
时间: 2018-08-09(学习时间)、2018-08-12(记录时间)
教程:知乎:Learn R | 数据降维之主成分分析(上)、Learn R | 数据降维之因子分析(下) 作者:Jason
数据来源:《应用多元统计分析》 王学民 编著 P261-P262 习题8.5、8.6




fa(r, nfactors=, n.obs=, rotate=, scores=, fm=) r:相关系数矩阵或原始数据矩阵,
nfactors:设定主提取的因子数(默认为1) n.obs:观测数(输入相关系数矩阵时需要填写)
rotate:设定旋转的方法(默认互变异数最小法) scores:设定是否需要计算因子得分(默认不需要)

提取公因子的方法(fm),方法包括: ml:最大似然法 pa:主轴迭代法 wls:加权最小二乘法 gls:广义加权最小二乘法


 # 导入数据
> library(openxlsx)
> data1 <- read.xlsx("E:\\Learning_R\\因子分析\\exec8.5.xlsx",rows = 1:13, cols = 1:5 )
> head(data1)
  人口 教育 佣人 服务  房价
1 5700 12.8 2500  270 25000
2 1000 10.9  600   10 10000
3 3400  8.8 1000   10  9000
4 3800 13.6 1700  140 25000
5 4000 12.8 1600  140 25000
6 8200  8.3 2600   60 12000
> data1_cor <- cor(data1)
> head(cor(data1),3)
           人口       教育      佣人      服务       房价
人口 1.00000000 0.00975059 0.9724483 0.4388708 0.02241157
教育 0.00975059 1.00000000 0.1542838 0.6914082 0.86307009
佣人 0.97244826 0.15428378 1.0000000 0.5147184 0.12192599
# 生成碎石图
> library(psych)
> fa.parallel(data1_cor, n.obs = 112, fa = "both", n.iter = 100)
Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors =  2  and the number of components =  2 


# 因子分析
> fa_model1 <- fa(data1_cor, nfactors = 2, rotate = "none", fm = "ml")
> fa_model1
Factor Analysis using method =  ml
Call: fa(r = data1_cor, nfactors = 2, rotate = "none", fm = "ml")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
       ML2  ML1   h2    u2 com
人口 -0.03 1.00 1.00 0.005 1.0
教育  0.90 0.04 0.81 0.193 1.0
佣人  0.09 0.98 0.96 0.036 1.0
服务  0.78 0.46 0.81 0.185 1.6
房价  0.96 0.05 0.93 0.074 1.0

                       ML2  ML1
SS loadings           2.34 2.16
Proportion Var        0.47 0.43
Cumulative Var        0.47 0.90
Proportion Explained  0.52 0.48
Cumulative Proportion 0.52 1.00

Mean item complexity =  1.1
Test of the hypothesis that 2 factors are sufficient.

The degrees of freedom for the null model are  10  and the objective function was  6.38
The degrees of freedom for the model are 1  and the objective function was  0.31 

The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is  0.01 
The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  0.05 

Fit based upon off diagonal values = 1
Measures of factor score adequacy             
                                                   ML2  ML1
Correlation of (regression) scores with factors   0.98 1.00
Multiple R square of scores with factors          0.95 1.00
Minimum correlation of possible factor scores     0.91 0.99


# 因子旋转:正交旋转法
> fa_model2 <- fa(data1_cor, nfactors = 2, rotate = "varimax", fm = "ml")
> fa_model2
Factor Analysis using method =  ml
Call: fa(r = data1_cor, nfactors = 2, rotate = "varimax", fm = "ml")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
      ML2  ML1   h2    u2 com
人口 0.02 1.00 1.00 0.005 1.0
教育 0.90 0.00 0.81 0.193 1.0
佣人 0.14 0.97 0.96 0.036 1.0
服务 0.80 0.42 0.81 0.185 1.5
房价 0.96 0.00 0.93 0.074 1.0

                       ML2  ML1
SS loadings           2.39 2.12
Proportion Var        0.48 0.42
Cumulative Var        0.48 0.90
Proportion Explained  0.53 0.47
Cumulative Proportion 0.53 1.00

Mean item complexity =  1.1
Test of the hypothesis that 2 factors are sufficient.

The degrees of freedom for the null model are  10  and the objective function was  6.38
The degrees of freedom for the model are 1  and the objective function was  0.31 

The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is  0.01 
The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  0.05 

Fit based upon off diagonal values = 1
Measures of factor score adequacy             
                                                   ML2  ML1
Correlation of (regression) scores with factors   0.98 1.00
Multiple R square of scores with factors          0.95 1.00
Minimum correlation of possible factor scores     0.91 0.99
> fa_model2$weights
            ML2          ML1
人口 -0.2023403  0.887108659
教育  0.2178564 -0.009363652
佣人  0.1241204  0.113241682
服务  0.1974628  0.001662584
房价  0.6101433 -0.025881048

rotate = varimax表示旋转方式为正交因子旋转。



> factor.plot(fa_model2)


> fa.diagram(fa_model2, simple = FALSE)



练习内容:《应用多元统计分析》 王学民 编著 P260-P261 习题8.6

> library(openxlsx)
> data2 <- read.xlsx("E:\\Learning_R\\因子分析\\exec8.6.xlsx",rows = 1:49, cols = 1:15 )
> head(data2)
  申请 外貌 专业 讨喜 自信 精明 诚实 推销 经验 积极 抱负 理解 潜力
1    6    7    2    5    8    7    8    8    3    8    9    7    5
2    9   10    5    8   10    9    9   10    5    9    9    8    8
3    7    8    3    6    9    8    9    7    4    9    9    8    6
4    5    6    8    5    6    5    9    2    8    4    5    8    7
5    6    8    8    8    4    4    9    2    8    5    5    8    8
6    7    7    7    6    8    7   10    5    9    6    5    8    6
  交际 适应
1    7   10
2    8   10
3    8   10
4    6    5
5    7    7
6    6    6
> data2_cor <- cor(data2)
> library(psych)
> fa.parallel(data2_cor, n.obs = 112, fa = "both", n.iter = 100)
Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors =  4  and the number of components =  3 


> fa_model4 <- fa(data2_cor, nfactors = 5, rotate = "varimax", fm = "pa")
> fa_model4
Factor Analysis using method =  pa
Call: fa(r = data2_cor, nfactors = 5, rotate = "varimax", fm = "pa")
Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
      PA1   PA2   PA3   PA5   PA4   h2       u2 com
申请 0.13  0.72  0.09  0.07 -0.10 0.55  0.44528 1.2
外貌 0.32  0.15  0.23  0.93  0.07 1.05 -0.05444 1.4
专业 0.06  0.13 -0.01  0.04  0.68 0.48  0.51909 1.1
讨喜 0.22  0.24  0.83  0.10 -0.06 0.82  0.18441 1.4
自信 0.90 -0.09  0.16  0.14 -0.07 0.87  0.12895 1.1
精明 0.85  0.12  0.29  0.02  0.05 0.82  0.18211 1.3
诚实 0.23 -0.22  0.75  0.14 -0.01 0.68  0.32043 1.5
推销 0.89  0.23  0.07  0.15 -0.06 0.88  0.12234 1.2
经验 0.09  0.79 -0.04 -0.01  0.21 0.68  0.32457 1.2
积极 0.77  0.37  0.19  0.01 -0.02 0.77  0.23364 1.6
抱负 0.88  0.18  0.07  0.24 -0.07 0.88  0.12430 1.3
理解 0.78  0.27  0.34  0.13  0.17 0.84  0.15532 1.8
潜力 0.72  0.34  0.43  0.11  0.27 0.92  0.08076 2.6
交际 0.44  0.39  0.56  0.00 -0.58 1.00  0.00027 3.6
适应 0.35  0.78  0.06  0.13  0.09 0.76  0.24244 1.5

                       PA1  PA2  PA3  PA5  PA4
SS loadings           5.38 2.47 2.09 1.05 0.99
Proportion Var        0.36 0.16 0.14 0.07 0.07
Cumulative Var        0.36 0.52 0.66 0.73 0.80
Proportion Explained  0.45 0.21 0.17 0.09 0.08
Cumulative Proportion 0.45 0.65 0.83 0.92 1.00

Mean item complexity =  1.6
Test of the hypothesis that 5 factors are sufficient.

The degrees of freedom for the null model are  105  and the objective function was  15.75
The degrees of freedom for the model are 40  and the objective function was  1.9 

The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is  0.02 
The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  0.04 

Fit based upon off diagonal values = 1


> factor.plot(fa_model4)


> fa.diagram(fa_model3, simple = FALSE)



> fa_model3$weights
             PA1          PA2
人口 -0.66534374  1.247355565
教育 -0.03266863  0.152682328
佣人  0.64113113 -0.253338929
服务  0.09545333  0.004111142
房价  0.87248431 -0.139003564

