
1. the claim about German economic might,it is somewhat surprising howrelatively small the German economy actually is.

A. To give B. Given C. Giving D. Having given

2.Some people view the findings with caution,noting

that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains_.

A. to be shown B. to have shown

C. to have been shown D. being shown

3. He was a young man of barely eighteen

years,evidently country-bred_,and now,as it seemed,on his first visit to town.

A. brought up B. bred

C. grown up D. raised

4. City planners must never forget that

public acceptance of their ideas requires time. So when their ideas are_,they must continue to work.

A. ref used B. rejected

C. denied D. objected

5. The first men to study the nature of

electricity could not imagine that their experiments,carried on because of mere

intellectual curiosity,would eventually lead to modern

electrical technology,without which we can scarcely_contemporary life.

A. get hold of B. conceive of

C. get the better of D. take advantage of


1、B 2、A 3、B 4、B 5、B


