#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-Present Shanghai Yitu Technology Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
from yitu_speech.clients.long_audio_client import LongAudioClient
from yitu_speech.common.utils import audio_utils
# Your app id and api key
app_id = xxxx # Your app id
api_key = 'xxxx' # Your api key
# slice0 = "test.wav"
def get_result(slice0):
# Initialize client
client = LongAudioClient(app_id, api_key)
print(" create an audio")
#calc file MD5
# slice0 = "sample_1.wav"
md5 = audio_utils.md5sum(slice0)
# To create an audio
res = client.create_audio('pcm', 1, md5)
if res["rtn"] is None or res["rtn"] != 0 or res["audioId"] == "":
print('create_audio fail res: %r'%res["rtn"])
audioId = res["audioId"]
print("audio id:", audioId)
#To upload file part
print(" upload a slice of an audio")
res = client.upload_slice(audioId, slice0, 0, md5)
if res["rtn"] != 0:
print('upload_slice fail res:%r'% res)
#post a job
print(" post a job")
res = client.post_job(audioId)
if res["rtn"] != 0 or res["jobId"] == "":
print('post_job fail res:%r'%res)
jobId = res["jobId"]
print("job id:", jobId)
#get a job result
print("try to get the result")
res = client.wait_job_complete(jobId, 10)
# print (res["resultText"])
return res["resultText"]
if __name__ == '__main__':
yitu_speech/common/utils/audio_utils.py 文件读取音频时改成二进制方式读取
# Copyright 2018-Present Shanghai Yitu Technology Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
import base64
import os
import hashlib
# Converts file into base64 encoded string
def load_file_base64(file_path):
if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
return None
with open(file_path, "rb") as audio_file:
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(audio_file.read())
return encoded_string.decode('utf-8')
def md5sum(filename):
fd = open(filename, "rb")
# fd = open(filename, "rb")
fcont = fd.read()
return hashlib.md5(fcont).hexdigest()
yitu_speech/clients/long_audio_client.py demo文件的api地址写错了
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-Present Shanghai Yitu Technology Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
from ..common import constants
from ..common.core.base_client import BaseClient
from ..common.exception import error_code
from ..common.exception.exceptions import ClientException
import os
import time
class LongAudioClient(BaseClient):
# _asr_url = "http://long-asr-prod.yitutech.com/lasr-api/"
_asr_url = "http://long-asr-prod.yitutech.com/lasr-api/v2/asr"
def _post(self, url, data):
return super(LongAudioClient, self)._post_request(url, data)
def _put(self, url, data):
return super(LongAudioClient, self)._put_multipart_request(url, data)
def _get(self, url, data=None):
return super(LongAudioClient, self)._get_request(url, data)
# To declare an audio
def create_audio(self, aue, num_of_parts, md5):
audio_url = self._asr_url +"/audio"
# Assert param
if aue not in constants.CONSTANT_AUE_SET:
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
if num_of_parts <= 0:
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
if md5 is None or md5.strip() == "":
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
# Construct request body
request_body = {'aue': aue, 'numOfParts': num_of_parts, "md5": md5}
# Send request and return
return self._post(audio_url, request_body)
# To upload a part of an audio file
def upload_slice(self, audio_id, filepath, slice_index, md5):
# Assert param
if audio_id is None or audio_id.strip() == "":
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
if not os.path.isfile(filepath) or not os.path.exists(filepath):
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
if slice_index < 0:
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
audio_url = self._asr_url + "/audio/" + str(audio_id) + "/part/" + str(slice_index)
data = {}
fd = open(filepath, 'rb')
data['audioData'] = (filepath, fd.read())
data['md5'] = md5
# Send request and return
return self._put(audio_url, data)
# To post a job
def post_job(self, audio_id, lang=1, scene=0, custom_words=(), custom_words_id=()):
audio_url = self._asr_url + "/job"
# Assert param
if audio_id is None or audio_id.strip() == "":
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
if lang != constants.CONSTANT_LANG_MANDARIN or scene != constants.CONSTANT_SCENE_GENERAL:
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
request_body = {"audioId": audio_id, "lang": str(lang), "scene": scene,
"customWords": custom_words, "useCustomWordsID": custom_words_id}
# Send request and return
return self._post(audio_url, request_body)
# To get ASR result
def get_job_result(self, job_id):
# Assert param
if job_id is None or job_id.strip() == "":
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
audio_url = self._asr_url + "/job/" + job_id + "/plain"
# Send request and return
return self._get(audio_url)
# try {retry} attampts to get the request
def wait_job_complete(self, job_id, retry):
# Assert param
if job_id is None or job_id.strip() == "":
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
if retry < 1:
raise ClientException(error_code.APP_RES_INVALID_PARAM)
while retry >= 0:
rtn = self.get_job_result(job_id)
if rtn['jobStatus'] is None or rtn['jobStatus'] <= 2:
retry = retry - 1
return rtn