2019 年 3 月 31 日,以太币交易总额为 2,093,684 ETH ,比前日下降 17.89%;日活跃用户量 159,058,比前日下降 3.77%;新增合约 10,442 个,比前日下降 20.73%;平均交易费用为 10.46 GWEI,比前日上升 0.37%;最活跃合约为 BCACHAIN INITIAL TOKEN (BCAC);通证代币交易总额为 457,884 个,比前日上升 4.30%。
康奈尔大学教授认为,加密货币市场市值将超过 1 万亿美元
康奈尔大学教授 Emin Gun Sirer 一向对比特币青睐有加,他认为一旦发现实际使用案例,加密货币市值将超过 1 万亿美元。Sirer 最近在推特上表示,因为其“自带的不可扩展技术”,加密货币市值超过 7000 亿美元指日可待,一旦公司“弄清楚如何扩展、如何构建非托管解决方案、如何将人们想要使用的应用程序分层以及如何为社会带来纯粹的积极成果”,市场状况将获得大幅改善。
Cornell University Professor Believes the Crypto Market will Rocket Past $1 Trillion
Emin Gun Sirer, a Bitcoin-friendly Cornell University professor, believes that the cryptocurrency market could surpass $1 trillion once real-world use-cases are found. Sirer recently tweeted that the crypto market easily surpassed $700 billion with “inherently unscalable technologies” and he said the market will drastically improve once companies “figure out how to scale, how to build non-custodial solutions, how to layer apps that people want to use and that bring net positive outcomes to society.”
中国国家网络空间管理局(CAC)最近公布了一份名单,其中包括首次在中国正式注册并获得相应注册号的区块链信息服务提供商。该名单包括百度、腾讯、爱奇艺等上市互联网公司和多家初创公司,其中 18 家位于上海,包括Lufax、VeChain(Vet)和 Wanxiang Blockchain。根据 VeChain 首席执行官 Sunny Lu 的说法,“这是中国实现区块链技术发展和监管环境标准化的第一步。”
China Unveils the First Batch of Nationally Registered Blockchain Companies
The Chinese national Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) recently unveiled its first list of officially registered blockchain-based information service providers in China that have received their corresponding registration numbers. The list of companies includes public internet companies such as Baidu, Tencent, Iqiyi and a number of startup companies, among the companies, eighteen are located in Shanghai, including Lufax, VeChain (VET), and Wanxiang Blockchain. According to VeChain CEO Sunny Lu, “this is the first step towards standardizing blockchain technology development and the regulatory environment in China.”
2019 年度趋势为付息加密货币账户
2017 年加密货币市场的重头戏是首次代币发行以及随之而来的投资和诈骗潮。在 2018 年熊市期间,表现最好的实际上是稳定货币市场的出现,因为这有助于投资者在加密货币市场不断下跌的情况下保值。到 2019 年为止,增长最快的趋势是支付利息的加密账户,最终可使加密货币持有人从加密货币中赚取更多利益。由于 Nexo、BlockFi 和 Coinbase Custody 等平台为加密货币和稳定货币提供了利息和下注服务,这似乎是下一个值得关注的重要趋势。
Biggest Trend of 2019 is Interest-Paying Crypto Accounts
The trend for the 2017 crypto market was ICOs and the flurry of investing and scams that came with it. During the bear market of 2018, the best performing trend was actually the emergence of stablecoins, which helped investors retain value as the crypto market sank lower and lower. So far in 2019, the fastest growing trend is interest-paying crypto accounts that finally allow crypto holders to earn more from their crypto. With platforms like Nexo, BlockFi, and Coinbase Custody offering interest and staking capabilities for cryptos and stablecoins, this looks to be the next big trend to keep an eye on.
巴西 Mosaic 大学推出特别的区块链商业课程
巴西 Mosaic 大学的区块链学院是领先的区块链教育机构,其最近宣布推出特别的区块链商业课程。本课程将深入了解巴西的区块链格局,并将探讨智能合约、自动执行计算机协议和区块链基础设施交易等主要概念。课程还将涵盖代币的性质、以区块链为基础的众筹模型、去中心化应用程序和 Web 3.0 等概念。
Brazil's Mosaic University Launches One-of-a-Kind Blockchain Business Course
The Mosaic University and Blockchain Academy, Brazil’s leading blockchain educational institution, recently announced the launch of its own, one of a kind Blockchain Business course. The course will take an in-depth look at the blockchain landscape in Brazil and will go into leading concepts like smart contracts, self-executing computer protocols, and tradeoffs for blockchain infrastructures. The course will also cover concepts such as the nature of tokens, crowdfunding models via blockchain, decentralized applications, and Web 3.0.
Jimmy Song
The financial system is a cocoon of rent seeking. Safe and comfortable in their own bubble, they think their exploitation of everyone else is theirs by divine right.
Bitcoin is the frontier. It's your way out of financial slavery to the elites.
Jimmy Song
The market economy is like a good teacher. Every time you do something wrong, you are quickly corrected.
The Fiat economy is like a bad teacher. They don't care if you add value or not as long as you support them.
Joseph Young
The biggest railway in Japan is considering accepting crypto.
It is considering integrating crypto into the public transport card millions of Japanese individuals use everyday.
If this materializes, it may be single biggest boost in adoption. (1/2)
Joseph Young
我认为 JR 集团可以创建或收购一个加密货币交易所来处理支付,类似于 Rakuten(日本最大的电子商务公司)在 2018 年所做。
I spoke to a local analyst, he said Japan Railways Group may partner with a major bank to create a new crypto venture.
I think JR Group could create a crypto exchange or acquire one to handle payments, similar to what Rakuten did in 2018. (Japan's biggest e-commerce firm) (2/2)
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