
Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.


2017-03-05 17:04 · 字数 1533 · 阅读 181 ·  日记本

Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.

The Access Clearing Statement® is like a magic wand. Have you ever wanted to be able to just change things by asking them to change? That’s what the clearing statement does.

The clearing statement is designed to bring up energies and clear them. Further explained in Foundation, it is included in this class so you can experience a bit of what Access is about, and to assist you in learning the Bars. Fortunately, you do not have to understand it for it to work. It is designed to bypass your logical mind. If your logical mind could solve the things that were not working in your life, wouldn’t it have done so already? The clearing statement is designed to access your “insane mind” which is where the answers to the life you are creating live.

In short, what the clearing statement is asking is what you are creating unconsciousness about that keeps you stuck in the part of reality you are

looking to change. For anything not to be working for you, you have to be unwilling to perceive, know, be, or receive some aspect of it. The clearing statement is designed to bypass your thinking logical mind. It is designed to give you more awareness and more ability to function from consciousness, even if you don’t understand the words, and even if you don’t understand cognitively what is creating the limitation.

The purpose of the question is to bring up as much of the energy of limitation and judgment as possible about the item you are clearing and then blast it out of existence with the clearing statement.

The clearing statement that follows is Access short speak for different energies that we are asking to clear.

Right & Wrong, Good & Bad: Right and Wrong, Good and Bad stands for “what’s right, good, perfect and correct about this, and what’s wrong, bad, awful, mean, vicious and terrible about this.” It is the things that we consider right, good, perfect and/or correct that stick us the most, because we do not wish to let go of them since we decided that we have them right.

POC stands for point of creation of the thoughts, feelings and emotions immediately preceding your decision to have this, and POD stands for the point of destruction, all the ways you have been destroying yourself in order to keep whatever you’re clearing in existence.

All 9 stands for all 9 layers of stuff that we clear energetically.

The long version of “all 9” represents:

0. How have we made this right, good, perfect and correct, or wrong, terrible, awful mean and vicious?

0. How does that diminish us?

0. How does that make us absolutely, totally, irrevocably, infinitely, utterly and eternally meaningless?

0. What are the rewards that make this right, good, perfect and correct or wrong terrible, awful, mean & vicious?

0. As [_____________] what choices have we made or are we making?

0. As [_____________] what creations create the commitments to the creation of our limitations?

7. As [_____________] how many limitations of dimensionality hold this in existence?

8. As [_____________] how many controls, definitions, limitations, forms, structures, significances, linearities, and concentricities are you using to hold this in existence?

9. As [_____________] what are you unwilling to destroy that holds this in existence?

Shorts stands for “what’s meaningful about this, what’s meaningless about this, what’s the punishment for this, and what’s the reward for this”. That’s the short version.

The long version of shorts is: What does [_____] mean to us? How do we make it meaningless? What are we punishing ourselves for and torturing ourselves with in relation to it? What are the rewards of it? How many layers and non-layers do we have in relation to it? How much meaningless glop and glop do we have in relation to it?

Boys stands for nucleated spheres. These are pre-verbal. Basically these have to do with those areas of our life where we’ve tried to handle something continuously with no effect.

Have you ever tried to peel the layers of the onion and you never got anywhere besides to tears? If you never get to the core of the issue, you are dealing with the nucleated spheres. A lot of what we have tried to peel the layers of the onion on is not actually an onion at all but it’s a nucleated sphere.

Nucleated spheres are like kids’ bubble pipes that have five little chambers in it and you blow in it and it fills up with bubbles. You pop one and it fills in, you pop one and it fills in, and the issue never goes away. The source of it is over here where someone’s blowing and you keep popping the bubbles somewhere else and the issue doesn’t ever truly go away.

How many nucleated spheres do you have that you’ve misidentified and misapplied as the incomplete onions of your life? Everything that is times a godzillion will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

Beyonds is a feeling or sensation we get in our body which stops us dead in our tracks. Did you ever get a bill that was way more than you expected? When you get that bill, everything stops and solidifies in time, space, dimensions, and reality. That’s a beyond. We have lots of areas in our life where we freeze up. Anytime you freeze up, that’s the beyond holding you captive. That’s the difficulty with a beyond, it stops you from being present.

All the beyonds creating the eternally beyond keeping you captive, can we destroy and uncreate all that times a godzillion now please? Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

Beyonds include everything which is beyond belief, reality, imagination, conception, perception, rationalization, forgiveness and all the other Beyonds. Beyonds are usually feelings and sensations. Beyonds are implants and explants that have mostly feelings and sensations to them - rarely emotions and never thoughts. Most "ex" words are beyonds - excitement, exhaustion, etc. “All of the beyonds creating the beyonds eternally beyond,” is the full clearing statement when we say "the beyonds”.

Anytime we have a feeling or sensation, ask for “All of the beyonds creating the beyonds eternally beyond connected to that?” Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

How many beyonds do we have controlling, dominating, manipulating, creating and destroying us, our BHCEEMCs, our lives, our existence, our relationships and our money flows? Everything that is times a godzillion will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

Once you recognize and perceive an energy, the energy is what really changes the limitation, not the words.

If this doesn’t make logical sense to your mind, be grateful. Our point of view in Access is “A mind is a dangerous thing, waste it.” If you’re thinking, you’re stinking. Your mind can only define the limitations of your reality. Your mind is a calculating system that is only here to define what you already know. We’re here to wipe out your mind and give you a clean slate.

You will have a different way of functioning as a result of this. Once you wipe out your mind as the regulating system of your life, then you get to function from knowing. Your mind gets in the way of knowing. We’ve all had those moments, when with the snap of your fingers you knew everything, and you went “Wow, that’s so cool.” Can you think yourself into those positions or do you find all the objections to why you can’t do that?

Your insane mind has all the answers to how you create the limitations of your reality. Your logical mind justifies everything you do and does nothing to create the infinite possibilities. If your mind truly worked, you would have been out of all these messes in the entirety of reality already. If you know something, it’s instantaneous. It does NOT require figuring it out.

You will notice that you are different after these clearing statements. It can take about three weeks for you to really get the result and really notice the changes.

Every time you give up one of these points of view that you created, at least 350,000 other people get free. For every person in this room, for every point of creation we run (every time we say the clearing statement), 350,000 people get free.
