

1. 使用AF_NETLINK socket
3. 等待接收RTM_NEWLINK和RTM_DELLINK类型的message
4. 解析收到的消息中ifinfomsg结构体的ifi_flags成员是否被设置了IFF_RUNNING



#include  /* 根据`man 7 rtnetlink`,包含此头文件。(此头文件不包含也能编译通过,但为了兼容性,或者说平台移植性,包含上吧,万一去掉后放到非Linux系统下编不过了呢) */
#include  /* `man 7 rtnetlink`中有"ifi_flags  contains  the  device  flags,  see  netdevice(7)"这句话,`man 7 netdevice`中提到包含此头文件。 */
//#include  /* use the following header instead of this one */
#include  /* this one is suite for the Linux, more related to interact with Linux kernel's network interfaces */
#include  /* 包含ARPHRD_LOOPBACK的定义 */
#include  /* 根据`man 7 rtnetlink`,包含此头文件 */
#include  /* 根据`man 7 rtnetlink`,包含此头文件 */

#define PRINTF(fmt, ...) printf("%s:%d: " fmt, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__)

#define BUF_SIZE 4096 /* 看到`man 7 netlink`中reading netlink message那个EXAMPLE的buf的大小是4096,我也就写这么大了。 */

static int init(struct sockaddr_nl *psa);
static int deinit();
static int msg_req();
static int msg_loop(struct msghdr *pmh);
static void sig_handler(int sig);

static int sfd = -1;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int ret = 0;
	/* 下面4行变量声明参考`man 7 netlink`中reading netlink message那个EXAMPLE,和`man 2 recvmsg`中"The recvmsg() call uses a msghdr structure to minimize the number of directly supplied arguments"这行之后的结构体说明。 */
	char buf[BUF_SIZE];
	struct iovec iov = {buf, sizeof(buf)};
	struct sockaddr_nl sa;
	struct msghdr msg = {(void *)&sa, sizeof(sa), &iov, 1, NULL, 0, 0};

	/* 程序的主要流程体现在下面4个函数调用:
	 * 1. 初始化socket
	 * 2. 请求获取当前link状态
	 * 3. 循环等待接收link状态的消息
	 * 4. 反初始化
	ret = init(&sa);
	if (!ret) {
		ret = msg_req();
	if (!ret) {
		ret = msg_loop(&msg);
	ret = deinit();

	return ret;

static int init(struct sockaddr_nl *psa)
	int ret = 0;
	struct sigaction sigact;

	sigact.sa_handler = sig_handler;
	if (!ret && -1 == sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask)) {
		PRINTF("ERROR! sigemptyset\n");
		ret = -1;
	if (!ret && -1 == sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL)) { /* SIGINT用于保证按Ctrl+C时进程能够在退出前执行反初始化(资源释放) */
		PRINTF("ERROR! sigaction SIGINT\n");
		ret = -1;
	if (!ret && -1 == sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL)) { /* SIGINT用于保证按Ctrl+C时进程能够在退出前执行反初始化(资源释放) */
		PRINTF("ERROR! sigaction SIGTERM\n");
		ret = -1;

	if (!ret) {
		/* `man 7 netlink`中有"the netlink protocol does not distinguish between datagram and raw sockets"这样一句话,所以socket函数的第2个参数填SOCK_RAW和SOCK_DGRAM均可。 */
		/* 根据`man 7 netlink`中netlink_family参数的解释,NETLINK_ROUTE作为netlink_family参数的值能够获取link状态信息。 */
		if (-1 == sfd) {
			PRINTF("ERROR! socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
			ret = -1;
	/* bind代码参考`man 7 netlink`中EXAMPLE部分的第1段代码 */
	memset(psa, 0, sizeof(*psa));
	psa->nl_family = AF_NETLINK;
	psa->nl_groups = RTMGRP_LINK; /* 绑定到RTMGRP_LINK组 */
	if (!ret && bind(sfd, (struct sockaddr *)psa, sizeof(*psa))) {
		PRINTF("ERROR! bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		ret = -1;

	/* deinit if init failed */
	if (0 != ret) {

	return ret;

static int deinit()
	int ret = 0;

	if (-1 != sfd) {
		if (-1 == close(sfd)) {
			PRINTF("ERROR! close: %s\n", strerror(errno));
			ret = -1;
		sfd = -1;

	return ret;

static int msg_req()
	int ret = 0;
	struct {
		struct nlmsghdr  nh;
		struct ifinfomsg ifimsg;
	} req;

	/* 发送消息来请求获取当前link状态,这是为了当程序启动后能够显示一下当前的网卡连接状态,否则程序运行时网卡连接状态没有变化的话,程序就一直没有任何输出 */
	/* 代码参考`man 3 rtnetlink`中的EXAMPLE,主要参考了中的send_getlink_dump函数 */
	memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
	req.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct ifinfomsg)); /* NLMSG_LENGTH会返回包含nlmsghdr这个header和ifinfomsg这个payload加起来的size,返回的是对齐后的值 */
	req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_DUMP; /* 根据`man 7 netlink`中NLM_F_REQUEST的解释,所有请求类型的消息都要设置NLM_F_REQUEST;设置了NLM_F_DUMP就能够获取link状态,根据`man 7 netlink`,NLM_F_DUMP相当于NLM_F_ROOT|NLM_F_MATCH,`man 7 netlink`中说NLM_F_MATCH是"Not implemented yet",但去掉NLM_F_DUMP,只设置NLM_F_MATCH也是有效果的。 */
	req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_GETLINK; /* `man 7 rtnetlink`中说RTM_GETLINK用于"get information about a specific network interface",`man 7 rtnetlink`中的"These messages contain an ifinfomsg structure followed by a series of rtattr structures"这句话解释了RTM_GETLINK的消息结构 */
	req.ifimsg.ifi_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* 根据`man 7 rtnetlink`中ifinfomsg结构体的定义,恒为AF_UNSPEC */
	req.ifimsg.ifi_index = 0; /*中有"ifi_index is the unique interface index (since Linux 3.7, it is possible to feed a nonzero value with the RTM_NEWLINK message, thus creating a link with the given ifindex)"这句话,说明这个成员设置0没问题 */
	req.ifimsg.ifi_change = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* `man 7 rtnetlink`中有"ifi_change is reserved for future use and should be always set to 0xFFFFFFFF"这句话,所以设置为0xFFFFFFFF */
	if (-1 == send(sfd, &req, req.nh.nlmsg_len, 0)) {
		PRINTF("ERROR! send: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		ret = -1;

	return ret;

static int msg_loop(struct msghdr *pmh)
	int ret = 0;
	ssize_t nread = -1;
	char *buf = (char *)(pmh->msg_iov->iov_base);
	struct nlmsghdr *nh;
	struct ifinfomsg *ifimsg;
	struct rtattr *rta;
	int attrlen;

	/* 循环体参考`man 7 netlink`中reading netlink message那个EXAMPLE,连注释都照搬过来了 :D */
	while (!ret) {
		nread = recvmsg(sfd, pmh, 0);
		if (-1 == nread) {
			PRINTF("ERROR! recvmsg: %s\n", strerror(errno));
			ret = -1;

		for (nh = (struct nlmsghdr *)buf; /* `man 7 netlink`中"Netlink messages consist of a byte stream with one or multiple nlmsghdr headers and associated payload"这句话的周围解释了netlink消息的结构,所以消息的开头是nlmsghdr类型的header */
				!ret && NLMSG_OK(nh, nread); /* 根据`man 3 netlink`,NLMSG_OK用来检查收到的netlink消息是否OK */
				nh = NLMSG_NEXT(nh, nread)) { /* 根据`man 3 netlink`,NLMSG_NEXT用于定位到下一个nlmsghdr header的开头,注意这个宏会改变nread的值 */
			/* `man 3 netlink`中有"The caller must check if the current nlmsghdr didn't have the NLMSG_DONE set—this function doesn't return NULL on end"这句话,所以要检查NLMSG_DONE */
			/* The end of multipart message. */
			if (NLMSG_DONE == nh->nlmsg_type) {

			if (NLMSG_ERROR == nh->nlmsg_type) {
				/* Do some error handling. */
				ret = -1;

			/* Continue with parsing payload. */
			if (!ret && (RTM_NEWLINK == nh->nlmsg_type || RTM_DELLINK == nh->nlmsg_type)) { /* `man 7 rtnetlink`中的"These messages contain an ifinfomsg structure followed by a series of rtattr structures"这句话解释了RTM_NEWLINK和RTM_DELLINK的消息结构,前一句说明了RTM_NEWLINK和RTM_DELLINK分别用于"Create"和"remove" "information about a specific network interface",link的"Create"和"remove"动作产生的消息是程序要解析的。 */
				ifimsg = (struct ifinfomsg *)NLMSG_DATA(nh); /* 根据`man 3 netlink`,NLMSG_DATA用于定位nlmsghdr header后面的payload的内存地址 */
				if (ARPHRD_LOOPBACK != ifimsg->ifi_type) { /* 排除loopback网卡适配器 */
					/* `man 7 rtnetlink`中的"These messages contain an ifinfomsg structure followed by a series of rtattr structures"这句话说明ifinfomsg之后的内容就是属性 */
					attrlen = nh->nlmsg_len - NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct ifinfomsg)); /* NLMSG_LENGTH返回的值是nlmsghdr和ifinfomsg加起来的长度,减去后,剩下的就是属性的长度 */
					for (rta = IFLA_RTA(ifimsg); /* IFLA_RTA用于定位ifinfomsg payload后面的属性的内存地址 */
							RTA_OK(rta, attrlen) && rta->rta_type <= IFLA_MAX; /* 根据`man 3 rtnetlink`,RTA_OK用来检查rta指向的属性是否有效 */
							rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, attrlen)) { /* 根据`man 3 rtnetlink`,RTA_NEXT用于定位到下一个属性的开头,注意这个宏会改变attrlen的值 */
						if (IFLA_IFNAME == rta->rta_type) { /* 当rta_type为IFLA_IFNAME时,属性包含的数据是网卡名字符串 */
								printf("%s: ", (char*)RTA_DATA(rta)); /* 打印网卡名,如eth0 */
					/* 实际上,当link up时,IFF_RUNNING和IFF_LOWER_UP都会被设置,link down时都会被清除,以IFF_LOWER_UP作为判断依据也行,但根据`man 7 netdevice`,IFF_LOWER_UP是从内核2.6.17版本才有的,所以使用IFF_RUNNING兼容性可能好点 */
					if (IFF_RUNNING & ifimsg->ifi_flags)
						printf("link up\n");
						printf("link down\n");

	return ret;

static void sig_handler(int sig)

代码和那些man命令的运行环境为debian wheezy 7.7。

man 3 netlink
man 7 netlink
man 3 rtnetlink
man 7 rtnetlink
man 7 netdevice
