#!/usr/bin/env python



   FUN: Monitor Raid Stat


import os ,time ,sys, traceback,commands,subprocess

def oper_log(log_name,item,info):

   path  = '/tmp/'

   stime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

   formats= '[%s] %s:: %s \n' % (stime,item,info)

   if not os.path.exists(path):



       if log_name.split('.')[1] == 'log':

           fp = open(path + log_name,'a')

       elif log_name.split('.')[1] == 'info':

           fp = open(path + log_name,'w')


           fp = open(path + log_name,'a')



   except Exception,e:


def _exec(cmds):


       sps = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdin = subprocess.PIPE,

                                   stdout = subprocess.PIPE,

                                   stderr = subprocess.PIPE,

                                   shell = True)


       return sps.stdout.read().strip()



       return ''

def disk_online():

   ''' Getting raid online stat '''


       cmds = 'megacli  -PDList -aALL | grep Online | wc -l'

       return  _exec(cmds)



       return ''

def disk_failed():


       cmds = "megacli -AdpAllInfo -a0 |grep 'Failed Disks'|awk '{print $4}'"

       res = _exec(cmds)

       return res


       print traceback.format_exc()


       return ''

def disk_badSectors():

   turl_num = []

   fail_num = []


       cmds = "megacli  -PDList -aALL|grep Other|awk '{print $4}'"

       res =  _exec(cmds).split('\n')

       for  i in res:

           i = int(i)

           if i != 0:




       return len(fail_num)



       return ''

def work():


       if sys.argv[1] == 'disk_online':

           print disk_online()

       elif sys.argv[1] == 'disk_failed':

           print disk_failed()

       elif sys.argv[1] == 'disk_badSectors':

           print disk_badSectors()

       elif sys.argv[1] == 'all':

           print disk_online(),disk_failed(),disk_badSectors()


           print "Please enter the correct parameters, thank you!"

   except IndexError,e:

       print "Please enter the correct parameters, thank you: --- --- --- "

if __name__ == "__main__":

   st = work()