Unitimes 精选 | AR 科技初创公司招聘区块链工程师;法国法允许保险供应商投资加密货币和代币...

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2019 年 4 月 13 日,以太币交易总额为 1,551,925 ETH ,比前日下降 38.75%;日活跃用户量 188,753,比前日下降 19.35%;新增合约 33,561 个,比前日上升  156.43%;平均交易费用为 10.65 GWEI,比前日下降 8.28%;最活跃合约为 0X24B663...;通证代币交易总额为 341,529 个,比前日下降 10.89%。

April 13, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 1,551,925 ETH, decreasing 38.75% (compared to April 12); the number of daily active users is 188,753, decreasing 19.35%; the number of new contracts is 33,561 , increasing 156.43%; average fees are 10.65 GWEI, decreasing 8.28%; the most active contract is 0X24B663...; tokens transferred volume is 341,529 , decreasing 10.89%.



AR 科技初创公司 Magic Leap 招聘区块链工程师

Magic Leap 是一家总部位于佛罗里达州的 AR 科技初创公司,其工作招聘网站显示有多个区块链工程师相关职位。目前的职位包括区块链工程师、区块链 Oracle 工程师和高级区块链架构师。担任这些职位的工程师将加入 Magic Leap 的“Lifestream”团队,该团队将利用区块链技术开发一个用户数据存储库,使其用户能够参与并体验 AR 中他们周围的数据。Magic Leap 成立于 2011 年,已经从谷歌和阿里巴巴集团等投资者处筹得超过 20 亿美元的资金。

AR tech startup Magic Leap is hiring blockchain engineers

Magic Leap, the Florida-based AR tech startup, has multiple positions open for blockchain engineers according to its job listing site. Current positions available include Blockchain Engineer, Blockchain Oracle Engineer, and Senior Blockchain Architect. The engineers hired for these positions will join Magic Leap's "Lifestream" team which will use blockchain technology to develop a repository of user data the enabling its users to engage and experience the data that surround them in augmented reality. Founded in 2011, Magic Leap has raised over $2B from investors including Google and Alibaba Group.




FXStreet  4 月 11 日报道,根据新通过的一项法律条文,法国保险市场现在可以投资加密货币。4 月 11 日,据当地通讯社 Les Echos 报道,法国国民议会通过了一项旨在刺激当地商业发展的法案,包括将个人储蓄转向企业。据路透社报道,国民议会对这一法案以 147 赞成票和 50 反对票通过。该法案被称为“Plan d’action pour la croissance et la transformation des entreprises”(Pacte),允许法国的保险提供商投资比特币等加密货币,其投资金额没有限制。根据 FXStreet  的说法,该法案的双重条款允许保险公司通过专业基金投资加密货币,并允许他们提供加密货币的人寿保险单。

France Passes Bill to Allow Insurance Providers to Invest in Crypto and Tokens

French insurance markets can now invest in cryptocurrencies, following the passage of a new law, foreign exchange news agency FXStreet reports April 11. On April 11, the National Assembly of France adopted a bill that is designed to stimulate local business development, including redirecting savings from individuals to businesses, according to local news agency Les Echos. According to Reuters, the Assemblee Nationale voted 147 in favor and 50 against. Known as “Plan d’action pour la croissance et la transformation des entreprises,” (Pacte) the act reportedly allows insurance providers in France to invest in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) with no limit on the amount of investment. According FXStreet, a dual provision of the act enables insurers to invest in crypto through specialized professional funds, and allows them to offer life insurance policies exposed to crypto.



Tim Draper 将与 Facebook 会面讨论投资传说中的“FB 币”

彭博社 4 月 12 日报道,亿万富翁投资人 Tim Draper 计划与 Facebook 高管会面,讨论投资该社交媒体的加密货币项目。据报道,Draper 向彭博社透露,他对这个项目“有兴趣了解一下”,要“看看这个项目是否合适”。此前有消息称,Facebook 这家社交媒体巨头正向各风险投资公司寻求一笔 10 亿美元的投资,以进一步发展其计划的加密货币项目。4 月 8 日,《纽约时报》记者 Nathaniel Popper 援引知情人士的话说,该项目是一个稳定币项目,将与银行账户中持有的一篮子外币挂钩。

Tim Draper to Meet with Facebook to Discuss Investing in Rumored FB Coin

Billionaire VC investor Tim Draper is planning to meet with Facebook execs to discuss investing in the social media’s rumored crypto project, Bloomberg reports April 12. According to the report, Draper revealed to Bloomberg that he is “interested to hear the story” around the project, claiming that he is ready to “see if it is a fit.” The move comes on the heels of recent news that the social media giant is reportedly seeking a $1 billion investment from various venture capital firms to develop its supposed cryptocurrency project. On April 8, New York Times tech reporter Nathaniel Popper revealed that the reported project is a stablecoin that would be pegged to a basket of foreign currencies held in bank accounts, citing people familiar with the matter.



日本银行停止与 SBI Ripple Asia 的 Money Tap 合作

日本 Resona Bank 宣布退出 SBI Ripple Asia 的 Money Tap。去年10月,Resona Bank 开始与 Ripple 合作,力求将 Money Tap 在 5 月 13 日之前供银行客户使用。Money Tap 是一个区块链货币转移应用程序,提供免费、实时的资金转移,转移对象为所有拥有银行账户的客户。该应用程序于去年 10 月推出,由三家银行(Suminobu SBI Net Bank, Suruga Bank 和 Resona Bank)参与。今年 3 月,SBI 控股公司宣布,Money Tap 获得 13 家银行的投资。然而,与其他两个合作伙伴不同,Resona Bank 并没有被列为项目支持方。

Japanese bank stops cooperation with SBI Ripple Asia’s Money Tap

Japanese Resona Bank has announced it is backing out of SBI Ripple Asia app Money Tap. It started cooperation with Ripple last October, and the app will be available to the bank’s clients until May 13. Money Tap is a blockchain money transfer app that offers free, real-time money transfers to anyone with a bank account. The app was launched last October and three banks—Suminobu SBI Net Bank, Suruga Bank and Resona Bank—participated. In March, SBI Holdings announced Money Tap received investment from 13 banks. However, unlike two other partners, Resona was not listed as a backer.



Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人



Belief in crypto requires enough cynicism in the existing financial system and enough optimism that an unlikely community of engineers might just be able to design something better



Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人




If you buy a stock you are an investor in that stock, not a user. But if you buy a money, you are both an investor & a user of that money

Cryptocurrency networks are wise to exalt their developers, but they make a mistake if they dismiss their investors



Eric Conner




With all the copycat chains popping up, I get the feeling that the Ethereum and Bitcoin communities will start growing closer over time.



Joseph Young


整个加密货币圈都在支持 hodlonaut 和我最爱的播客 Peter McCormack,我很感动。


「Unitimes注:hodlonaut ‏来自澳大利亚。于2016年自称是“中本聪”,甚至还得到了比特币核心团队成员Gavin Anderson的确认,从此在币圈名声大噪。虽然一直未能提供自己是中本聪的确凿证据,但他却一直以中本聪自居。社区人称“澳洲中本聪”,简称“澳本聪”。 」

Really touching to see the entire crypto community support hodlonaut and my favorite podcaster Peter McCormack.

I love this community 


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