A MIDlet is a J2ME application designed to operate on an MIDP small computing device. A MIDlet is defined with at least a single class that is derived from the javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet abstract class. Developers commonly bundle related MIDlets into a MIDlet suite, which is contained within the same package and implemented
simultaneously on a small computing device. All MIDlets within a MIDlet suite are considered a group and must be installed and uninstalled as a group (Figure 3-2).

Members of a MIDlet suite share resources of the host environment and share the same instances of Java classes and run within the same JVM. This means if three MIDlets from the same MIDlet suite run the same class, only one instance of the class is created at a time in the Java Virtual Machine. A key benefit of the relationship among MIDlet suite members is that they share the same data, including data in persistent storage such as user preferences.


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Sharing data among MIDlets exposes each MIDlet to data errors caused by concurrent read/write access to data. This risk is reduced by synchronization primitives on the MIDlet suite level that restrict access to volatile data and persistent data. However, if a MIDlet uses multi-threading, the MIDlet is responsible for coordinated access to the record store.


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A MIDlet suite is installed, executed, and removed by the application manager running on the device. The manufacturer of the small computing device provides the application manager. Once a MIDlet suite is installed, each member of the MIDlet suite is given access to classes of the JVM and CLDC by the application manager. Likewise, a MIDlet can access classes defined in the MIDP to interact with the user interface, network, and persistent storage.


The application manager also makes the Java archive (JAR) file and the Java application descriptor (JAD) file available to members of the MIDlet suite.