Design data often has a variety of types, such as logic, vector, bit. Systemverilog structure can group them together to reduce the declaration redundancy. It is declared with struct . An example is that
struct { int a, b;// 32-bit variables
opcode_t opcode; // user-defined type
logic [23:0] address; // 24-bit variable
bit error;1-bit 2-state var. } Instruction_Word;
A name can be referenced with
struct { int a, b;// 32-bit variables
opcode_t opcode; // user-defined type
logic [23:0] address; // 24-bit variable
bit error;1-bit 2-state var. } Instruction_Word;
Assigning values to structures:
The member of structure can be initialized with '{}, for example:
instruction_word_t IW = ’{100, 3, 8’hFF, 0};
Packed and unpacked structure:
A structure can be explicitly declared as a packed structure, using the packed keyword. A packed structure can be continious bit and can be treated as a vector:
struct packed { logic valid;
logic [ 7:0] tag;
logic [31:0] data; } data_word;
Passing structures through ports
structure can be declared in port or interface must be defined as user-defined type
package definitions;
typedef enum {ADD, SUB, MULT, DIV} opcode_t;
typedef struct { logic [31:0] a, b;
opcode_t opcode;
logic [23:0] address;
logic error; } instruction_word_t;
module alu (input definitions::instruction_word_t IW, input wire clock); ...
Pass structure as argument in task or function. e,g,
module processor (...);
typedef enum {ADD, SUB, MULT, DIV} opcode_t;
typedef struct { // typedef is local
logic [31:0] a, b;
opcode_t opcode;
logic [23:0] address;
logic error; } instruction_word_t;
function alu (input instruction_word_t IW);