

GDScript is a high level, dynamically typed programming language used to create content. It uses a syntax similar to Python (blocks are indent-based and many keywords are similar). Its goal is to be optimized for and tightly integrated with Godot Engine, allowing great flexibility for content creation and integration.

GDScript 是一种用于创建内容的高级动态类型化编程语言。它使用类似于 Python 的语法 (块基于索引, 许多关键字相似)。它的目标是针对 godot 引擎进行优化与集成, 从而为内容创建提供极大的灵活性。

In the early days, the engine used the Lua scripting language. Lua is fast, but creating bindings to an object oriented system (by using fallbacks) was complex and slow and took an enormous amount of code. After some experiments with Python, it also proved difficult to embed.

在早期, 引擎使用 Lua 脚本语言,它速度很快, 但创建面向对象的系统的绑定 (通过使用回退) 既复杂又缓慢, 并且需要大量的代码。在用 Python 进行了一些实验后, 它也被证明难以嵌入。

The last third party scripting language that was used for shipped games was Squirrel, but it was dropped as well. At that point, it became evident that a custom scripting language could more optimally make use of Godot’s particular architecture

最后一种第三方脚本语言是 Squirrel,但它也被移除了。在这一点上,很明显为godtot定制脚本语言,才可以更好地发挥Godot的特殊架构。

Godot embeds scripts in nodes. Most languages are not designed with this in mind.
Godot uses several built-in data types for 2D and 3D math. Script languages do not provide this, and binding them is inefficient.
Godot uses threads heavily for lifting and initializing data from the net or disk. Script interpreters for common languages are not friendly to this.
Godot already has a memory management model for resources, most script languages provide their own, which results in duplicate effort and bugs.
Binding code is always messy and results in several failure points, unexpected bugs and generally low maintainability.


The result of these considerations is GDScript. The language and interpreter for GDScript ended up being smaller than the binding code itself for Lua and Squirrel, while having equal functionality. With time, having a built-in language has proven to be a huge advantage.

这些考虑的结果是 GDScript语言 。GDScript的语言和解释器最终比Lua和Squirrel的绑定代码本身要小,同时具有相同的功能。随着时间的推移,拥有一种内置的语言已经被证明是一个巨大的优势。


Some people can learn better by taking a look at the syntax, so here’s a simple example of how GDScript looks.


# A file is a class!

# Inheritance

extends BaseClass

# (optional) class definition with a custom icon

class_name MyClass, "res://path/to/optional/icon.svg"

# Member Variables

var a = 5
var s = "Hello"
var arr = [1, 2, 3]
var dict = {"key": "value", 2:3}
var typed_var: int
var inferred_type := "String"

# Constants

const ANSWER = 42
const THE_NAME = "Charly"

# Enums

enum Named {THING_1, THING_2, ANOTHER_THING = -1}

# Built-in Vector Types

var v2 = Vector2(1, 2)
var v3 = Vector3(1, 2, 3)

# Function

func some_function(param1, param2):
    var local_var = 5

    if param1 < local_var:
    elif param2 > 5:

    for i in range(20):

    while param2 != 0:
        param2 -= 1

    var local_var2 = param1 + 3
    return local_var2

# Functions override functions with the same name on the base/parent class.
# If you still want to call them, use '.' (like 'super' in other languages).

func something(p1, p2):
    .something(p1, p2)

# Inner Class

class Something:
    var a = 10

# Constructor

func _init():
    var lv = Something.new()

If you have previous experience with statically typed languages such as C, C++, or C# but never used a dynamically typed one before, it is advised you read this tutorial: GDScript: An introduction to dynamic languages.

如果您以前有过静态类型语言(如C、C++或C语言)的经验,但以前从未使用过动态类型的语言,建议您阅读本教程: GDScript:动态语言导论.


This tutorial aims to be a quick reference for how to use GDScript more efficiently. It focuses on common cases specific to the language, but also covers a lot of information on dynamically typed languages.
It’s meant to be especially useful for programmers with little or no previous experience with dynamically typed languages.


GDScript is a Dynamically Typed language. As such, its main advantages are that:
The language is simple and easy to learn.
Most code can be written and changed quickly and without hassle.
Less code written means less errors & mistakes to fix.
Easier to read the code (less clutter).
No compilation is required to test.
Runtime is tiny.
Duck-typing and polymorphism by nature.


While the main disadvantages are:
Less performance than statically typed languages.
More difficult to refactor (symbols can’t be traced)
Some errors that would typically be detected at compile time in statically typed languages only appear while running the code (because expression parsing is more strict).
Less flexibility for code-completion (some variable types are only known at run-time).


This, translated to reality, means that Godot+GDScript are a combination designed to create games quickly and efficiently. For games that are very computationally intensive and can’t benefit from the engine built-in tools (such as the Vector types, Physics Engine, Math library, etc), the possibility of using C++ is present too. This allows you to still create most of the game in GDScript and add small bits of C++ in the areas that need a performance boost

