使用tampermonkey 脚本愉快上网



使用tampermonkey 脚本愉快上网_第1张图片




使用tampermonkey 脚本愉快上网_第2张图片


使用tampermonkey 脚本愉快上网_第3张图片





// ==UserScript==
// @name         网页优化助手
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.8
// @description  1、简化百度页面,去除广告,美化搜索结果,页面滚动到下方自动加载;2、修改部分网站超链打开窗口为新窗口方式;3、Github搜索列表自动翻译,修改列表展示方式,滚动自动加载,readme划词翻译
// @author       Yisin
// @require      https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js
// @match        *://www.baidu.com/*
// @match        *://www.google.com.hk/*
// @match        *://bbs.125.la/*
// @match        *://github.com/*
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    'use strict';

    $(window).on('load', function () {
        var start = function () {
            var host = document.location.host;
            // 百度
            if(host == 'www.baidu.com'){
                new BaiduHelper().listener();
            } else if(host == 'github.com'){
                // Guthub
                new GitHubHelper().listener();

            // 超链接
            new HrefHelp().ready();

     * 百度助手
    function BaiduHelper() {
        this.pageIndex = 1;
        this.first = '________________';
    BaiduHelper.prototype = {
        listener: function () {
            var that = this;
            setInterval(function () {
                var href = document.location.href;
                if (href == 'https://www.baidu.com/') {
                var t = $('.result.c-container .t:eq(0)').text();
                if (that.first != t) {
                    that.first = t;

                    setTimeout(function () {
                        that.pageIndex = 1;
                    }, 200);
            }, 200);
        // 去广告
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        clearAd: function () {
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                var cleard = function () {
                    $('#content_left > div').each(function () {
                        var that = $(this);
                        if (!that.hasClass('result') || that.find('.m').text() == '广告') {
                setInterval(cleard, 200);
        // 页面美化document.body.clientWidth
        pageFormat: function () {
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            //   cw = parseInt(iw / 2) - 23;
            var iw = 240;
            var cw =600;
            var ch = 180;//每个搜索条目高度
            var styleText = ".result.c-container{border:1px solid #dedede;margin: 5px;padding: 3px;height: "+ch+"px;float: left;overflow-y: auto;width: " + cw + "px;}";
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        // 自动加载搜索下一页
        autoLoadSearch: function () {
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            var max = $('#page a').length - 1;
            var startload = function () {
                loadstatus = true;
                var kw = $('#kw').val();
                var num = that.pageIndex * 10;
                var url = formatByJson("https://www.baidu.com/s?wd={wd}&pn={pn}", {
                    wd: kw, pn: num
                loadHtml(url, function (res) {
                    loadstatus = false;
                    try {
                        var $html = $(res);
                        if ($html) {
                            var items = $html.find('#content_left > div.result');
                            if (items && items.length) {
                                if($('body').height() < $(window).height() && that.pageIndex < max && that.pageIndex < 4){
                    } catch (e1) {

            $(window).unbind('scroll').scroll(function (e, i) {
                if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() >= $(document).height() - 10) {
                    if (!loadstatus) {

    var githubcss = `
        .container-lg {
            max-width: 10120px;
        .paginate-container {
            float: left;
            width: 100%;
        .container-lg .float-left.px-md-2 {
            width: 210px;
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            width: calc(100% - 210px) !important;
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            width: 530px;
            height: 250px;
            float: left;
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        .repo-list-item > div:nth-child(1) {
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            width: 140px;
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            width: 45%!important;
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            overflow-y: auto;
            overflow-x: hidden;

     * GitHub助手
    function GitHubHelper() {
        this.first = '______';
        this.pageIndex = 2;
        this.itemw = 530;
    GitHubHelper.prototype = {
        searchPage: function () {
            var href = document.location.href;
            if (href.substring(0, 26) == 'https://github.com/search?') {
                var $inpo = $('input.header-search-input');
                if ($inpo && !$inpo.val()) {
                var hash = document.location.hash;
                var iv = "";
                if(hash && hash.length > 1){
                    iv = hash.substring(1);
                $('.HeaderMenu div.d-lg-flex').prepend(`
`); setTimeout(function(){ $('.HeaderMenu #_s_key').val(iv).on('change', function(){ var v = $(this).val(); var url = "https://github.com/search?"; if(v == 1){ var d = new Date(); url += "o=desc&q=pushed%3A" + (d.getFullYear() + "-" + (d.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + d.getDate()) + "&s=updated&type=Repositories#" + v; } else if(v == 2){ url += "o=desc&q=stars%3A>1&s=stars&type=Repositories#" + v; } else if(v == 3){ url += "o=desc&q=stars%3A>1&s=forks&type=Repositories#" + v; } if(v){ document.location.href = url; } }); }, 300); } }, searchFanyi: function () { var that = this; var $p = $('.repo-list .repo-list-item p.d-inline-block'); if ($p && $p.length) { var i1 = 0; var startFY = function (i2) { if($p[i2].fy){ i1++; startFY(i1); return; } var text = $p[i2].innerText; fanyi(text, function (res) { if (res) { i1++; $p[i2].innerHTML = $p[i2].innerHTML + '
' + res + '
'; $p[i2].fy = true; if (i1 < $p.length) { startFY(i1); } else { $('.repo-list-item a').attr('target', "_blank"); } } }); } startFY(i1); } $('.repo-list .repo-list-item').css('width', that.itemw); }, autoLoad: function () { var href = document.location.href; var hash = document.location.hash; if(hash){ href = href.replace(hash, ""); } if (href.substring(0, 26) != 'https://github.com/search?') { return; } $('.pagination .previous_page, .pagination .next_page').remove(); var that = this; var alist = $('.pagination a'); var max = alist.length + 1; if($('.pagination .current').length){ var t = $('.pagination .current').data('total-pages'); if(t){ max = parseInt(t); } } ("console" in window) && console.info("max page ", max); var p = "&p=1"; try{ p = href.match(/&p=[0-9]+/g)[0]; }catch(exx){ p = "&p=1"; href += p; } var loadstatus = false; var startload = function () { if (that.pageIndex > max) { return; } loadstatus = true; var url = href.replace(p, '&p=' + that.pageIndex); if(!url.includes("&p=")){ url += '&p=' + that.pageIndex; } ("console" in window) && console.info("auto load ", url); var $load = $('#____github_loading'); if(!$load.length){ $load = $('
'); $('body').append($load); } $load.show(); loadHtml(url, function (res) { loadstatus = false; $load.hide(); try { var $html = $(res); if ($html) { var items = $html.find('.repo-list .repo-list-item'); if (items && items.length) { $('.repo-list').append(items); that.pageIndex++; that.searchFanyi(); } } } catch (e1) { } }); }; $(window).unbind('scroll').scroll(function (e, i) { if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() >= $(document).height() - 60) { if (!loadstatus && startload) { startload(); } } }); var ch = document.body.clientWidth - 226; if(ch){ var ih = (ch - 32) / 3; if(ih < 500){ ih = (ch - 32) / 2; if(ih < 500){ ih = (ch - 32); } } that.itemw = ih; } }, projectPage: function () { var href = document.location.href; if (href.substring(0, 19) == 'https://github.com/') { var redme = $('article.entry-content'); redme.on('mouseup', function (ex) { var $the = $(ex.target); if($the.attr('id') == '____res' || ($the.parent().length && $the.parent().attr('id') == '____res')){ return; } var t1 = selectText(); if (t1 && !/^[\s]+$/g.test(t1)) { fanyi(t1, function (res) { if (res) { var ___res = redme.find('#____res'); if (!___res.length) { ___res = $("
"); ___res.attr('id', '____res'); ___res.css({ position: 'fixed', right: '10px', top: '245px', width: '240px', height: '400px', overflow: 'auto', padding: '5px', border: '1px solid #eaeaea', boxShadow: '1px 1px 2px #ababab' }); redme.append(___res); ___res.on('click', '.___btn', function(){ ___res.hide(); }); } ___res.html(t1 + '
' + res + '

').show(); } }); } }); var span1 = $('.repository-content .f4 span.mr-2'); var t2 = span1.text(); if (t2 && t2.length > 10) { var b2 = document.createElement("button"); b2.innerText = '翻译'; b2.addEventListener('click', function () { fanyi(t2, function (res2) { if (res2) { span1[0].removeChild(b2); span1.append('
' + res2 + ''); } }); }); span1[0].appendChild(b2) } } }, listener: function () { var that = this; setInterval(function () { var t = $('.repo-list .repo-list-item a:eq(0)').text(); if (that.first != t) { that.first = t; that.searchPage(); that.projectPage(); } }, 200); that.autoLoad(); GM_addStyle(githubcss); } } /** * 超链接部分 */ function HrefHelp() { } HrefHelp.prototype = { ready: function () { var eles = document.querySelectorAll('a'); var host = document.location.host; if (eles && eles.length) { for (var i = 0; i < eles.length; i++) { var a = eles[i]; if (a) { if (host == "www.google.com.hk") { a.target = "_blank"; } else if (host == "bbs.125.la") { var f = "" + a.onclick; if (f.includes('atarget(this)')) { a.target = "_blank"; a.onclick = null; } } else if (host == "github.com" && a.className == 'v-align-middle') { a.target = "_blank"; } } } } } }; function loadHtml(url, callback) { $.ajax({ url: url, async: true, timeOut: 5000, type: "GET", dataType: "html" }).done(function (res) { callback(res); }); } /** * 获取选择的文本 */ function selectText() { if (document.Selection) { //ie浏览器 return document.selection.createRange().text; } else { //标准浏览器 return window.getSelection().toString(); } } /** * 翻译 * @param {*} text * @param {*} callback */ function fanyi(text, callback) { if(!text){ return; } text = text.replace(/^[\r\n\t\s]+|[\r\n\t\s]+$/g, '').replace(/[\r\n\t]/g, ''); var call = "YoudaoFanyier.Instance.updateTranslate"; var time = new Date().valueOf(); var param = "type=data&only=on&doctype=jsonp&version=1.1&relatedUrl=http%3A%2F%2Ffanyi.youdao.com%2Fopenapi%3Fpath%3Dweb-mode%26mode%3Dfanyier&keyfrom=test&key=null&callback=" + call + "&q=" + encodeURIComponent(text) + "&ts=" + time; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: "http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi.do?" + param, headers: { "Accept": "*/*", "connection": "Keep-Alive", "Content-Type": "charset=utf-8", "Referer": "http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi?path=web-mode&mode=fanyier" }, contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json', onload: function (response) { if (response.statusText == 'OK') { try { var res = response.responseText; if (/^YoudaoFanyier.Instance.updateTranslate/g.test(res)) { res = res.substring(call.length + 1, res.length - 2); } res = JSON.parse(res); if (callback && res.translation && res.translation.length) { callback(res.translation[0]); } } catch (e) { callback(response.statusText); } } else { callback(response.statusText); } } }); } /** * 字符串格式化,json格式 * @param {*} str * @param {*} json */ function formatByJson(str, json) { if (json) { for (var key in json) { var exc = new RegExp('\{' + key + '\}', "g"); str = str.replace(exc, json[key]); } } return str; } /** * 判断变量是否为对象 * @param {*} obj */ function _isObject(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]'; } })();


// ==UserScript==
// @name              百度网盘直接下载助手 直链加速版
// @namespace         https://github.com/syhyz1990/baiduyun
// @version           2.0.0
// @icon              https://www.baidu.com/favicon.ico
// @description       2019-02-01 满血复活,告别限速(详见Tips2)。支持IDM,迅雷下载,请先安装chrome插件
// @author            syhyz1990 
// @supportURL        https://github.com/syhyz1990/baiduyun
// @contributionURL   https://i.loli.net/2018/08/25/5b80ba335f515.png
// @match             *://pan.baidu.com/disk/home*
// @match             *://yun.baidu.com/disk/home*
// @match             *://pan.baidu.com/s/*
// @match             *://yun.baidu.com/s/*
// @match             *://pan.baidu.com/share/link*
// @match             *://yun.baidu.com/share/link*
// @require           https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js
// @run-at            document-end
// @grant             unsafeWindow
// @grant             GM_setClipboard
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
  'use strict';

  var $ = $ || window.$;
  var log_count = 1;
  var wordMapHttp = {};
  $(function () {
    wordMapHttp['default-dom'] = ($('.icon-upload').parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('class'));
    wordMapHttp['bar'] = ($('.icon-upload').parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('class'));
  var wordMapHttps = {
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    'list-switched-on': 'ewXm1e',
    'grid-switched-on': 'kxhkX2Em',
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    'grid-switch': 'mxgdJgwv',
    'checkbox': 'EOGexf',
    'col-item': 'Qxyfvg',
    'check': 'fydGNC',
    'checked': 'EzubGg',
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    'item-active': 'jddPyQ',
    'grid-view': 'JKvHJMb',
    'bar-search': 'OFaPaO',
    'list-tools': 'QDDOQB'
  var wordMap = location.protocol == 'http:' ? wordMapHttp : wordMapHttps;


  //替换网址为高级下载链接 默认不替换 http不用传
  function replaceDownloadLink(link, http) {
    var http = http || false;
    if (http) {
      return link.replace('https://d.pcs.baidu.com', 'http://c.pcs.baidu.com');
    } else {
      return link.replace('d.pcs.baidu.com', 'c.pcs.baidu.com');

  function slog(c1, c2, c3) {
    c1 = c1 ? c1 : '';
    c2 = c2 ? c2 : '';
    c3 = c3 ? c3 : '';
    console.log('#' + log_count++ + '-BaiDuNetdiskHelper-log:', c1, c2, c3);

  $(function () {
    switch (detectPage()) {
      case 'disk':
        var panHelper = new PanHelper();
      case 'share':
      case 's':
        var panShareHelper = new PanShareHelper();

  function PanHelper() {
    var yunData, sign, timestamp, bdstoken, logid, fid_list;
    var fileList = [], selectFileList = [], batchLinkList = [], batchLinkListAll = [], linkList = [],
      list_grid_status = 'list';
    var observer, currentPage, currentPath, currentCategory, dialog, searchKey;
    var panAPIUrl = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/api/";
    var restAPIUrl = location.protocol + "//pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/";
    var clientAPIUrl = location.protocol + "//d.pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/";

    this.init = function () {
      yunData = unsafeWindow.yunData;
      slog('yunData:', yunData);
      if (yunData === undefined) {
      dialog = new Dialog({addCopy: true});


    function initParams() {
      sign = getSign();
      timestamp = getTimestamp();
      bdstoken = getBDStoken();
      logid = getLogID();
      currentPage = getCurrentPage();
      slog('Current display mode:', currentPage);

      if (currentPage == 'all')
        currentPath = getPath();

      if (currentPage == 'category')
        currentCategory = getCategory();

      if (currentPage == 'search')
        searchKey = getSearchKey();

    function refreshFileList() {
      if (currentPage == 'all') {
        fileList = getFileList();
      } else if (currentPage == 'category') {
        fileList = getCategoryFileList();
      } else if (currentPage == 'search') {
        fileList = getSearchFileList();

    function refreshSelectList() {
      selectFileList = [];

    function refreshListGridStatus() {
      list_grid_status = getListGridStatus();

    function getListGridStatus() {
      if ($('.' + wordMap['list']).is(':hidden')) {
        return 'grid'
      } else {
        return 'list'

    function registerEventListener() {

    function registerHashChange() {
      window.addEventListener('hashchange', function (e) {

        if (getCurrentPage() == 'all') {
          if (currentPage == getCurrentPage()) {
            if (currentPath == getPath()) {

            } else {
              currentPath = getPath();
          } else {
            currentPage = getCurrentPage();
            currentPath = getPath();
        } else if (getCurrentPage() == 'category') {
          if (currentPage == getCurrentPage()) {
            if (currentCategory == getCategory()) {

            } else {
              currentPage = getCurrentPage();
              currentCategory = getCategory();
          } else {
            currentPage = getCurrentPage();
            currentCategory = getCategory();
        } else if (getCurrentPage() == 'search') {
          if (currentPage == getCurrentPage()) {
            if (searchKey == getSearchKey()) {

            } else {
              currentPage = getCurrentPage();
              searchKey = getSearchKey();
          } else {
            currentPage = getCurrentPage();
            searchKey = getSearchKey();

    function registerListGridStatus() {
      var $a_list = $('a[data-type=list]');
      $a_list.click(function () {
        list_grid_status = 'list';

      var $a_grid = $('a[data-type=grid]');
      $a_grid.click(function () {
        list_grid_status = 'grid';

    function registerCheckbox() {
      var $checkbox = $('span.' + wordMap['checkbox']);
      if (list_grid_status == 'grid') {
        $checkbox = $('.' + wordMap['chekbox-grid']);

      $checkbox.each(function (index, element) {
        $(element).bind('click', function (e) {
          var $parent = $(this).parent();
          var filename;
          var isActive;

          if (list_grid_status == 'list') {
            filename = $('div.file-name div.text a', $parent).attr('title');
            isActive = $parent.hasClass(wordMap['item-active']);
          } else if (list_grid_status == 'grid') {
            filename = $('div.file-name a', $(this)).attr('title');
            isActive = !$(this).hasClass(wordMap['item-active'])

          if (isActive) {
            slog('取消选中文件:' + filename);
            for (var i = 0; i < selectFileList.length; i++) {
              if (selectFileList[i].filename == filename) {
                selectFileList.splice(i, 1);
          } else {
            slog('选中文件:' + filename);
            $.each(fileList, function (index, element) {
              if (element.server_filename == filename) {
                var obj = {
                  filename: element.server_filename,
                  path: element.path,
                  fs_id: element.fs_id,
                  isdir: element.isdir

    function unregisterCheckbox() {
      //var $checkbox = $('span.checkbox');
      //var $checkbox = $('span.EOGexf');
      var $checkbox = $('span.' + wordMap['checkbox']);
      $checkbox.each(function (index, element) {

    function registerAllCheckbox() {
      //var $checkbox = $('div.col-item.check');
      //var $checkbox = $('div.Qxyfvg.fydGNC');
      var $checkbox = $('div.' + wordMap['col-item'] + '.' + wordMap['check']);
      $checkbox.each(function (index, element) {
        $(element).bind('click', function (e) {
          var $parent = $(this).parent();
          if ($parent.hasClass(wordMap['checked'])) {
            selectFileList = [];
          } else {
            selectFileList = [];
            $.each(fileList, function (index, element) {
              var obj = {
                filename: element.server_filename,
                path: element.path,
                fs_id: element.fs_id,
                isdir: element.isdir

    function unregisterAllCheckbox() {
      //var $checkbox = $('div.col-item.check');
      //var $checkbox = $('div.Qxyfvg.fydGNC');
      var $checkbox = $('div.' + wordMap['col-item'] + '.' + wordMap['check']);
      $checkbox.each(function (index, element) {

    function registerFileSelect() {
      var $dd = $('div.' + wordMap['list-view'] + ' dd');
      $dd.each(function (index, element) {
        $(element).bind('click', function (e) {
          var nodeName = e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
          if (nodeName != 'span' && nodeName != 'a' && nodeName != 'em') {
            slog('shiftKey:' + e.shiftKey);
            if (!e.shiftKey) {
              selectFileList = [];
              var filename = $('div.file-name div.text a', $(this)).attr('title');
              slog('选中文件:' + filename);
              $.each(fileList, function (index, element) {
                if (element.server_filename == filename) {
                  var obj = {
                    filename: element.server_filename,
                    path: element.path,
                    fs_id: element.fs_id,
                    isdir: element.isdir
            } else {
              selectFileList = [];
              //var $dd_select = $('div.list-view dd.item-active');
              //var $dd_select = $('div.vdAfKMb dd.prWzXA');
              var $dd_select = $('div.' + wordMap['list-view'] + ' dd.' + wordMap['item-active']);
              $.each($dd_select, function (index, element) {
                var filename = $('div.file-name div.text a', $(element)).attr('title');
                slog('选中文件:' + filename);
                $.each(fileList, function (index, element) {
                  if (element.server_filename == filename) {
                    var obj = {
                      filename: element.server_filename,
                      path: element.path,
                      fs_id: element.fs_id,
                      isdir: element.isdir

    function unregisterFileSelect() {
      //var $dd = $('div.list-view dd');
      //var $dd = $('div.vdAfKMb dd');
      var $dd = $('div.' + wordMap['list-view'] + ' dd');
      $dd.each(function (index, element) {

    function createObserver() {
      var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver;
      var options = {
        'childList': true
      observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {

      //var list_view = document.querySelector('.list-view');
      //var grid_view = document.querySelector('.grid-view');

      //var list_view = document.querySelector('.vdAfKMb');
      //var grid_view = document.querySelector('.JKvHJMb');

      var list_view = document.querySelector('.' + wordMap['list-view']);
      var grid_view = document.querySelector('.' + wordMap['grid-view']);

      observer.observe(list_view, options);
      observer.observe(grid_view, options);

    function addButton() {
      $('div.' + wordMap['bar-search']).css('width', '18%');
      var $dropdownbutton = $('');
      var $dropdownbutton_a = $('下载助手');
      var $dropdownbutton_span = $('');

      var $directbutton = $('');
      var $directbutton_span = $('');
      var $directbutton_a = $('直接下载');
      var $directbutton_menu = $('');
      var $directbutton_download_button = $('下载');
      var $directbutton_link_button = $('显示链接');
      var $directbutton_batchhttplink_button = $('批量链接(HTTP)');
      var $directbutton_batchhttpslink_button = $('批量链接(HTTPS)');
      $directbutton.hover(function () {

      var $apibutton = $('');
      var $apibutton_span = $('');
      var $apibutton_a = $('API下载');
      var $apibutton_menu = $('');
      var $apibutton_download_button = $('下载');
      var $apibutton_link_button = $('显示链接');
      var $apibutton_batchhttplink_button = $('批量链接(HTTP)');
      var $apibutton_batchhttpslink_button = $('批量链接(HTTPS)');
      $apibutton.hover(function () {

      var $outerlinkbutton = $('');  //改为block显示外链下载
      var $outerlinkbutton_span = $('');
      var $outerlinkbutton_a = $('外链下载');
      var $outerlinkbutton_menu = $('');
      var $outerlinkbutton_download_button = $('下载');
      var $outerlinkbutton_link_button = $('显示链接');
      var $outerlinkbutton_batchlink_button = $('批量链接');
      $outerlinkbutton.hover(function () {


      $dropdownbutton.hover(function () {

      $('div.' + wordMap['default-dom'] + ' div.' + wordMap['bar'] + ' div.' + wordMap['list-tools']).prepend($dropdownbutton);
      $('div.' + wordMap['list-tools']).prepend($dropdownbutton)

    // 我的网盘 - 下载
    function downloadClick(event) {
      slog('选中文件列表:', selectFileList);
      var id = event.target.id;
      var downloadLink;

      if (id == 'download-direct') {
        var downloadType;
        if (selectFileList.length === 0) {
        } else if (selectFileList.length == 1) {
          if (selectFileList[0].isdir === 1)
            downloadType = 'batch';
          else if (selectFileList[0].isdir === 0)
            downloadType = 'dlink';
          //downloadType = selectFileList[0].isdir==1?'batch':(selectFileList[0].isdir===0?'dlink':'batch');
        } else if (selectFileList.length > 1) {
          downloadType = 'batch';

        fid_list = getFidList(selectFileList);
        var result = getDownloadLinkWithPanAPI(downloadType);
        if (result.errno === 0) {
          if (downloadType == 'dlink')
            downloadLink = result.dlink[0].dlink;
          else if (downloadType == 'batch') {
            downloadLink = result.dlink;
            if (selectFileList.length === 1)
              downloadLink = downloadLink + '&zipname=' + encodeURIComponent(selectFileList[0].filename) + '.zip';
          } else {
        } else if (result.errno == -1) {
        } else if (result.errno == 112) {
        } else {
      } else {
        if (selectFileList.length === 0) {
        } else if (selectFileList.length > 1) {
        } else {
          if (selectFileList[0].isdir == 1) {
        if (id == 'download-api') {
          downloadLink = getDownloadLinkWithRESTAPIBaidu(selectFileList[0].path);
        } else if (id == 'download-outerlink') {
          var result = getDownloadLinkWithClientAPI(selectFileList[0].path);
          if (result.errno == 0) {
            downloadLink = result.urls[0].url;
          } else if (result.errno == 1) {
          } else if (result.errno == 2) {
          } else {

    //我的网盘 - 显示链接
    function linkClick(event) {
      slog('选中文件列表:', selectFileList);
      var id = event.target.id;
      var linkList, tip;

      if (id.indexOf('direct') != -1) {
        var downloadType;
        var downloadLink;
        if (selectFileList.length === 0) {
        } else if (selectFileList.length == 1) {
          if (selectFileList[0].isdir === 1)
            downloadType = 'batch';
          else if (selectFileList[0].isdir === 0)
            downloadType = 'dlink';
        } else if (selectFileList.length > 1) {
          downloadType = 'batch';
        fid_list = getFidList(selectFileList);
        var result = getDownloadLinkWithPanAPI(downloadType);
        if (result.errno === 0) {
          if (downloadType == 'dlink')
            downloadLink = result.dlink[0].dlink;
          else if (downloadType == 'batch') {
            downloadLink = result.dlink;
            if (selectFileList.length === 1)
              downloadLink = downloadLink + '&zipname=' + encodeURIComponent(selectFileList[0].filename) + '.zip';
          } else {
        } else if (result.errno == -1) {
        } else if (result.errno == 112) {
        } else {
        var httplink = downloadLink.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, 'http:');
        //httplink = replaceDownloadLink(httplink);
        var httpslink = downloadLink.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, 'https:');
        //httpslink = replaceDownloadLink(httpslink);
        var filename = '';
        $.each(selectFileList, function (index, element) {
          if (selectFileList.length == 1)
            filename = element.filename;
          else {
            if (index == 0)
              filename = element.filename;
              filename = filename + ',' + element.filename;
        linkList = {
          filename: filename,
          urls: [
            {url: httplink, rank: 1},
            {url: httpslink, rank: 2}
        tip = '显示模拟百度网盘网页获取的链接,可以使用右键迅雷或IDM下载,复制到下载工具需要传递cookie,多文件打包下载的链接可以直接复制使用';
        dialog.open({title: '下载链接', type: 'link', list: linkList, tip: tip});
      } else {
        if (selectFileList.length === 0) {
        } else if (selectFileList.length > 1) {
        } else {
          if (selectFileList[0].isdir == 1) {
        if (id.indexOf('api') != -1) {
          var downloadLink = getDownloadLinkWithRESTAPIBaidu(selectFileList[0].path);
          var httplink = downloadLink.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, 'http:');
          var httpslink = downloadLink.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, 'https:');
          linkList = {
            filename: selectFileList[0].filename,
            urls: [
              {url: httplink, rank: 1},
              {url: httpslink, rank: 2}
          httplink = httplink.replace('266719', '266719');
          httpslink = httpslink.replace('266719', '266719');
          linkList.urls.push({url: httplink, rank: 3});
          linkList.urls.push({url: httpslink, rank: 4});
          tip = '显示模拟APP获取的链接(使用百度云ID),可以使用右键迅雷或IDM下载,复制到下载工具需要传递cookie';
          dialog.open({title: '下载链接', type: 'link', list: linkList, tip: tip});
        } else if (id.indexOf('outerlink') != -1) {
          var result = getDownloadLinkWithClientAPI(selectFileList[0].path);
          if (result.errno == 0) {
            linkList = {
              filename: selectFileList[0].filename,
              urls: result.urls
          } else if (result.errno == 1) {
          } else if (result.errno == 2) {
          } else {
          tip = '显示模拟百度网盘客户端获取的链接,可以直接复制到下载工具使用,不需要cookie';
            title: '下载链接',
            type: 'link',
            list: linkList,
            tip: tip,
            showcopy: true,
            showedit: true

    // 我的网盘 - 批量下载
    function batchClick(event) {
      slog('选中文件列表:', selectFileList);
      if (selectFileList.length === 0) {
      var id = event.target.id;
      var linkType, tip;
      linkType = id.indexOf('https') == -1 ? (id.indexOf('http') == -1 ? location.protocol + ':' : 'http:') : 'https:';
      batchLinkList = [];
      batchLinkListAll = [];
      if (id.indexOf('direct') != -1) {
        batchLinkList = getDirectBatchLink(linkType);
        tip = '显示所有选中文件的直接下载链接,文件夹显示为打包下载的链接';
        if (batchLinkList.length === 0) {
        dialog.open({title: '批量链接', type: 'batch', list: batchLinkList, tip: tip, showcopy: true});
      } else if (id.indexOf('api') != -1) {
        batchLinkList = getAPIBatchLink(linkType);
        tip = '显示所有选中文件的API下载链接,不显示文件夹';
        if (batchLinkList.length === 0) {
        dialog.open({title: '批量链接', type: 'batch', list: batchLinkList, tip: tip, showcopy: true});
      } else if (id.indexOf('outerlink') != -1) {
        batchLinkListAll = getOuterlinkBatchLinkAll();
        batchLinkList = getOuterlinkBatchLinkFirst(batchLinkListAll);
        tip = '显示所有选中文件的外部下载链接,不显示文件夹';
        if (batchLinkList.length === 0) {

          title: '批量链接',
          type: 'batch',
          list: batchLinkList,
          tip: tip,
          showcopy: true,
          alllist: batchLinkListAll,
          showall: true


    function getDirectBatchLink(linkType) {
      var list = [];
      $.each(selectFileList, function (index, element) {
        var downloadType, downloadLink, result;
        if (element.isdir == 0)
          downloadType = 'dlink';
          downloadType = 'batch';
        fid_list = getFidList([element]);
        result = getDownloadLinkWithPanAPI(downloadType);
        if (result.errno == 0) {
          if (downloadType == 'dlink')
            downloadLink = result.dlink[0].dlink;
          else if (downloadType == 'batch')
            downloadLink = result.dlink;
          downloadLink = downloadLink.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, linkType);
          //downloadLink = replaceDownloadLink(downloadLink);
        } else {
          downloadLink = 'error';
        list.push({filename: element.filename, downloadlink: downloadLink});
      return list;

    function getAPIBatchLink(linkType) {
      var list = [];
      $.each(selectFileList, function (index, element) {
        if (element.isdir == 1)
        var downloadLink;
        downloadLink = getDownloadLinkWithRESTAPIBaidu(element.path);
        downloadLink = downloadLink.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, linkType);
        list.push({filename: element.filename, downloadlink: downloadLink});
      return list;

    function getOuterlinkBatchLinkAll() {
      var list = [];
      $.each(selectFileList, function (index, element) {
        var result;
        if (element.isdir == 1)
        result = getDownloadLinkWithClientAPI(element.path);
        if (result.errno == 0) {
          //downloadLink = result.urls[0].url;
          list.push({filename: element.filename, links: result.urls});
        } else {
          //downloadLink = 'error';
          list.push({filename: element.filename, links: [{rank: 1, url: 'error'}]});
      return list;

    function getOuterlinkBatchLinkFirst(list) {
      var result = [];
      $.each(list, function (index, element) {
        result.push({filename: element.filename, downloadlink: element.links[0].url});
      return result;

    function getSign() {
      var signFnc;
      try {
        signFnc = new Function("return " + yunData.sign2)();
      } catch (e) {
        throw new Error(e.message);
      return base64Encode(signFnc(yunData.sign5, yunData.sign1));

    function getPath() {
      var hash = location.hash;
      var regx = new RegExp("path=([^&]*)(&|$)", 'i');
      var result = hash.match(regx);
      return decodeURIComponent(result[1]);

    function getCategory() {
      var hash = location.hash;
      var regx = new RegExp("path=([^&]*)(&|$)", 'i');
      var result = hash.match(regx);
      return decodeURIComponent(result[1]);

    function getSearchKey() {
      var hash = location.hash;
      var regx = new RegExp("key=([^&]*)(&|$)", 'i');
      var result = hash.match(regx);
      return decodeURIComponent(result[1]);

    function getCurrentPage() {
      var hash = location.hash;
      //console.log(hash.substring(hash.indexOf('#') + 2, hash.indexOf('?')));
      return hash.substring(hash.indexOf('#') + 2, hash.indexOf('?'));

    function getFileList() {
      var filelist = [];
      var listUrl = panAPIUrl + "list";
      var path = getPath();
      logid = getLogID();
      var params = {
        dir: path,
        bdstoken: bdstoken,
        logid: logid,
        order: 'size',
        desc: 0,
        clienttype: 0,
        showempty: 0,
        web: 1,
        channel: 'chunlei',
        appid: 266719

        url: listUrl,
        async: false,
        method: 'GET',
        data: params,
        success: function (response) {
          filelist = 0 === response.errno ? response.list : [];
      return filelist;

    function getCategoryFileList() {
      var filelist = [];
      var listUrl = panAPIUrl + "categorylist";
      var category = getCategory();
      logid = getLogID();
      var params = {
        category: category,
        bdstoken: bdstoken,
        logid: logid,
        order: 'size',
        desc: 0,
        clienttype: 0,
        showempty: 0,
        web: 1,
        channel: 'chunlei',
        appid: 266719
        url: listUrl,
        async: false,
        method: 'GET',
        data: params,
        success: function (response) {
          filelist = 0 === response.errno ? response.info : [];
      return filelist;

    function getSearchFileList() {
      var filelist = [];
      var listUrl = panAPIUrl + 'search';
      logid = getLogID();
      searchKey = getSearchKey();
      var params = {
        recursion: 1,
        order: 'time',
        desc: 1,
        showempty: 0,
        web: 1,
        page: 1,
        num: 100,
        key: searchKey,
        channel: 'chunlei',
        app_id: 266719,
        bdstoken: bdstoken,
        logid: logid,
        clienttype: 0
        url: listUrl,
        async: false,
        method: 'GET',
        data: params,
        success: function (response) {
          filelist = 0 === response.errno ? response.list : [];
      return filelist;

    function getFidList(list) {
      var fidlist = null;
      if (list.length === 0)
        return null;
      var fileidlist = [];
      $.each(list, function (index, element) {
      fidlist = '[' + fileidlist + ']';
      return fidlist;

    function getTimestamp() {
      return yunData.timestamp;

    function getBDStoken() {
      return yunData.MYBDSTOKEN;

    //这个地址不是直接下载地址,访问这个地址会返回302,response header中的location才是真实下载地址
    function getDownloadLinkWithPanAPI(type) {
      var downloadUrl = panAPIUrl + "download";
      var result;
      logid = getLogID();
      var params = {
        sign: sign,
        timestamp: timestamp,
        fidlist: fid_list,
        type: type,
        channel: 'chunlei',
        web: 1,
        app_id: 266719,
        bdstoken: bdstoken,
        logid: logid,
        clienttype: 0
        url: downloadUrl,
        async: false,
        method: 'GET',
        data: params,
        success: function (response) {
          result = response;
      return result;

    function getDownloadLinkWithRESTAPIBaidu(path) {
      var link = restAPIUrl + 'file?method=download&app_id=266719&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path);
      return link;

    function getDownloadLinkWithRESTAPIES(path) {
      var link = restAPIUrl + 'file?method=download&app_id=266719&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path);
      return link;

    function getDownloadLinkWithClientAPI(path) {
      var result;
      var url = clientAPIUrl + 'file?method=locatedownload&app_id=266719&ver=4.0&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path);
        url: url,
        method: 'POST',
        xhrFields: {
          withCredentials: true
        async: false,
        success: function (response) {
          result = JSON.parse(response);
        statusCode: {
          404: function (response) {
            result = response;
      if (result) {
        if (result.error_code == undefined) {
          if (result.urls == undefined) {
            result.errno = 2;
          } else {
            $.each(result.urls, function (index, element) {
              result.urls[index].url = element.url.replace('\\', '');
            result.errno = 0;
        } else if (result.error_code == 31066) {
          result.errno = 1;
        } else {
          result.errno = -1;
      } else {
        result = {};
        result.errno = -1;
      return result;

    function execDownload(link) {
      slog("下载链接:" + link);
      $('#helperdownloadiframe').attr('src', link);

    function createIframe() {
      var $div = $('
'); var $iframe = $(''); $div.append($iframe); $('body').append($div); } } //分享页面的下载助手 function PanShareHelper() { var yunData, sign, timestamp, bdstoken, channel, clienttype, web, app_id, logid, encrypt, product, uk, primaryid, fid_list, extra, shareid; var vcode; var shareType, buttonTarget, currentPath, list_grid_status, observer, dialog, vcodeDialog; var fileList = [], selectFileList = []; var panAPIUrl = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/api/"; var shareListUrl = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/share/list"; this.init = function () { yunData = unsafeWindow.yunData; slog('yunData:', yunData); if (yunData === undefined || yunData.FILEINFO == null) { slog('页面未正常加载,或者百度已经更新!'); return; } initParams(); addButton(); dialog = new Dialog({addCopy: false}); vcodeDialog = new VCodeDialog(refreshVCode, confirmClick); createIframe(); if (!isSingleShare()) { registerEventListener(); createObserver(); } slog('分享直接下载加载成功!'); }; function initParams() { shareType = getShareType(); sign = yunData.SIGN; timestamp = yunData.TIMESTAMP; bdstoken = yunData.MYBDSTOKEN; channel = 'chunlei'; clienttype = 0; web = 1; app_id = 266719; logid = getLogID(); encrypt = 0; product = 'share'; primaryid = yunData.SHARE_ID; uk = yunData.SHARE_UK; if (shareType == 'secret') { extra = getExtra(); } if (isSingleShare()) { var obj = {}; if (yunData.CATEGORY == 2) { obj.filename = yunData.FILENAME; obj.path = yunData.PATH; obj.fs_id = yunData.FS_ID; obj.isdir = 0; } else { obj.filename = yunData.FILEINFO[0].server_filename, obj.path = yunData.FILEINFO[0].path, obj.fs_id = yunData.FILEINFO[0].fs_id, obj.isdir = yunData.FILEINFO[0].isdir } selectFileList.push(obj); } else { shareid = yunData.SHARE_ID; currentPath = getPath(); list_grid_status = getListGridStatus(); fileList = getFileList(); } } //判断分享类型(public或者secret) function getShareType() { return yunData.SHARE_PUBLIC === 1 ? 'public' : 'secret'; } //判断是单个文件分享还是文件夹或者多文件分享 function isSingleShare() { return yunData.getContext === undefined ? true : false; } //判断是否为自己的分享链接 function isSelfShare() { return yunData.MYSELF == 1 ? true : false; } function getExtra() { var seKey = decodeURIComponent(getCookie('BDCLND')); return '{' + '"sekey":"' + seKey + '"' + "}"; } //获取当前目录 function getPath() { var hash = location.hash; var regx = new RegExp("path=([^&]*)(&|$)", 'i'); var result = hash.match(regx); return decodeURIComponent(result[1]); } //获取当前的视图模式 function getListGridStatus() { var status = 'list'; if ($('.list-switched-on').length > 0) { status = 'list'; } else if ($('.grid-switched-on').length > 0) { status = 'grid'; } return status; } //添加下载助手按钮 function addButton() { if (isSingleShare()) { $('div.slide-show-right').css('width', '500px'); $('div.frame-main').css('width', '96%'); $('div.share-file-viewer').css('width', '740px').css('margin-left', 'auto').css('margin-right', 'auto'); } else $('div.slide-show-right').css('width', '500px'); var $dropdownbutton = $(''); var $dropdownbutton_a = $(''); var $dropdownbutton_a_span = $('下载助手'); var $dropdownbutton_span = $(''); var $downloadButton = $('直接下载'); var $linkButton = $('显示链接'); $dropdownbutton_span.append($downloadButton).append($linkButton); $dropdownbutton_a.append($dropdownbutton_a_span); $dropdownbutton.append($dropdownbutton_a).append($dropdownbutton_span); $dropdownbutton.hover(function () { $dropdownbutton.toggleClass('button-open'); }); $downloadButton.click(downloadButtonClick); $linkButton.click(linkButtonClick); $('div.module-share-top-bar div.bar div.x-button-box').append($dropdownbutton); } function createIframe() { var $div = $('
'); var $iframe = $(''); $div.append($iframe); $('body').append($div); } function registerEventListener() { registerHashChange(); registerListGridStatus(); registerCheckbox(); registerAllCheckbox(); registerFileSelect(); } //监视地址栏#标签变化 function registerHashChange() { window.addEventListener('hashchange', function (e) { list_grid_status = getListGridStatus(); if (currentPath == getPath()) { } else { currentPath = getPath(); refreshFileList(); refreshSelectFileList(); } }); } function refreshFileList() { fileList = getFileList(); } function refreshSelectFileList() { selectFileList = []; } //监视视图变化 function registerListGridStatus() { var $a_list = $('a[data-type=list]'); $a_list.click(function () { list_grid_status = 'list'; }); var $a_grid = $('a[data-type=grid]'); $a_grid.click(function () { list_grid_status = 'grid'; }); } //监视文件选择框 function registerCheckbox() { //var $checkbox = $('span.checkbox'); var $checkbox = $('span.' + wordMap['checkbox']); if (list_grid_status == 'grid') { $checkbox = $('.' + wordMap['chekbox-grid']); } $checkbox.each(function (index, element) { $(element).bind('click', function (e) { var $parent = $(this).parent(); var filename; var isActive; if (list_grid_status == 'list') { filename = $('div.file-name div.text a', $parent).attr('title'); isActive = $(this).parents('dd').hasClass('JS-item-active') } else if (list_grid_status == 'grid') { filename = $('div.file-name a', $(this)).attr('title'); isActive = !$(this).hasClass('JS-item-active') } if (isActive) { slog('取消选中文件:' + filename); for (var i = 0; i < selectFileList.length; i++) { if (selectFileList[i].filename == filename) { selectFileList.splice(i, 1); } } } else { slog('选中文件: ' + filename); $.each(fileList, function (index, element) { if (element.server_filename == filename) { var obj = { filename: element.server_filename, path: element.path, fs_id: element.fs_id, isdir: element.isdir }; selectFileList.push(obj); } }); } }); }); } function unregisterCheckbox() { //var $checkbox = $('span.checkbox'); var $checkbox = $('span.' + wordMap['checkbox']); $checkbox.each(function (index, element) { $(element).unbind('click'); }); } //监视全选框 function registerAllCheckbox() { //var $checkbox = $('div.col-item.check'); var $checkbox = $('div.' + wordMap['col-item'] + '.' + wordMap['check']); $checkbox.each(function (index, element) { $(element).bind('click', function (e) { var $parent = $(this).parent(); //if($parent.hasClass('checked')){ if ($parent.hasClass(wordMap['checked'])) { slog('取消全选'); selectFileList = []; } else { slog('全部选中'); selectFileList = []; $.each(fileList, function (index, element) { var obj = { filename: element.server_filename, path: element.path, fs_id: element.fs_id, isdir: element.isdir }; selectFileList.push(obj); }); } }); }); } function unregisterAllCheckbox() { //var $checkbox = $('div.col-item.check'); var $checkbox = $('div.' + wordMap['col-item'] + '.' + wordMap['check']); $checkbox.each(function (index, element) { $(element).unbind('click'); }); } //监视单个文件选中 function registerFileSelect() { //console.log('registerFileSelect'); //var $dd = $('div.list-view dd'); var $dd = $('div.' + wordMap['list-view'] + ' dd'); $dd.each(function (index, element) { $(element).bind('click', function (e) { var nodeName = e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName != 'span' && nodeName != 'a' && nodeName != 'em') { selectFileList = []; var filename = $('div.file-name div.text a', $(this)).attr('title'); slog('选中文件:' + filename); $.each(fileList, function (index, element) { if (element.server_filename == filename) { var obj = { filename: element.server_filename, path: element.path, fs_id: element.fs_id, isdir: element.isdir }; selectFileList.push(obj); } }); } }); }); } function unregisterFileSelect() { //var $dd = $('div.list-view dd'); var $dd = $('div.' + wordMap['list-view'] + ' dd'); $dd.each(function (index, element) { $(element).unbind('click'); }); } //监视文件列表显示变化 function createObserver() { var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver; var options = { 'childList': true }; observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { unregisterCheckbox(); unregisterAllCheckbox(); unregisterFileSelect(); registerCheckbox(); registerAllCheckbox(); registerFileSelect(); }); //var list_view = document.querySelector('.list-view'); //var grid_view = document.querySelector('.grid-view'); var list_view = document.querySelector('.' + wordMap['list-view']); var grid_view = document.querySelector('.' + wordMap['grid-view']); observer.observe(list_view, options); observer.observe(grid_view, options); } //获取文件信息列表 function getFileList() { var result = []; if (getPath() == '/') { result = yunData.FILEINFO; } else { logid = getLogID(); var params = { uk: uk, shareid: shareid, order: 'other', desc: 1, showempty: 0, web: web, dir: getPath(), t: Math.random(), bdstoken: bdstoken, channel: channel, clienttype: clienttype, app_id: app_id, logid: logid }; $.ajax({ url: shareListUrl, method: 'GET', async: false, data: params, success: function (response) { if (response.errno === 0) { result = response.list; } } }); } return result; } function downloadButtonClick() { //console.log('点击直接下载按钮'); slog('选中文件列表:', selectFileList); if (selectFileList.length === 0) { alert('获取文件ID失败,请重试'); return; } buttonTarget = 'download'; var downloadLink = getDownloadLink(); //console.log(downloadLink); if (downloadLink.errno == -20) { vcode = getVCode(); if (vcode.errno !== 0) { alert('获取验证码失败!'); return; } vcodeDialog.open(vcode); } else if (downloadLink.errno == 112) { alert('页面过期,请刷新重试'); } else if (downloadLink.errno === 0) { var link; if (selectFileList.length == 1 && selectFileList[0].isdir === 0) link = downloadLink.list[0].dlink; else link = downloadLink.dlink; //link = link.replace("https://d.pcs.baidu.com","http://c.pcs.baidu.com"); execDownload(link); } else { alert('获取下载链接失败!'); } } //获取验证码 function getVCode() { var url = panAPIUrl + 'getvcode'; var result; logid = getLogID(); var params = { prod: 'pan', t: Math.random(), bdstoken: bdstoken, channel: channel, clienttype: clienttype, web: web, app_id: app_id, logid: logid }; $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'GET', async: false, data: params, success: function (response) { result = response; } }); return result; } //刷新验证码 function refreshVCode() { vcode = getVCode(); $('#dialog-img').attr('src', vcode.img); } //验证码确认提交 function confirmClick() { var val = $('#dialog-input').val(); if (val.length === 0) { $('#dialog-err').text('请输入验证码'); return; } else if (val.length < 4) { $('#dialog-err').text('验证码输入错误,请重新输入'); return; } var result = getDownloadLinkWithVCode(val); //console.log(result); if (result.errno == -20) { vcodeDialog.close(); $('#dialog-err').text('验证码输入错误,请重新输入'); refreshVCode(); if (!vcode || vcode.errno !== 0) { alert('获取验证码失败!'); return; } vcodeDialog.open(); } else if (result.errno === 0) { vcodeDialog.close(); var link; if (selectFileList.length == 1 && selectFileList[0].isdir === 0) link = result.list[0].dlink; else link = result.dlink; if (buttonTarget == 'download') { execDownload(link); } else if (buttonTarget == 'link') { var filename = ''; $.each(selectFileList, function (index, element) { if (selectFileList.length == 1) filename = element.filename; else { if (index == 0) filename = element.filename; else filename = filename + ',' + element.filename; } }); //link = replaceDownloadLink(link); var linkList = { filename: filename, urls: [ {url: link, rank: 1} ] }; var tip = "显示获取的链接,可以使用右键迅雷或IDM下载,复制无用,需要传递cookie"; dialog.open({title: '下载链接', type: 'link', list: linkList, tip: tip}); } } else { alert('发生错误!'); } } //生成下载用的fid_list参数 function getFidList() { var fidlist = []; $.each(selectFileList, function (index, element) { fidlist.push(element.fs_id); }); return '[' + fidlist + ']'; } function linkButtonClick() { slog('选中文件列表:', selectFileList); if (selectFileList.length === 0) { alert('没有选中文件,请重试'); return; } buttonTarget = 'link'; var downloadLink = getDownloadLink(); if (downloadLink.errno == -20) { vcode = getVCode(); if (!vcode || vcode.errno !== 0) { alert('获取验证码失败!'); return; } vcodeDialog.open(vcode); } else if (downloadLink.errno == 112) { alert('页面过期,请刷新重试'); } else if (downloadLink.errno === 0) { var link; if (selectFileList.length == 1 && selectFileList[0].isdir === 0) link = downloadLink.list[0].dlink; else link = downloadLink.dlink; if (selectFileList.length == 1) $('#dialog-downloadlink').attr('href', link).text(link); else $('#dialog-downloadlink').attr('href', link).text(link); var filename = ''; $.each(selectFileList, function (index, element) { if (selectFileList.length == 1) filename = element.filename; else { if (index == 0) filename = element.filename; else filename = filename + ',' + element.filename; } }); //link = replaceDownloadLink(link); var linkList = { filename: filename, urls: [ {url: link, rank: 1} ] }; var tip = "显示获取的链接,可以使用右键迅雷或IDM下载,复制无用,需要传递cookie"; dialog.open({title: '下载链接', type: 'link', list: linkList, tip: tip}); } else { alert('获取下载链接失败!'); } } //获取下载链接 function getDownloadLink() { if (bdstoken === null) { alert('脚本作者提示 : 百度升级, 请先登录百度云盘才能正常获取'); return ''; } else { var result; if (isSingleShare) { fid_list = getFidList(); logid = getLogID(); var url = panAPIUrl + 'sharedownload?sign=' + sign + '×tamp=' + timestamp + '&bdstoken=' + bdstoken + '&channel=' + channel + '&clienttype=' + clienttype + '&web=' + web + '&app_id=' + app_id + '&logid=' + logid; var params = { encrypt: encrypt, product: product, uk: uk, primaryid: primaryid, fid_list: fid_list }; if (shareType == 'secret') { params.extra = extra; } if (selectFileList[0].isdir == 1 || selectFileList.length > 1) { params.type = 'batch'; } $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'POST', async: false, data: params, success: function (response) { result = response; } }); } return result; } } //有验证码输入时获取下载链接 function getDownloadLinkWithVCode(vcodeInput) { var result; if (isSingleShare) { fid_list = getFidList(); var url = panAPIUrl + 'sharedownload?sign=' + sign + '×tamp=' + timestamp + '&bdstoken=' + bdstoken + '&channel=' + channel + '&clienttype=' + clienttype + '&web=' + web + '&app_id=' + app_id + '&logid=' + logid; var params = { encrypt: encrypt, product: product, vcode_input: vcodeInput, vcode_str: vcode.vcode, uk: uk, primaryid: primaryid, fid_list: fid_list }; if (shareType == 'secret') { params.extra = extra; } if (selectFileList[0].isdir == 1 || selectFileList.length > 1) { params.type = 'batch'; } $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'POST', async: false, data: params, success: function (response) { result = response; } }); } return result; } function execDownload(link) { slog('下载链接:' + link); $('#helperdownloadiframe').attr('src', link); } } function base64Encode(t) { var a, r, e, n, i, s, o = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; for (e = t.length, r = 0, a = ""; e > r;) { if (n = 255 & t.charCodeAt(r++), r == e) { a += o.charAt(n >> 2); a += o.charAt((3 & n) << 4); a += "=="; break; } if (i = t.charCodeAt(r++), r == e) { a += o.charAt(n >> 2); a += o.charAt((3 & n) << 4 | (240 & i) >> 4); a += o.charAt((15 & i) << 2); a += "="; break; } s = t.charCodeAt(r++); a += o.charAt(n >> 2); a += o.charAt((3 & n) << 4 | (240 & i) >> 4); a += o.charAt((15 & i) << 2 | (192 & s) >> 6); a += o.charAt(63 & s); } return a; } function detectPage() { var regx = /[\/].+[\/]/g; var page = location.pathname.match(regx); return page[0].replace(/\//g, ''); } function getCookie(e) { var o, t; var n = document, c = decodeURI; return n.cookie.length > 0 && (o = n.cookie.indexOf(e + "="), -1 != o) ? (o = o + e.length + 1, t = n.cookie.indexOf(";", o), -1 == t && (t = n.cookie.length), c(n.cookie.substring(o, t))) : ""; } function getLogID() { var name = "BAIDUID"; var u = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/~!@#¥%……&"; var d = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFFF]|[^\x00-\x7F]/g; var f = String.fromCharCode; function l(e) { if (e.length < 2) { var n = e.charCodeAt(0); return 128 > n ? e : 2048 > n ? f(192 | n >>> 6) + f(128 | 63 & n) : f(224 | n >>> 12 & 15) + f(128 | n >>> 6 & 63) + f(128 | 63 & n); } var n = 65536 + 1024 * (e.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) + (e.charCodeAt(1) - 56320); return f(240 | n >>> 18 & 7) + f(128 | n >>> 12 & 63) + f(128 | n >>> 6 & 63) + f(128 | 63 & n); } function g(e) { return (e + "" + Math.random()).replace(d, l); } function m(e) { var n = [0, 2, 1][e.length % 3]; var t = e.charCodeAt(0) << 16 | (e.length > 1 ? e.charCodeAt(1) : 0) << 8 | (e.length > 2 ? e.charCodeAt(2) : 0); var o = [u.charAt(t >>> 18), u.charAt(t >>> 12 & 63), n >= 2 ? "=" : u.charAt(t >>> 6 & 63), n >= 1 ? "=" : u.charAt(63 & t)]; return o.join(""); } function h(e) { return e.replace(/[\s\S]{1,3}/g, m); } function p() { return h(g((new Date()).getTime())); } function w(e, n) { return n ? p(String(e)).replace(/[+\/]/g, function (e) { return "+" == e ? "-" : "_"; }).replace(/=/g, "") : p(String(e)); } return w(getCookie(name)); } function Dialog() { var linkList = []; var showParams; var dialog, shadow; function createDialog() { var screenWidth = document.body.clientWidth; var dialogLeft = screenWidth > 800 ? (screenWidth - 800) / 2 : 0; var $dialog_div = $('
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' + element.rank + ':
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' + element.filename + '
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使用tampermonkey 脚本愉快上网_第4张图片




使用tampermonkey 脚本愉快上网_第5张图片


使用tampermonkey 脚本愉快上网_第6张图片




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