Sublime Text 3的插件Plaintasks使用


Preferences -> Package Control -> install package


Sublime Text 3的插件Plaintasks使用_第1张图片


☐ type c, press tab key — it’ll become @critical
☐ type h, press tab key — it’ll become @high
☐ type l, press tab key — it’ll become @low
☐ type t, press tab key — it’ll become @today


☐ type s, press tab key twice — it’ll become @started(13-10-25 15:20)

You’ll get a current date and time; When a task with such tag is completed/cancelled,
PlainTasks will calculate the time spent on that task and append it to the archived task.
You can recalculate it for already completed/cancelled task: put cursor at tag and press tab key

☐ type tg, press tab key twice — @toggle(14-10-13 16:14)

That way you can pause and resume started task, so result of calculation will be more correct.
First, you need start task, then toggle means pause, next toggle — resume, etc.

☐ type cr, press tab key twice — @created(14-12-24 15:57)

⌘+shift+enter (ctrl+shift+enter) creates a new task with this tag

☐ type d, press tab key — @due( )

If you press tab key again — it’ll insert current date, same for @due( 0).
You can type short date and then press tab to expand it into default format.
Short date should be __@due(year-month-day hour:minute)__
Dot can be used instead of hyphen, but should be consistent _year.month.day_
  - year, month, minute, hour can be omitted:
    - @due(1)          → 1st day of next month always
    - @due(--1)         → 1st day of current month always
    - @due(5)          → 5th day of current month (or next month if current day is 5th or older)
    - @due(2-3)        → February 3rd of current year or next one
    - @due(28 23:)     → 28th day of current/next month at 23 hours and minutes are equal to current moment
    - @due(16.1.1 1:1) → January 1st of 2016 at 01:01 @due(16-01-01 01:01)
  - relative period of time starts with a plus sign or two
    __+[+][number][DdWw][h:m]__ — number is optional as well as letter d for days or letter w for weeks
    - @due(+)   → tomorrow as well as @due( +1) or @due( +1d)
    - @due(+w)  = @due( +7)
    - @due(+3w) = @due( +21d)
    - @due(++)  → count time since date of creation if task contains @created(date), otherwise it is equal to @due(+)
    - @due(+2:)    = @due( +2.)    →  two hours since current date
    - @due(+:555)  = @due( +.555)  →  555 minutes since current date
    - @due(+2 12:) = @due( +2 12.) →  2 days and 12 hours since current date

You probably notice that due tags looks unusual, past (overdue or expired) and those due soon
(in next 24 hours by default) are dynamically highlighted depending on system time;
You can search 'Tasks: Fold to due tasks' in command palette to fold/hide everything except
pending tasks with past or soon due tag, their notes, and projects or separators they belong to.

☐ ctrl+space (alt+/ on Linux) shows list of those tags


无意中发现了这个插件,真的好棒~<( ̄︶ ̄)>
