import random
import time
correctCount = 0 # Count the number of correct answers
count = 0 # Count the number of questions
continueLoop = ‘Y’
startTime = time.time() # Get start time
while continueLoop == ‘Y’ and count < NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS:
# while count < NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS:
# Generate two random single-digit integers
number1 = random.randint(0, 9)
number2 = random.randint(0, 9)
# If number1 < number2, swap number1 with number2
if number1 < number2:
number1, number2 = number2, number1
# Prompt the student to answer "What is number1 - number2?"
answer = eval(input("What is " + str(number1) + " - " +
str(number2) + "? "))
# Grade the answer and display the result
if number1 - number2 == answer:
print("You are correct!")
correctCount += 1
print("Your answer is wrong.\n", number1, "-",
number2, "is", number1 - number2)
# Increase the count
continueLoop = input("Enter Y to continue and N to quit: ")
count += 1
endTime = time.time() # Get end time
testTime = int(endTime - startTime) # Get test time
print(“Correct count is”, correctCount, “out of”,
NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS, “\nTest time is”, testTime, “seconds”)