SAM--Chap 4 朴素贝叶斯法自我梳理

1. Conditional Probability and Bayes

SAM--Chap 4 朴素贝叶斯法自我梳理_第1张图片

2. Assumptions made by naive bayes

The solution to using Bayes Theorem for a conditional probability classification model is to simplify the calculation.

The Bayes Theorem assumes that each input variable is dependent upon all other variables. This is a cause of complexity in the calculation. We can remove this assumption and consider each input variable as being independent from each other.

This changes the model from a dependent conditional probability model to an independent conditional probability model and dramatically simplifies the calculation.

Naive Bayes is a classification algorithm for binary (two-class) and multiclass classification problems. It is called Naive Bayes or idiot Bayes because the calculations of the probabilities for each class are simplified to make their calculations tractable.

Fundemental assumptions are: Each feature is

  • Independent
  • Equal(say, given the same influence)

Note: The assumptions made by Naïve Bayes are generally not correct in real-world situations. The independence assumption is never correct but often works well in practice. Hence the name ‘Naïve’. (source:ïve-bayes-algorithm-everything-you-need-to-know-9bf3104b78e5)

条件独立假设等于说是用于分类的特征在类确定的条件下都是条件独立的,这一假设使得朴素贝叶斯法变得简单, 但有时会牺牲一定的分类准确率。

3. Examples

Task 1: traffic jam (

SAM--Chap 4 朴素贝叶斯法自我梳理_第2张图片

X = [Clear, Workday, Morning]
Y = [y1, y2]where y1 is the probability that there's no traffic jam and y2 is the probability that there is a traffic jam.
P(Y=y|X=(x1, x2, ..., xm))

since not dependent,
SAM--Chap 4 朴素贝叶斯法自我梳理_第3张图片

so we have

Task 2: Identify texts

Simple input, source:
SAM--Chap 4 朴素贝叶斯法自我梳理_第4张图片

  • The first thing we need to do when creating a machine learning model is to decide what to use as features.
    In this case though, we don’t even have numeric features. We just have text.
    So what do we do? Simple! We use word frequencies.
    That is, we ignore word order and sentence construction, treating every document as a set of the words it contains.

Our features will be the counts of each of these words. Even though it may seem too simplistic an approach, it works surprisingly well.

  • Now we need to transform the probability we want to calculate into something that can be calculated using word frequencies.
    For this, we will use some basic properties of probabilities, and Bayes’ Theorem.
    SAM--Chap 4 朴素贝叶斯法自我梳理_第5张图片

  • Naive
    So here comes the Naive part: we assume that every word in a sentence is independent of the other ones.


对于并没有出现在text里面的word,By using something called Laplace smoothing: we add 1 to every count so it’s never zero.

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SAM--Chap 4 朴素贝叶斯法自我梳理_第7张图片

对于continuous data 就要用到Gaussian了

A general flow

SAM--Chap 4 朴素贝叶斯法自我梳理_第8张图片


  • 典型的生成学习方法,由训练数据学习联合概率分布P(X|Y),再求得厚颜概率分布P(Y|X).

  • 概率估计方法可以是极大似然估计(满足独立同分布的假设)或贝叶斯估计

  • 基本假设是条件独立性

  • 利用贝叶斯定理和学到的联合概率模型进行分类预测

将输入x分到后验概率最大的类 y


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