ApacheCN 翻译活动进度公告 2019.3.17

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seaborn 0.9 中文文档





序号 章节 译者 进度
1 An introduction to seaborn @yiran7324
2 Installing and getting started @neolei 100%
3 Visualizing statistical relationships @JNJYan 100%
4 Plotting with categorical data @hold2010
5 Visualizing the distribution of a dataset @alohahahaha
6 Visualizing linear relationships
7 Building structured multi-plot grids @keyianpai
8 Controlling figure aesthetics
9 Choosing color palettes
10 seaborn.relplot
11 seaborn.scatterplot
12 seaborn.lineplot
13 seaborn.catplot
14 seaborn.stripplot
15 seaborn.swarmplot
16 seaborn.boxplot
17 seaborn.violinplot
18 seaborn.boxenplot
19 seaborn.pointplot
20 seaborn.barplot
21 seaborn.countplot
22 seaborn.jointplot
23 seaborn.pairplot
24 seaborn.distplot
25 seaborn.kdeplot
26 seaborn.rugplot
27 seaborn.lmplot
28 seaborn.regplot
29 seaborn.residplot
30 seaborn.heatmap
31 seaborn.clustermap
32 seaborn.FacetGrid
33 seaborn.FacetGrid.map
34 seaborn.FacetGrid.map_dataframe
35 seaborn.PairGrid
36 seaborn.PairGrid.map
37 seaborn.PairGrid.map_diag
38 seaborn.PairGrid.map_offdiag
39 seaborn.PairGrid.map_lower
40 seaborn.PairGrid.map_upper
41 seaborn.JointGrid
42 seaborn.JointGrid.plot
43 seaborn.JointGrid.plot_joint
44 seaborn.JointGrid.plot_marginals
45 seaborn.set
46 seaborn.axes_style
47 seaborn.set_style
48 seaborn.plotting_context
49 seaborn.set_context
50 seaborn.set_color_codes
51 seaborn.reset_defaults
52 seaborn.reset_orig
53 seaborn.set_palette
54 seaborn.color_palette
55 seaborn.husl_palette
56 seaborn.hls_palette
57 seaborn.cubehelix_palette
58 seaborn.dark_palette
59 seaborn.light_palette
60 seaborn.diverging_palette
61 seaborn.blend_palette
62 seaborn.xkcd_palette
63 seaborn.crayon_palette
64 seaborn.mpl_palette
65 seaborn.choose_colorbrewer_palette
66 seaborn.choose_cubehelix_palette
67 seaborn.choose_light_palette
68 seaborn.choose_dark_palette
69 seaborn.choose_diverging_palette
70 seaborn.load_dataset
71 seaborn.despine
72 seaborn.desaturate
73 seaborn.saturate
74 seaborn.set_hls_values

HBase 3.0 中文参考指南





章节 译者 进度
Preface @xixici 100%
Getting Started @xixici 100%
Apache HBase Configuration @xixici 100%
Upgrading @xixici 100%
The Apache HBase Shell @xixici 100%
Data Model @Winchester-Yi
HBase and Schema Design @RaymondCode 100%
RegionServer Sizing Rules of Thumb
HBase and MapReduce @BridgetLai 100%
Securing Apache HBase
Architecture @RaymondCode
In-memory Compaction @mychaow
Backup and Restore @mychaow
Synchronous Replication @mychaow
Apache HBase APIs @xixici 100%
Apache HBase External APIs @xixici 100%
Thrift API and Filter Language @xixici 100%
HBase and Spark @TsingJyujing 100%
Apache HBase Coprocessors @TsingJyujing
Apache HBase Performance Tuning
Troubleshooting and Debugging Apache HBase
Apache HBase Case Studies
Apache HBase Operational Management
Building and Developing Apache HBase
Unit Testing HBase Applications
Protobuf in HBase @TsingJyujing
Procedure Framework (Pv2): HBASE-12439
AMv2 Description for Devs

PyTorch 1.0 中文文档





章节 贡献者 进度
教程部分 - -
Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz @bat67 100%
What is PyTorch? @bat67 100%
Autograd: Automatic Differentiation @bat67 100%
Neural Networks @bat67 100%
Training a Classifier @bat67 100%
Optional: Data Parallelism @bat67 100%
Data Loading and Processing Tutorial @yportne13 100%
Learning PyTorch with Examples @bat67 100%
Transfer Learning Tutorial @jiangzhonglian 100%
Deploying a Seq2Seq Model with the Hybrid Frontend @cangyunye 100%
Saving and Loading Models @bruce1408 100%
What is torch.nn really? @lhc741 100%
Finetuning Torchvision Models @ZHHAYO 100%
Spatial Transformer Networks Tutorial @PEGASUS1993 100%
Neural Transfer Using PyTorch @bdqfork 100%
Adversarial Example Generation @cangyunye 100%
Transfering a Model from PyTorch to Caffe2 and Mobile using ONNX @PEGASUS1993 100%
Chatbot Tutorial @a625687551 100%
Generating Names with a Character-Level RNN @hhxx2015 100%
Classifying Names with a Character-Level RNN @hhxx2015 100%
Deep Learning for NLP with Pytorch @bruce1408 100%
Introduction to PyTorch @guobaoyo 100%
Deep Learning with PyTorch @bdqfork 100%
Word Embeddings: Encoding Lexical Semantics @sight007 100%
Sequence Models and Long-Short Term Memory Networks @ETCartman 100%
Advanced: Making Dynamic Decisions and the Bi-LSTM CRF @JohnJiangLA
Translation with a Sequence to Sequence Network and Attention @mengfu188 100%
DCGAN Tutorial @wangshuai9517 100%
Reinforcement Learning (DQN) Tutorial @friedhelm739 100%
Creating Extensions Using numpy and scipy @cangyunye 100%
Custom C++ and CUDA Extensions @Lotayou
Extending TorchScript with Custom C++ Operators @cloudyyyyy
Writing Distributed Applications with PyTorch @firdameng 100%
PyTorch 1.0 Distributed Trainer with Amazon AWS @yportne13 100%
ONNX Live Tutorial @PEGASUS1993 100%
Loading a PyTorch Model in C++ @talengu 100%
Using the PyTorch C++ Frontend @solerji 100%
文档部分 - -
Autograd mechanics @PEGASUS1993 100%
Broadcasting semantics @PEGASUS1993 100%
CUDA semantics @jiangzhonglian 100%
Extending PyTorch @PEGASUS1993 100%
Frequently Asked Questions @PEGASUS1993 100%
Multiprocessing best practices @cvley 100%
Reproducibility @WyattHuang1
Serialization semantics @yuange250 100%
Windows FAQ @PEGASUS1993 100%
torch.Tensor @hijkzzz 100%
Tensor Attributes @yuange250 100%
Type Info @PEGASUS1993 100%
torch.sparse @hijkzzz 100%
torch.cuda @bdqfork 100%
torch.Storage @yuange250 100%
torch.nn @yuange250
torch.nn.functional @hijkzzz 100%
torch.nn.init @GeneZC 100%
torch.optim @qiaokuoyuan
Automatic differentiation package - torch.autograd @gfjiangly 100%
Distributed communication package - torch.distributed @univeryinli 100%
Probability distributions - torch.distributions @hijkzzz 100%
Torch Script @keyianpai 100%
Multiprocessing package - torch.multiprocessing @hijkzzz 100%
torch.utils.bottleneck @belonHan 100%
torch.utils.checkpoint @belonHan 100%
torch.utils.cpp_extension @belonHan 100%
torch.utils.data @BXuan694 100%
torch.utils.dlpack @kunwuz 100%
torch.hub @kunwuz 100%
torch.utils.model_zoo @BXuan694 100%
torch.onnx @guobaoyo 100%
Distributed communication package (deprecated) - torch.distributed.deprecated
torchvision Reference @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.datasets @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.models @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.transforms @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.utils @BXuan694 100%

AirFlow 中文文档





章节 贡献者 进度
1 项目 @zhongjiajie 100%
2 协议 - 100%
3 快速开始 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
4 安装 @Thinking Chen 100%
5 教程 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
6 操作指南 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
7 设置配置选项 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
8 初始化数据库后端 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
9 使用操作器 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
10 管理连接 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
11 保护连接 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
12 写日志 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
13 使用Celery扩大规模 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
14 使用Dask扩展 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
15 使用Mesos扩展(社区贡献) @ImPerat0R_ 100%
16 使用systemd运行Airflow @ImPerat0R_ 100%
17 使用upstart运行Airflow @ImPerat0R_ 100%
18 使用测试模式配置 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
19 UI /截图 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
20 概念 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
21 数据分析 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
22 命令行接口 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
23 调度和触发器 @Ray 100%
24 插件 @ImPerat0R_ 100%
25 安全
26 时区
27 实验性 Rest API @ImPerat0R_ 100%
28 集成
29 Lineage
30 常见问题 @zhongjiajie
31 API 参考

UCB CS61b:Java 中的数据结构





标题 译者 进度
一、算法复杂度 @leader402
二、抽象数据类型 @Allenyep 100%
四、序列和它们的实现 @biubiubiuboomboomboom
五、树 @biubiubiuboomboomboom
八、排序和选择 @Rachel-Hu

UCB Prob140:面向数据科学的概率论





标题 译者 翻译进度
一、基础 飞龙 100%
二、计算几率 飞龙 100%
三、随机变量 飞龙 100%
四、事件之间的关系 @biubiubiuboomboomboom 100%
五、事件集合 >0%
六、随机计数 @viviwong 100%
七、泊松化 @YAOYI626 100%
八、期望 50%
九、条件(续) @YAOYI626 100%
十、马尔科夫链 喵十八 100%
十一、马尔科夫链(续) 喵十八 100%
十二、标准差 缺只萨摩 100%
十三、方差和协方差 缺只萨摩 100%
十四、中心极限定理 喵十八 100%
十五、连续分布 @ThunderboltSmile
十七、联合密度 @Winchester-Yi 100%
十八、正态和 Gamma 族 @Winchester-Yi 100%
十九、和的分布 平淡的天 100%
二十、估计方法 平淡的天 100%
二十一、Beta 和二项 @lvzhetx 100%
二十二、预测 50%
二十三、联合正态随机变量 @JUNE951234
二十四、简单线性回归 @ThomasCai 100%
二十五、多元回归 @lanhaixuan 100%

OpenCV 4.0 中文文档





章节 贡献者 进度
1. 简介 @wstone0011
1.1 OpenCV-Python教程简介 - 100%
1.2 安装OpenCV—Python - 100%
2. GUI功能 @ranxx
2.1 图像入门 - 100%
2.2 视频入门 - 100%
2.3 绘图功能 - 100%
2.4 鼠标作为画笔 - 100%
2.5 作为调色板的跟踪栏 - 100%
3. 核心操作 @luxinfeng
3.1 图像基本操作 - 100%
3.2 图像的算术运算 - 100%
3.3 性能测量和改进技术 - 100%
4. 图像处理 @friedhelm739
4.1 更改颜色空间 - 100%
4.2 图像的几何变换 - 100%
4.3 图像阈值 - 100%
4.4 平滑图像 -
4.5 形态转换 -
4.6 图像梯度 -
4.7 Canny边缘检测 -
4.8 影像金字塔 -
4.9 轮廓 -
4.10 直方图 -
4.11 图像转换 -
4.12 模板匹配 -
4.13 霍夫线变换 -
4.14 霍夫圆变换 -
4.15 基于分水岭算法的图像分割 -
基于GrabCut算法的交互式前景提取 -
5. 特征检测和描述 @3lackrush
5.1 了解功能 - 100%
5.2 Harris角点检测 -
5.3 Shi-Tomasi角点检测和追踪的良好特征 -
5.4 SIFT简介(尺度不变特征变换) -
5.5 SURF简介(加速鲁棒特性) -
5.6 角点检测的FAST算法 -
5.7 简介(二进制鲁棒独立基本特征) -
5.8 ORB(定向快速和快速旋转) -
5.9 特征匹配 -
5.10 特征匹配+ Homography查找对象 -
6. 视频分析 @xmmmmmovo
6.1 Meanshift和Camshift - 100%
6.2 光流 - 100%
6.3 背景减法 - 100%
7. 相机校准和3D重建 @xmmmmmovo
7.1 相机校准 -
7.2 姿势估计 -
7.3 极线几何 -
7.4 立体图像的深度图 -
8. 机器学习 @wstone0011
8.1 K-最近邻 -
8.2 支持向量机(SVM) -
8.3 K-Means聚类 -
9. 计算摄影 @ranxx
9.1 图像去噪 -
9.2 图像修复 -
9.3 高动态范围(HDR) -
10. 目标检测 @jiangzhonglian
10.1 使用Haar Cascades进行人脸检测 - 100%
11. OpenCV-Python绑定 @daidai21
11.1 OpenCV-Python绑定如何工作? - 100%



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