if 3 years exp coder said he easily found a fatal error in a sdk published by a 10 years exp team, there must be something wrong

today, i found a error when i load a dll published by MTK. "cannot find ordinal 10004 in module META_DLL.dll". i thought it must be MTK's fault. their engineers published the wrong dll. it was lack of some APIs declared in its header file. but when i check the dll with Dependency walker, i found these missing APIs was in META_DLL.dll. i got confused. i looked for help in google and finally i knew it was my fault. their was a superfluous dll with same name "META_DLL.dll" in the program running folder. it was a previous version for debugging and did not include those missing APIs in current version. as a result, when i ran the program, there come out runtime error "cannot find ordinal 10004 in module META_DLL.dll". after i deleted that superfluous dll,  the program ran well.



solution from google:

