networkX 加载 shapefile

System Requirements

  • python 3.8
  • networkx - pip install networkx
  • matplotlib - pip install matplotlib
  • GDAL - pip install C:\Software\GDAL-3.0.4-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
  • street-network shapefile - Streets.shp
import networkx as nx  # pip install networkx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # pip install matplotlib

G=nx.read_shp('C:\\Streets.shp')  # pip install C:\Software\GDAL-3.0.4-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
pos = {k: v for k,v in enumerate(G.nodes())}
X=nx.Graph() #Empty graph
X.add_nodes_from(pos.keys()) #Add nodes preserving coordinates
l=[set(x) for x in G.edges()] #To speed things up in case of large objects
edg=[tuple(k for k,v in pos.items() if v in sl) for sl in l] #Map the G.edges start and endpoints onto pos
plt.xlim(-8232250, -8228920) #This changes and is problem specific
plt.ylim(5280000, 5284500) #This changes and is problem specific

plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
plt.title('From shapefiles to NetworkX')

networkX 加载 shapefile_第1张图片

