Google 99.9% 将关闭中国业务

来自The Age 15/03/2009
The Age 是澳大利亚的大报, 是比较可靠的来源了。英语不好,大家凑合着看吧。

Google weights China Shutdown
Google 考虑退出中国

GOOGLE has drawn up detailed plans to shut its search engine in China and is "%99.9 per cent” certain of going ahead with the closure, the Financial Times reported, citing an unnamed source.
据Finacial Times 引用一个未具名来源报道,Google 已经发布了详细的在中国关闭它的搜索引擎的计划,并且已经99.9%确定将执行关闭计划。

The company may make the decision soon, while it will take time to carry out a closure to make sure staffs don’t suffer reprisals from authorities, the paper said over the weekend, citing the person as familiar with Google's thinking. Marsha Wang, a Beijing-based spokeswoman for Google, declined to comment on the report.

Google said in January that it might have to pull out of China pending talks with authorities. An exit from the world's biggest internet market would cost Google; $600 million in revenue, according to estimates by JPMorgan Chase &Co.  China says the resolution of the dispute with Google rests on the company, not the government.
