20171207 Chapter 4 The Examinations

Reading journal –The Gay Genius

20171207 Chapter 4 The Examinations

1 Outstanding Question 

In this chapter, the author tries to tell us the process of three Sus' taking examinations. Also, their marriages and the death of their loved one,  Su Tungpo's mother, are talked about in this chapter, because the three things usually have a strong a connection at that time. 

Parents believe an early  marriage  tends to save the son a great waste of time and energy so that he can completely devote himself into the preparation for examinations. However, even if the son has passed the examinations and won the family reputation, the death of family members will force him to leave the court temporarily, obseving mourning for his beloved relatives, usually his parents and wife.

Interesting Sentences 

1.It was the perculiarity of the imperial city that no one was allowed to go about bareheaded, and even the humblest fortuneteller tried to dress like a scholar.

Like the word “fortuneteller". But some of them have nothing to do with the word "humble" sometimes. Due to people's trust, they can charge their mystical nonsense at outrageous price, and people are willing to be unwittingly deluded.

2.It was most desirable for the young people to have their love and romance settle and out of the way.

It seems that marriage, one of the most important things in one's life, has been regarded as an impediment for examinations , only by passing which can they get a satisfying job and fulfil their dreams at that time. 

My thoughts


Words and expressions

1.decorate (熟词生义)

原文:On April 8, 2057, Su passed the examinations, and on April 14, at the age of twenty, was officially decorated a chinshih, almost at the head of 388 successful candidates.

释义:v. to give someone a MEDAL  as an official sign of honour  授予……勋章(奖章)

用法: decorate sb for sth

造句:The soldiers were decorated for bravery.

2. span 

原文:Painted and carved wooden bridges spanned the rivers running through the city.

释义:v. a bridge goes from one side to the other of an area of water, especially a river


拓展释义:v. to include all of a particular space or area. (空间或地域)跨越、包括   


造句:The Mongol Empire spanned much of Central Asia.

3. plaudits (formal)

原文:While he lived and broke up China's unity, he won the plaudits of foreigners.

释义:n. praise and admiration 喝彩、赞扬、赞美

搭配: win/draw/receive plaudits

造句:Her speech won plaudits from the critics.

4. dean  (AmE.)

原文:He was particularly handsome to look at, but to meet this dean of letters and receive his favor was the dream of all aspiring scholars.

释义:n. someone with a lot of experience of a particular job or subject ?(某个领域的)权威、泰斗

同义词: doyen (BrE.)

例句:Neier is the dean of American human rights activisim.

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