅

func startHPAControllerWithRESTClient(ctx ControllerContext) (http.Handler, bool, error) {
	clientConfig := ctx.ClientBuilder.ConfigOrDie("horizontal-pod-autoscaler")
	hpaClient := ctx.ClientBuilder.ClientOrDie("horizontal-pod-autoscaler")

	apiVersionsGetter := custom_metrics.NewAvailableAPIsGetter(hpaClient.Discovery())
	// invalidate the discovery information roughly once per resync interval our API
	// information is *at most* two resync intervals old.
	go custom_metrics.PeriodicallyInvalidate(

	metricsClient := metrics.NewRESTMetricsClient(
		custom_metrics.NewForConfig(clientConfig, ctx.RESTMapper, apiVersionsGetter),
	return startHPAControllerWithMetricsClient(ctx, metricsClient)

  1.1.1  startHPAControllerWithMetricsClient函數


func startHPAControllerWithMetricsClient(ctx ControllerContext, metricsClient metrics.MetricsClient) (http.Handler, bool, error) {
	hpaClient := ctx.ClientBuilder.ClientOrDie("horizontal-pod-autoscaler")
	hpaClientConfig := ctx.ClientBuilder.ConfigOrDie("horizontal-pod-autoscaler")

	// we don't use cached discovery because DiscoveryScaleKindResolver does its own caching,
	// so we want to re-fetch every time when we actually ask for it
	scaleKindResolver := scale.NewDiscoveryScaleKindResolver(hpaClient.Discovery())
	scaleClient, err := scale.NewForConfig(hpaClientConfig, ctx.RESTMapper, dynamic.LegacyAPIPathResolverFunc, scaleKindResolver)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err

	go podautoscaler.NewHorizontalController(
	return nil, true, nil

  1.2 startHPAControllerWithMetricsClient函数

func startHPAControllerWithMetricsClient(ctx ControllerContext, metricsClient metrics.MetricsClient) (http.Handler, bool, error) {
	hpaClient := ctx.ClientBuilder.ClientOrDie("horizontal-pod-autoscaler")
	hpaClientConfig := ctx.ClientBuilder.ConfigOrDie("horizontal-pod-autoscaler")

	// we don't use cached discovery because DiscoveryScaleKindResolver does its own caching,
	// so we want to re-fetch every time when we actually ask for it
	scaleKindResolver := scale.NewDiscoveryScaleKindResolver(hpaClient.Discovery())
	scaleClient, err := scale.NewForConfig(hpaClientConfig, ctx.RESTMapper, dynamic.LegacyAPIPathResolverFunc, scaleKindResolver)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err

	go podautoscaler.NewHorizontalController(
	return nil, true, nil

  1.3 startHPAControllerWithMetricsClient函数

func startHPAControllerWithMetricsClient(ctx ControllerContext, metricsClient metrics.MetricsClient) (http.Handler, bool, error) {
	hpaClient := ctx.ClientBuilder.ClientOrDie("horizontal-pod-autoscaler")
	hpaClientConfig := ctx.ClientBuilder.ConfigOrDie("horizontal-pod-autoscaler")

	// we don't use cached discovery because DiscoveryScaleKindResolver does its own caching,
	// so we want to re-fetch every time when we actually ask for it
	scaleKindResolver := scale.NewDiscoveryScaleKindResolver(hpaClient.Discovery())
	scaleClient, err := scale.NewForConfig(hpaClientConfig, ctx.RESTMapper, dynamic.LegacyAPIPathResolverFunc, scaleKindResolver)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err

	go podautoscaler.NewHorizontalController(
	return nil, true, nil


2. NewHorizontalController函数


   创建hpa informer机制,回调函数为AddFunc为hpaController.enqueueHPA, UpdateFunc为hpaController.updateHPA,DeleteFunc为hpaController.deleteHPA


// NewHorizontalController creates a new HorizontalController.
func NewHorizontalController(
	evtNamespacer v1core.EventsGetter,
	scaleNamespacer scaleclient.ScalesGetter,
	hpaNamespacer autoscalingclient.HorizontalPodAutoscalersGetter,
	mapper apimeta.RESTMapper,
	metricsClient metricsclient.MetricsClient,
	hpaInformer autoscalinginformers.HorizontalPodAutoscalerInformer,
	podInformer coreinformers.PodInformer,
	resyncPeriod time.Duration,
	downscaleStabilisationWindow time.Duration,
	tolerance float64,
	delayOfInitialReadinessStatus time.Duration,

) *HorizontalController {
	broadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	broadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&v1core.EventSinkImpl{Interface: evtNamespacer.Events("")})
	recorder := broadcaster.NewRecorder(scheme.Scheme, v1.EventSource{Component: "horizontal-pod-autoscaler"})

	hpaController := &HorizontalController{
		eventRecorder:                recorder,
		scaleNamespacer:              scaleNamespacer,
		hpaNamespacer:                hpaNamespacer,
		downscaleStabilisationWindow: downscaleStabilisationWindow,
		queue:           workqueue.NewNamedRateLimitingQueue(NewDefaultHPARateLimiter(resyncPeriod), "horizontalpodautoscaler"),
		mapper:          mapper,
		recommendations: map[string][]timestampedRecommendation{},

			AddFunc:    hpaController.enqueueHPA,
			UpdateFunc: hpaController.updateHPA,
			DeleteFunc: hpaController.deleteHPA,
	hpaController.hpaLister = hpaInformer.Lister()
	hpaController.hpaListerSynced = hpaInformer.Informer().HasSynced

	hpaController.podLister = podInformer.Lister()
	hpaController.podListerSynced = podInformer.Informer().HasSynced

	replicaCalc := NewReplicaCalculator(
	hpaController.replicaCalc = replicaCalc

	return hpaController


3. Run函数


// Run begins watching and syncing.
func (a *HorizontalController) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
	defer a.queue.ShutDown()

	glog.Infof("Starting HPA controller")
	defer glog.Infof("Shutting down HPA controller")

	if !controller.WaitForCacheSync("HPA", stopCh, a.hpaListerSynced, a.podListerSynced) {

	// start a single worker (we may wish to start more in the future)
	go wait.Until(a.worker, time.Second, stopCh)


  3.1 worker工作了



func (a *HorizontalController) worker() {
	for a.processNextWorkItem() {
	glog.Infof("horizontal pod autoscaler controller worker shutting down")

func (a *HorizontalController) processNextWorkItem() bool {
	key, quit := a.queue.Get()
	if quit {
		return false
	defer a.queue.Done(key)

	err := a.reconcileKey(key.(string))
	if err == nil {
		// don't "forget" here because we want to only process a given HPA once per resync interval
		return true

	return true


4. reconcileAutoscaler函数


  4.1 这一沱主要是处理版本问题

// make a copy so that we never mutate the shared informer cache (conversion can mutate the object)
	hpav1 := hpav1Shared.DeepCopy()
	// then, convert to autoscaling/v2, which makes our lives easier when calculating metrics
	hpaRaw, err := unsafeConvertToVersionVia(hpav1, autoscalingv2.SchemeGroupVersion)
	if err != nil {
		a.eventRecorder.Event(hpav1, v1.EventTypeWarning, "FailedConvertHPA", err.Error())
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert the given HPA to %s: %v", autoscalingv2.SchemeGroupVersion.String(), err)
	hpa := hpaRaw.(*autoscalingv2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler)
	hpaStatusOriginal := hpa.Status.DeepCopy()

	reference := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", hpa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef.Kind, hpa.Namespace, hpa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef.Name)

	targetGV, err := schema.ParseGroupVersion(hpa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef.APIVersion)
	if err != nil {
		a.eventRecorder.Event(hpa, v1.EventTypeWarning, "FailedGetScale", err.Error())
		setCondition(hpa, autoscalingv2.AbleToScale, v1.ConditionFalse, "FailedGetScale", "the HPA controller was unable to get the target's current scale: %v", err)
		a.updateStatusIfNeeded(hpaStatusOriginal, hpa)
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid API version in scale target reference: %v", err)

  4.2 replicas为0的情况



	if scale.Spec.Replicas == 0 {
		// Autoscaling is disabled for this resource
		desiredReplicas = 0
		rescale = false
		setCondition(hpa, autoscalingv2.ScalingActive, v1.ConditionFalse, "ScalingDisabled", "scaling is disabled since the replica count of the target is zero")
	} else if currentReplicas > hpa.Spec.MaxReplicas {
		rescaleReason = "Current number of replicas above Spec.MaxReplicas"
		desiredReplicas = hpa.Spec.MaxReplicas
	} else if hpa.Spec.MinReplicas != nil && currentReplicas < *hpa.Spec.MinReplicas {
		rescaleReason = "Current number of replicas below Spec.MinReplicas"
		desiredReplicas = *hpa.Spec.MinReplicas
	} else if currentReplicas == 0 {
		rescaleReason = "Current number of replicas must be greater than 0"
		desiredReplicas = 1

  4.3 computeReplicasForMetrics函数

       根据metrics指标计算对应的副本数 (第5章节讲解)

	} else {

		metricDesiredReplicas, metricName, metricStatuses, metricTimestamp, err = a.computeReplicasForMetrics(hpa, scale, hpa.Spec.Metrics)
		if err != nil {
			a.setCurrentReplicasInStatus(hpa, currentReplicas)
			if err := a.updateStatusIfNeeded(hpaStatusOriginal, hpa); err != nil {
			a.eventRecorder.Event(hpa, v1.EventTypeWarning, "FailedComputeMetricsReplicas", err.Error())
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to compute desired number of replicas based on listed metrics for %s: %v", reference, err)

  4.4 比较进行处理

		rescaleMetric := ""
		if metricDesiredReplicas > desiredReplicas {
			desiredReplicas = metricDesiredReplicas
			timestamp = metricTimestamp
			rescaleMetric = metricName
		if desiredReplicas > currentReplicas {
			rescaleReason = fmt.Sprintf("%s above target", rescaleMetric)
		if desiredReplicas < currentReplicas {
			rescaleReason = "All metrics below target"
		desiredReplicas = a.normalizeDesiredReplicas(hpa, key, currentReplicas, desiredReplicas)
		rescale = desiredReplicas != currentReplicas

  4.5 期待副本数和当前副本数不等,需要扩容或者缩容

    調用scales.Update函數,实现在vendor/k8s.io/client-go/scale/client.go中,这个最终会修改deploy或者rc副本数,然后交给deployment或者rc controller处理,deploy实际是由rs处理副本数量,第8章节讲解

	if rescale {
		scale.Spec.Replicas = desiredReplicas
		_, err = a.scaleNamespacer.Scales(hpa.Namespace).Update(targetGR, scale)
		if err != nil {
			a.eventRecorder.Eventf(hpa, v1.EventTypeWarning, "FailedRescale", "New size: %d; reason: %s; error: %v", desiredReplicas, rescaleReason, err.Error())
			setCondition(hpa, autoscalingv2.AbleToScale, v1.ConditionFalse, "FailedUpdateScale", "the HPA controller was unable to update the target scale: %v", err)
			a.setCurrentReplicasInStatus(hpa, currentReplicas)
			if err := a.updateStatusIfNeeded(hpaStatusOriginal, hpa); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to rescale %s: %v", reference, err)
		setCondition(hpa, autoscalingv2.AbleToScale, v1.ConditionTrue, "SucceededRescale", "the HPA controller was able to update the target scale to %d", desiredReplicas)
		a.eventRecorder.Eventf(hpa, v1.EventTypeNormal, "SuccessfulRescale", "New size: %d; reason: %s", desiredReplicas, rescaleReason)
		glog.Infof("Successful rescale of %s, old size: %d, new size: %d, reason: %s",
			hpa.Name, currentReplicas, desiredReplicas, rescaleReason)
	} else {
		glog.V(4).Infof("decided not to scale %s to %v (last scale time was %s)", reference, desiredReplicas, hpa.Status.LastScaleTime)
		desiredReplicas = currentReplicas


5. computeReplicasForMetrics函数

  5.1 selector主要是deploy中的labels,主要是过滤功能

	for i, metricSpec := range metricSpecs {
		if scale.Status.Selector == "" {
			errMsg := "selector is required"
			a.eventRecorder.Event(hpa, v1.EventTypeWarning, "SelectorRequired", errMsg)
			setCondition(hpa, autoscalingv2.ScalingActive, v1.ConditionFalse, "InvalidSelector", "the HPA target's scale is missing a selector")
			return 0, "", nil, time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf(errMsg)

		selector, err := labels.Parse(scale.Status.Selector)
		if err != nil {
			errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("couldn't convert selector into a corresponding internal selector object: %v", err)
			a.eventRecorder.Event(hpa, v1.EventTypeWarning, "InvalidSelector", errMsg)
			setCondition(hpa, autoscalingv2.ScalingActive, v1.ConditionFalse, "InvalidSelector", errMsg)
			return 0, "", nil, time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf(errMsg)

  5.2 metric类型为Resource类型


		switch metricSpec.Type {
		case autoscalingv2.ObjectMetricSourceType:
			metricSelector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(metricSpec.Object.Metric.Selector)
			if err != nil {
				a.eventRecorder.Event(hpa, v1.EventTypeWarning, "FailedGetObjectMetric", err.Error())
				setCondition(hpa, autoscalingv2.ScalingActive, v1.ConditionFalse, "FailedGetObjectMetric", "the HPA was unable to compute the replica count: %v", err)
				return 0, "", nil, time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get object metric value: %v", err)
			replicaCountProposal, timestampProposal, metricNameProposal, err = a.computeStatusForObjectMetric(currentReplicas, metricSpec, hpa, selector, &statuses[i], metricSelector)
			if err != nil {
				return 0, "", nil, time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get object metric value: %v", err)

        case autoscalingv2.ResourceMetricSourceType:
			replicaCountProposal, timestampProposal, metricNameProposal, err = a.computeStatusForResourceMetric(currentReplicas, metricSpec, hpa, selector, &statuses[i])
			if err != nil {
				return 0, "", nil, time.Time{}, err

  5.3  如果预估的大于当前副本,则更新

		if replicas == 0 || replicaCountProposal > replicas {
			timestamp = timestampProposal
			replicas = replicaCountProposal
			metric = metricNameProposal



6. computeStatusForResourceMetric函数


  6.1 基于未设置AverageValue流程


	} else {
		if metricSpec.Resource.Target.AverageUtilization == nil {
			errMsg := "invalid resource metric source: neither a utilization target nor a value target was set"
			a.eventRecorder.Event(hpa, v1.EventTypeWarning, "FailedGetResourceMetric", errMsg)
			setCondition(hpa, autoscalingv2.ScalingActive, v1.ConditionFalse, "FailedGetResourceMetric", "the HPA was unable to compute the replica count: %s", errMsg)
			return 0, time.Time{}, "", fmt.Errorf(errMsg)
		targetUtilization := *metricSpec.Resource.Target.AverageUtilization
		var percentageProposal int32
		var rawProposal int64

		replicaCountProposal, percentageProposal, rawProposal, timestampProposal, err := a.replicaCalc.GetResourceReplicas(currentReplicas, targetUtilization, metricSpec.Resource.Name, hpa.Namespace, selector)
		if err != nil {
			a.eventRecorder.Event(hpa, v1.EventTypeWarning, "FailedGetResourceMetric", err.Error())
			setCondition(hpa, autoscalingv2.ScalingActive, v1.ConditionFalse, "FailedGetResourceMetric", "the HPA was unable to compute the replica count: %v", err)
			return 0, time.Time{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get %s utilization: %v", metricSpec.Resource.Name, err)
		metricNameProposal := fmt.Sprintf("%s resource utilization (percentage of request)", metricSpec.Resource.Name)
		*status = autoscalingv2.MetricStatus{
			Type: autoscalingv2.ResourceMetricSourceType,
			Resource: &autoscalingv2.ResourceMetricStatus{
				Name: metricSpec.Resource.Name,
				Current: autoscalingv2.MetricValueStatus{
					AverageUtilization: &percentageProposal,
					AverageValue:       resource.NewMilliQuantity(rawProposal, resource.DecimalSI),
		return replicaCountProposal, timestampProposal, metricNameProposal, nil

  6.2 填充status结构体,

		metricNameProposal := fmt.Sprintf("%s resource utilization (percentage of request)", metricSpec.Resource.Name)
		*status = autoscalingv2.MetricStatus{
			Type: autoscalingv2.ResourceMetricSourceType,
			Resource: &autoscalingv2.ResourceMetricStatus{
				Name: metricSpec.Resource.Name,
				Current: autoscalingv2.MetricValueStatus{
					AverageUtilization: &percentageProposal,
					AverageValue:       resource.NewMilliQuantity(rawProposal, resource.DecimalSI),


7. GetResourceReplicas函数

  7.1 GetResourceMetric函数

	metrics, timestamp, err := c.metricsClient.GetResourceMetric(resource, namespace, selector)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, 0, 0, time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to get metrics for resource %s: %v", resource, err)

  7.1.1 GetResourceMetric函数

   主要是根据标签过滤调用List API,对各项metrics指标将所有容器指标项加和计算

// GetResourceMetric gets the given resource metric (and an associated oldest timestamp)
// for all pods matching the specified selector in the given namespace
func (c *resourceMetricsClient) GetResourceMetric(resource v1.ResourceName, namespace string, selector labels.Selector) (PodMetricsInfo, time.Time, error) {
	metrics, err := c.client.PodMetricses(namespace).List(metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: selector.String()})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch metrics from resource metrics API: %v", err)

	if len(metrics.Items) == 0 {
		return nil, time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("no metrics returned from resource metrics API")

	res := make(PodMetricsInfo, len(metrics.Items))

	for _, m := range metrics.Items {
		podSum := int64(0)
		missing := len(m.Containers) == 0
		for _, c := range m.Containers {
			resValue, found := c.Usage[v1.ResourceName(resource)]
			if !found {
				missing = true
				glog.V(2).Infof("missing resource metric %v for container %s in pod %s/%s", resource, c.Name, namespace, m.Name)
				break // containers loop
			podSum += resValue.MilliValue()

		if !missing {
			res[m.Name] = PodMetric{
				Timestamp: m.Timestamp.Time,
				Window:    m.Window.Duration,
				Value:     int64(podSum),

	timestamp := metrics.Items[0].Timestamp.Time

	return res, timestamp, nil

  7.2 调用API获得pod,并对pod分组

  •  ignoredPods: condition == nil || pod.Status.StartTime == nil
  • missingPods:


	podList, err := c.podLister.Pods(namespace).List(selector)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, 0, 0, time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to get pods while calculating replica count: %v", err)

	itemsLen := len(podList)
	if itemsLen == 0 {
		return 0, 0, 0, time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("no pods returned by selector while calculating replica count")

	readyPodCount, ignoredPods, missingPods := groupPods(podList, metrics, resource, c.cpuInitializationPeriod, c.delayOfInitialReadinessStatus)
	removeMetricsForPods(metrics, ignoredPods)

  7.3 calculatePodRequests函数


func calculatePodRequests(pods []*v1.Pod, resource v1.ResourceName) (map[string]int64, error) {
	requests := make(map[string]int64, len(pods))
	for _, pod := range pods {
		podSum := int64(0)
		for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
			if containerRequest, ok := container.Resources.Requests[resource]; ok {
				podSum += containerRequest.MilliValue()
			} else {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing request for %s", resource)
		requests[pod.Name] = podSum
	return requests, nil

  7.4 GeteResourceUtilizationRatio函数


  当前利用率 = int32((metricsTotal * 100) / requestsTotal),所有资源和 / 所有pod request和

// GetResourceUtilizationRatio takes in a set of metrics, a set of matching requests,
// and a target utilization percentage, and calculates the ratio of
// desired to actual utilization (returning that, the actual utilization, and the raw average value)
func GetResourceUtilizationRatio(metrics PodMetricsInfo, requests map[string]int64, targetUtilization int32) (utilizationRatio float64, currentUtilization int32, rawAverageValue int64, err error) {
	metricsTotal := int64(0)
	requestsTotal := int64(0)
	numEntries := 0

	for podName, metric := range metrics {
		request, hasRequest := requests[podName]
		if !hasRequest {
			// we check for missing requests elsewhere, so assuming missing requests == extraneous metrics

		metricsTotal += metric.Value
		requestsTotal += request

	// if the set of requests is completely disjoint from the set of metrics,
	// then we could have an issue where the requests total is zero
	if requestsTotal == 0 {
		return 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("no metrics returned matched known pods")

	currentUtilization = int32((metricsTotal * 100) / requestsTotal)

	return float64(currentUtilization) / float64(targetUtilization), currentUtilization, metricsTotal / int64(numEntries), nil

  7.5 计算需要使用的副本数

    --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-tolerance float: The minimum change (from 1.0) in the desired-to-actual metrics ratio for the horizontal pod autoscaler to consider scaling. (default 0.1)

    如果使用率可以在容忍的范围内,就是还是使用当前副本数,否则使用使用率 * readyPodCount作为新副本数

	rebalanceIgnored := len(ignoredPods) > 0 && usageRatio > 1.0
	if !rebalanceIgnored && len(missingPods) == 0 {
		if math.Abs(1.0-usageRatio) <= c.tolerance {
			// return the current replicas if the change would be too small
			return currentReplicas, utilization, rawUtilization, timestamp, nil

		// if we don't have any unready or missing pods, we can calculate the new replica count now
		return int32(math.Ceil(usageRatio * float64(readyPodCount))), utilization, rawUtilization, timestamp, nil

	if len(missingPods) > 0 {
		if usageRatio < 1.0 {
			// on a scale-down, treat missing pods as using 100% of the resource request
			for podName := range missingPods {
				metrics[podName] = metricsclient.PodMetric{Value: requests[podName]}
		} else if usageRatio > 1.0 {
			// on a scale-up, treat missing pods as using 0% of the resource request
			for podName := range missingPods {
				metrics[podName] = metricsclient.PodMetric{Value: 0}

	if rebalanceIgnored {
		// on a scale-up, treat unready pods as using 0% of the resource request
		for podName := range ignoredPods {
			metrics[podName] = metricsclient.PodMetric{Value: 0}

	// re-run the utilization calculation with our new numbers
	newUsageRatio, _, _, err := metricsclient.GetResourceUtilizationRatio(metrics, requests, targetUtilization)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, utilization, rawUtilization, time.Time{}, err

	if math.Abs(1.0-newUsageRatio) <= c.tolerance || (usageRatio < 1.0 && newUsageRatio > 1.0) || (usageRatio > 1.0 && newUsageRatio < 1.0) {
		// return the current replicas if the change would be too small,
		// or if the new usage ratio would cause a change in scale direction
		return currentReplicas, utilization, rawUtilization, timestamp, nil

	// return the result, where the number of replicas considered is
	// however many replicas factored into our calculation
	return int32(math.Ceil(newUsageRatio * float64(len(metrics)))), utilization, rawUtilization, timestamp, nil


8. 初始化scaleClient


	// we don't use cached discovery because DiscoveryScaleKindResolver does its own caching,
	// so we want to re-fetch every time when we actually ask for it
	scaleKindResolver := scale.NewDiscoveryScaleKindResolver(hpaClient.Discovery())
	scaleClient, err := scale.NewForConfig(hpaClientConfig, ctx.RESTMapper, dynamic.LegacyAPIPathResolverFunc, scaleKindResolver)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err

  8.1 NewForConfig函数

  路径 vendor/k8s.io/client-go/scale/client.go

// NewForConfig creates a new ScalesGetter which resolves kinds
// to resources using the given RESTMapper, and API paths using
// the given dynamic.APIPathResolverFunc.
func NewForConfig(cfg *restclient.Config, mapper PreferredResourceMapper, resolver dynamic.APIPathResolverFunc, scaleKindResolver ScaleKindResolver) (ScalesGetter, error) {
	// so that the RESTClientFor doesn't complain
	cfg.GroupVersion = &schema.GroupVersion{}

	cfg.NegotiatedSerializer = serializer.DirectCodecFactory{
		CodecFactory: codecs,
	if len(cfg.UserAgent) == 0 {
		cfg.UserAgent = restclient.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()

	client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return New(client, mapper, resolver, scaleKindResolver), nil

 8.2 scaleClient结构体


// scaleClient is an implementation of ScalesGetter
// which makes use of a RESTMapper and a generic REST
// client to support an discoverable resource.
// It behaves somewhat similarly to the dynamic ClientPool,
// but is more specifically scoped to Scale.
type scaleClient struct {
	mapper PreferredResourceMapper

	apiPathResolverFunc dynamic.APIPathResolverFunc
	scaleKindResolver   ScaleKindResolver
	clientBase          restclient.Interface

// ScalesGetter can produce a ScaleInterface
// for a particular namespace.
type ScalesGetter interface {
	Scales(namespace string) ScaleInterface

// ScaleInterface can fetch and update scales for
// resources in a particular namespace which implement
// the scale subresource.
type ScaleInterface interface {
	// Get fetches the scale of the given scalable resource.
	Get(resource schema.GroupResource, name string) (*autoscalingapi.Scale, error)

	// Update updates the scale of the the given scalable resource.
	Update(resource schema.GroupResource, scale *autoscalingapi.Scale) (*autoscalingapi.Scale, error)

  8.3 Update函数


func (c *namespacedScaleClient) Update(resource schema.GroupResource, scale *autoscaling.Scale) (*autoscaling.Scale, error) {

	result := c.client.clientBase.Put().
	return scaleObj.(*autoscaling.Scale), err

  8.3.1 对于deployment注册

func (r *ScaleREST) GroupVersionKind(containingGV schema.GroupVersion) schema.GroupVersionKind {
	switch containingGV {
	case extensionsv1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion:
		return extensionsv1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Scale")
	case appsv1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion:
		return appsv1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Scale")
	case appsv1beta2.SchemeGroupVersion:
		return appsv1beta2.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Scale")
		return autoscalingv1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Scale")

 8.4 Update函数

  路径 pkg/registry/apps/deployment/storage/storage.go


func (r *ScaleREST) Update(ctx context.Context, name string, objInfo rest.UpdatedObjectInfo, createValidation rest.ValidateObjectFunc, updateValidation rest.ValidateObjectUpdateFunc, forceAllowCreate bool, options *metav1.UpdateOptions) (runtime.Object, bool, error) {
	obj, err := r.store.Get(ctx, name, &metav1.GetOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, errors.NewNotFound(extensions.Resource("deployments/scale"), name)
	deployment := obj.(*extensions.Deployment)

	oldScale, err := scaleFromDeployment(deployment)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err

	obj, err = objInfo.UpdatedObject(ctx, oldScale)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err
	if obj == nil {
		return nil, false, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("nil update passed to Scale"))
	scale, ok := obj.(*autoscaling.Scale)
	if !ok {
		return nil, false, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("expected input object type to be Scale, but %T", obj))

	if errs := autoscalingvalidation.ValidateScale(scale); len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, false, errors.NewInvalid(extensions.Kind("Scale"), name, errs)

	deployment.Spec.Replicas = scale.Spec.Replicas
	deployment.ResourceVersion = scale.ResourceVersion
	obj, _, err = r.store.Update(ctx, deployment.Name, rest.DefaultUpdatedObjectInfo(deployment), createValidation, updateValidation, false, options)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err
	deployment = obj.(*extensions.Deployment)
	newScale, err := scaleFromDeployment(deployment)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
	return newScale, false, nil


