1. 初始配置

2. 初始ISE状态检查

3. 网页和SSH登陆

ISE在ESXI上安装时,推荐使用redhat linux 64位。硬盘200G,内存10G,CPU 2核。 越多越好

Booting OS, please wait ... 

Press to continue


Please type 'setup' to configure the appliance


localhost login: setup

Press 'Ctrl-C' to abort setup

Enter hostname[]: ISE

Enter IP address[]:       

Enter IP netmask[]:

Enter IP default gateway[]:

Enter default DNS domain[]: LEAD

Enter primary nameserver[]:

Add secondary nameserver? Y/N [N]: N

Enter NTP server[time.nist.gov]: time.nist.gov

Add another NTP server? Y/N [N]: N

Enter system timezone[UTC]:    UTC

Enable SSH service? Y/N [N]: Y

Enter username[admin]: admin

Enter password: 

Enter password again: 

Copying first CLI user to be first ISE admin GUI user...

Bringing up network interface...

Pinging the gateway...

Pinging the primary nameserver...

Do not use 'Ctrl-C' from this point on...

Installing Applications...

 === Initial Setup for Application: ISE ===

Welcome to the ISE initial setup.  The purpose of this setup is to 

provision the internal ISE database.  This setup is non-interactive,

and will take roughly 5 minutes to complete. 

Running database cloning script...

Running database network config assistant tool...

Extracting ISE database content...

Starting ISE database processes...

Creating ISE M&T session directory...

Performing ISE database priming...

Generating configuration...


Broadcast message from root@ISE

        (unknown) at 1:55 ...

The system is going down for reboot NOW!

ooting OS, please wait ... 

Press to continue

ISE login: admin


Failed to log in 0 time(s)


2.初始ISE状态检查(红色标记确认为running,特别是application server状态)


ISE/admin# show application status ise

ISE PROCESS NAME                       STATE            PROCESS ID  


Database Listener                      running          4156        

Database Server                        running          41 PROCESSES

Application Server                     running          6639        

Profiler Database                      running          4965        

AD Connector                           running          7052        

M&T Session Database                   running          2607        

M&T Log Collector                      running          6942        

M&T Log Processor                      running          6888        

Certificate Authority Service          running          6829        

SXP Engine Service                     disabled                     

pxGrid Infrastructure Service          disabled                     

pxGrid Publisher Subscriber Service    disabled                     

pxGrid Connection Manager              disabled                     

pxGrid Controller                      disabled                     

Identity Mapping Service               disabled      

3. 网页和SSH登陆

Cisco ISE初始化设置_第1张图片

Cisco ISE初始化设置_第2张图片


You are required to change your password immediately (password aged)

Last login: Thu May  7 02:20:17 2020 from

WARNING: Your password has expired.

You must change your password now and login again!

Changing password for user admin.

Changing password for admin.

(current) UNIX password: 

New password: 

Retype new password: 

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Cisco ISE初始化设置_第3张图片