


ClientConnected:  09:50:31.066
ClientBeginRequest: 09:50:41.113


  • ClientConnected- Exact time that the client browser made a TCP/IP connection to Fiddler.
  • ClientBeginRequest– Time at which this HTTP request began. May be much later than ClientConnected due to client connection reuse.



2. ClientConnected是指从浏览器到Fiddler的socket连接时间

3. 计算准确的响应时间:ClientBeginRequest ~ ClientEndResponse

1. Fiddler作为系统代理,所有来自微软互联网服务(WinInet)的http请求都先经过Fiddler再到Web Server

     Internet Explorer  <-->  WinInet  <--> Fiddler <--> Web Server

2. Fiddler可以做性能测试,HTTP统计视图

3. 如果一个响应没有包含Cache-Control头,那么就不会被缓存在客户端

  • ClientDoneRequest -浏览器完成将HTTP请求发送到Fiddler的时间。
  • DNSTime - # milliseconds Fiddler spent in DNS looking up the server's IP address.
  • GatewayDeterminationTime - # milliseconds Fiddler spent determining the upstream gateway proxy to use (e.g. processing autoproxy script). Mutually exclusive to DNSTime.
  • TCPConnectTime - # milliseconds Fiddler与服务器建立TCP/IP连接的用时
  • HTTPSHandshakeTime – Amount of time spent in HTTPS handshake
  • ServerConnected – 与服务器建立连接的时间,由于服务器连接的重用,该时间可能比ClientConnected早。
  • FiddlerBeginRequest – The time at which Fiddler began sending the HTTP request to the server.
  • ServerGotRequest - Exact time that Fiddler finished (re)sending the HTTP request to the server.
  • ServerBeginResponse - Exact time that Fiddler got the first bytes of the server's HTTP response.
  • ServerDoneResponse - Exact time that Fiddler got the last bytes of the server's HTTP response.
  • ClientBeginResponse - 开始向客户浏览器返回HTTP响应数据的时间.
  • ClientDoneResponse- 完成向客户浏览器返回HTTP响应数据的时间.

服务器端处理及响应的时间:ServerBeginResponse - ServerGotRequest

网络传输耗时(上传):(ServerGotRequest - ClientDoneRequest) - (DNSTime + TCPConnectTime)
