Calculate GPA using Python

import pandas as pd
excel_path = 'GPA.xlsx'
d = pd.read_excel(excel_path, sheetname=None)
D:\anacorda\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\ FutureWarning: The `sheetname` keyword is deprecated, use `sheet_name` instead
df = pd.DataFrame(d['Sheet1'],columns=['學年度學期','選別', '科目名稱', '學分','成績','GPA 4.3','GPA 4.0'])
學年度學期 選別 科目名稱 學分 成績 GPA 4.3 GPA 4.0
0 1072 選修 機器學習 3 80 NaN NaN
1 1072 選修 進階資料結構 3 99 NaN NaN
2 1072 選修 金融交易系統 3 96 NaN NaN
3 1071 必修 專題(二) 1 90 NaN NaN
4 1071 必修 專業倫理-科技倫理 2 90 NaN NaN


def four_point_three(grade):
    if grade>=90:
        return 4.3
    elif grade<=89 and grade>=85:
        return 4
    elif grade<=84 and grade>=80:
        return 3.7
    elif grade<=79 and grade>=77:
        return 3.3
    elif grade<=76 and grade>=73:
        return 3.0
    elif grade<=72 and grade>=70:
        return 2.7
    elif grade<=69 and grade>=67:
        return 2.3
    elif grade<=66 and grade>=63:
        return 2.0
    elif grade<=62 and grade>=60:
        return 1.7
        return 0.0
def four(grade):
    if grade>=80:
        return 4.0
    elif grade<=79 and grade>=70:
        return 3.0
    elif grade<=69 and grade>=60:
        return 2.0
        return 0.0
gpa_four_point_three = []
for i in df['成績'][0:len(df)]:
gpa_four = []
for i in df['成績'][0:len(df)]:
df['GPA 4.3'] = gpa_four_point_three
df['GPA 4.0'] = gpa_four
學年度學期 選別 科目名稱 學分 成績 GPA 4.3 GPA 4.0
0 1072 選修 機器學習 3 80 3.7 4.0
1 1072 選修 進階資料結構 3 99 4.3 4.0
2 1072 選修 金融交易系統 3 96 4.3 4.0
3 1071 必修 專題(二) 1 90 4.3 4.0
4 1071 必修 專業倫理-科技倫理 2 90 4.3 4.0
def sum_credit(df):
    credit = 0
    for i in df['學分']:
        credit += i
    return credit

def calculate_grade(df,grade_mode):
    grade = 0
    for i in range(len(df)):
        grade += ( df['學分'][i] * df[grade_mode][i])
    grade /= sum_credit(df)
    return grade

#印出 100 , 4.3 , 4.0 版本
def print_grade(df,grade):
    print("%s" %(grade))
    print("成績總平均 = %.2f" %(calculate_grade(df,'成績')))
    print("GPA 4.3 = %.2f"  %(calculate_grade(df,'GPA 4.3')))
    print("GPA 4.0 = %.2f"  %(calculate_grade(df,'GPA 4.0')))


fliter = (df['選別'] == "必修\u3000")
major = df[fliter] #major's df
學年度學期 選別 科目名稱 學分 成績 GPA 4.3 GPA 4.0
0 1071 必修 專題(二) 1 90 4.3 4.0
1 1071 必修 專業倫理-科技倫理 2 90 4.3 4.0
2 1062 必修 專題(一) 1 90 4.3 4.0
3 1062 必修 數值方法 3 94 4.3 4.0
4 1062 必修 編譯器設計 3 86 4.0 4.0

Last 60

def last60(df):
    limit = 0 # 計算是否會超過 60 的上限
    count = 0 # 計算總共幾個科目

    for i in range(len(df)):
        limit+= df['學分'][i]
        if limit >= 60:
    return df[0:count]

Last60 = last60(df) #last60's df
#df=overall , major , Last60
print_grade(Last60,'Last 60')
成績總平均 = 85.43
GPA 4.3 = 3.84
GPA 4.0 = 3.71
成績總平均 = 83.36
GPA 4.3 = 3.65
GPA 4.0 = 3.57
Last 60
成績總平均 = 88.64
GPA 4.3 = 3.97
GPA 4.0 = 3.85
