

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main()
	string text = "I Love You Baby ! ";
	double fontscale = 2;
	int thickness = 3;

	Mat image(700, 900, CV_8UC3, Scalar::all(0));
	int baseline = 0;

	Size textsize = getTextSize(text, fontface, fontscale, thickness, &baseline);
	baseline += thickness;

	Point textorg((image.cols - textsize.width) / 2, 
		(image.rows + textsize.height) / 2);
	rectangle(image, textorg + Point(0, baseline), textorg + Point(textsize.width,
		-textsize.height), Scalar(0, 0, 255));
	line(image, textorg + Point(0, thickness), textorg + Point(textsize.width, thickness),
		Scalar(0, 0, 255));
	putText(image, text, textorg, fontface, fontscale, Scalar::all(255), thickness, 8);
	imshow("添加文档:", image);

    return 0;

//1. putText()函数
//CV_EXPORTS_W void putText(Mat& img, const string& text, Point org,
//	int fontFace, double fontScale, Scalar color,
//	int thickness = 1, int lineType = 8,
//	bool bottomLeftOrigin = false);
//.Mat& img: 要添加备注的图片
//. const string& text : 要添加的文字内容
//.Point org : 要添加的文字基准点或原点坐标,左上角还是左下角取决于最后
//. int fontFace : 文字的字体类型(Hershey字体集),可供选择的有
//. double fontScale : 字体相较于最初尺寸的缩放系数。若为1.0f,则字符宽度是最初字符宽度,
//.Scalar color : 很熟悉了,字体颜色
//. int thickness = 1 : 字体笔画的粗细程度,有默认值1
//. int lineType = 8 : 字体笔画线条类型,有默认值8
//. bool bottomLeftOrigin = false : 如果取值为TRUE,则Point org指定的点为插入文字的
//2. getTextSize()函数
////! returns bounding box of the text string
//CV_EXPORTS_W Size getTextSize(const string& text, int fontFace,
//	double fontScale, int thickness,
//	CV_OUT int* baseLine);
//. const string& text: 输入的文本文字
//. int fontFace : 文字字体类型
//. double fontScale : 字体缩放系数
//. int thickness : 字体笔画线宽
//.CV_OUT int* baseLine : 文字最底部y坐标

