chromium - 测试工程的位置




chromium - 测试工程的位置_第1张图片
browser_tests.exe 支持 --help命令行, 可以选择自己要测试的子类别。最重要的是,通过测试程序,后续可以找到测试代码的实现,看看每一个知识点,作者是怎么写的调用代码。

.\browser_tests.exe --help
Runs tests using the gtest framework, each batch of tests being
run in their own process. Supported command-line flags:

 Common flags:
    Runs a subset of tests (see --gtest_help for more info).

    Shows this message.

    Shows the gtest help message.

    Sets the number of parallel test jobs to N.

    Runs the tests and the launcher in the same process. Useful
    for debugging a specific test in a debugger.

 Other flags:
    Sets the limit of test retries on failures to N.

    Saves a JSON machine-readable summary of the run.

    Controls when full test output is printed.
    auto means to print it when the test failed.

    Sets the total number of shards to N.

    Sets the shard index to run to N (from 0 to TOTAL - 1).

.\browser_tests.exe --gtest_help
This program contains tests written using Google Test. You can use the
following command line flags to control its behavior:

Test Selection:
      List the names of all tests instead of running them. The name of
      TEST(Foo, Bar) is "Foo.Bar".
      Run only the tests whose name matches one of the positive patterns but
      none of the negative patterns. '?' matches any single character; '*'
      matches any substring; ':' separates two patterns.
      Run all disabled tests too.

Test Execution:
      Run the tests repeatedly; use a negative count to repeat forever.
      Randomize tests' orders on every iteration.
      Random number seed to use for shuffling test orders (between 1 and
      99999, or 0 to use a seed based on the current time).

Test Output:
      Enable/disable colored output. The default is auto.
      Don't print the elapsed time of each test.
      Generate a JSON or XML report in the given directory or with the given
      file name. FILE_PATH defaults to test_details.xml.

Assertion Behavior:
      Turn assertion failures into debugger break-points.
      Turn assertion failures into C++ exceptions for use by an external
      test framework.
      Do not report exceptions as test failures. Instead, allow them
      to crash the program or throw a pop-up (on Windows).

Except for --gtest_list_tests, you can alternatively set the corresponding
environment variable of a flag (all letters in upper-case). For example, to
disable colored text output, you can either specify --gtest_color=no or set
the GTEST_COLOR environment variable to no.

For more information, please read the Google Test documentation at If you find a bug in Google Test
(not one in your own code or tests), please report it to


.\browser_tests.exe --gtest_list_tests
PlatformAppBrowserTest.  # TypeParam = 
  RunningAppsAreRecorded  # GetParam() = 
  ActiveAppsAreRecorded  # GetParam() = 
  FileAccessIsSavedToPrefs  # GetParam() = 
  DISABLED_FileAccessIsRestored  # GetParam() = 
  LoadAndLaunchAppChromeRunning  # GetParam() = 
  LoadAndLaunchAppWithFile  # GetParam() = 
  CreateAndCloseAppWindow  # GetParam() = 
  PostMessageW/0  # GetParam() = false
  PostMessageW/1  # GetParam() = true
  Basic/0  # GetParam() = false
  Basic/1  # GetParam() = true
  Embedded/0  # GetParam() = false
  Embedded/1  # GetParam() = true
  Iframe/0  # GetParam() = false
  Iframe/1  # GetParam() = true
  Abort/0  # GetParam() = false
  Abort/1  # GetParam() = true
  NonAsciiHeaders/0  # GetParam() = false
  NonAsciiHeaders/1  # GetParam() = true
  DataUrl/0  # GetParam() = false
  DataUrl/1  # GetParam() = true
  EmbeddedDataUrlObject/0  # GetParam() = false
  EmbeddedDataUrlObject/1  # GetParam() = true
  EmbeddedDataUrlEmbed/0  # GetParam() = false
  EmbeddedDataUrlEmbed/1  # GetParam() = true
  EmbeddedDataUrlLong/0  # GetParam() = false
  EmbeddedDataUrlLong/1  # GetParam() = true
  ResizeBeforeAttach/0  # GetParam() = false
  ResizeBeforeAttach/1  # GetParam() = true
  SingleRequest/0  # GetParam() = false
  SingleRequest/1  # GetParam() = true
  BackgroundPage/0  # GetParam() = false
  BackgroundPage/1  # GetParam() = true


.\browser_tests.exe --gtest_filter=BackgroundPage/1

IMPORTANT DEBUGGING NOTE: each test is run inside its own process.
For debugging a test inside a debugger, use the
--gtest_filter= flag along with either
--single_process (to run the test in one launcher/browser process) or
--single-process (to do the above, and also run Chrome in single-process mode).
Using sharding settings from environment. This is shard 0/1
Using 1 parallel jobs.
0 tests run


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