vivado 添加文件 scan and add rtl include files into project

vivado 添加文件 scan and add rtl include files into project

Scan and Add RTL Include Files into Project: Scans all RTL source files and adds
any referenced Verilog ‘include files into the project structure.
° Copy Sources into Project: Copies the added source files and 'include files into the
local project directory instead of referencing the original files. If you added
directories of source files using Add Directories, the directory structure is
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System-Level Design Entry 14
UG895 (v2018.2) June 6, 2018
Chapter 2: Working with Projects
maintained when the files are copied locally into the project. For more information,
see Using Remote Sources or Copying Sources into Project in Chapter 3.
vivado 添加文件 scan and add rtl include files into project_第1张图片
