车辆路线规划问题有很多变种,主要包含 Classical VRP(VRP)、 Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP)、 Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW)、 Vehicle Routing Problem with Pick-Up and Delivery (VRPPD)等。现实生活中VRP模型用处较少,其它都很常见;CVRP对应配送中心对配送站点的送货,VRPTW则面向客户的送货,如外卖;VRPPD对应取货和送货,如京东快递即可以送快递又可以取快递。
令G =(V,A)表示一个有向图,其中V是顶点集,而A是弧集。一个顶点表示 m个容量为Q的相同车辆组成的车队所在的仓库,其它顶点表示要服务的客户。每个客户顶点vi与需求qi关联。每个弧(vi,vj)通过A与耗费成本cij相关联。 CVRP目标是找到一系列路线,以便:
本文使用贪心算法(Greedy Algorithm)初始解决方案,使用禁忌搜索算法(Tabu Search Algorithm)进行优化并求得最优解;测试用例来源为http://vrp.atd-lab.inf.puc-rio.br/index.php/en/
禁忌搜索(Tabu Search)是局部领域算法的推广,Fred Glover Fred Glover在1986年提出这个概念,进而进一步形成一套完整的算法。算法的特点就是禁忌,禁止重复前面的工作,跳出局部最优点。
1 sBest ← s0
2 bestCandidate ← s0
3 tabuList ← []
4 tabuList.push(s0)
5 while (not stoppingCondition())
6 sNeighborhood ← getNeighbors(bestCandidate)
7 bestCandidate ← sNeighborHood.firstElement
8 for (sCandidate in sNeighborHood)
9 if ( (not tabuList.contains(sCandidate)) and (fitness(sCandidate) > fitness(bestCandidate)) )
10 bestCandidate ← sCandidate
11 end
12 end
13 if (fitness(bestCandidate) > fitness(sBest))
14 sBest ← bestCandidate
15 end
16 tabuList.push(bestCandidate)
17 if (tabuList.size > maxTabuSize)
18 tabuList.removeFirst()
19 end
20 end
21 return sBest
实例 | 客户数 | 采用禁忌搜索算法前. | 采用禁忌搜索算法后 | 用例目前最优解 |
A-n32-k5 | 32 | 903.7 | 787.08 | 784 |
A-n60-k9 | 60 | 1464.09 | 1362.38 | 1408 |
A-n80-k10 | 80 | 1845.08 | 1828.28 | 1764 |
B-n78-k10 | 78 | 1421.76 | 1315.22 | 1266 |
P-n101-k4 | 101 | 771.68 | 715.89 | 681 |
使用禁忌搜索算法解决CVRP部分结果如下,测试用例来源为Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Library
Vehicle 1: 1(0)->13(21)->2(19)->17(18)->31(14)->1(0) totalDemand = 72.0
Vehicle 2: 1(0)->28(20)->25(24)->1(0) totalDemand = 44.0
Vehicle 3: 1(0)->22(12)->32(9)->20(24)->18(19)->14(16)->8(16)->27(2)->1(0) totalDemand = 98.0
Vehicle 4: 1(0)->7(12)->4(6)->3(21)->24(8)->5(19)->12(14)->29(15)->15(3)->1(0) totalDemand = 98.0
Vehicle 5: 1(0)->21(8)->6(7)->26(24)->11(8)->30(2)->16(22)->23(4)->10(16)->9(6)->19(1)->1(0) totalDemand = 98.0
最优解: 787.08
Vehicle 1: 1(0)->42(21)->34(6)->39(14)->60(23)->53(18)->1(0) totalDemand = 82.0
Vehicle 2: 1(0)->17(11)->21(1)->4(7)->12(19)->41(11)->47(1)->26(18)->1(0) totalDemand = 68.0
Vehicle 3: 1(0)->35(9)->25(24)->59(9)->24(23)->48(17)->15(13)->1(0) totalDemand = 95.0
Vehicle 4: 1(0)->36(5)->56(9)->51(4)->40(19)->27(19)->18(24)->28(2)->30(17)->1(0) totalDemand = 99.0
Vehicle 5: 1(0)->5(11)->22(5)->54(21)->31(9)->50(2)->45(18)->29(17)->7(17)->1(0) totalDemand = 100.0
Vehicle 6: 1(0)->19(2)->8(21)->14(20)->38(2)->58(22)->9(23)->20(3)->1(0) totalDemand = 93.0
Vehicle 7: 1(0)->3(2)->2(16)->49(42)->23(20)->37(9)->32(11)->1(0) totalDemand = 100.0
Vehicle 8: 1(0)->16(5)->44(21)->57(18)->13(18)->52(24)->10(10)->33(2)->1(0) totalDemand = 98.0
Vehicle 9: 1(0)->11(6)->55(11)->6(9)->43(20)->46(48)->1(0) totalDemand = 94.0
最优解: 1362.38
Vehicle 1: 1(0)->50(13)->37(12)->39(23)->67(11)->68(5)->74(12)->1(0) totalDemand = 76.0
Vehicle 2: 1(0)->2(24)->8(26)->22(13)->41(13)->1(0) totalDemand = 76.0
Vehicle 3: 1(0)->59(7)->77(14)->33(9)->46(23)->5(5)->23(26)->51(10)->71(5)->1(0) totalDemand = 99.0
Vehicle 4: 1(0)->14(12)->75(19)->30(10)->18(20)->32(2)->60(22)->28(4)->6(11)->1(0) totalDemand = 100.0
Vehicle 5: 1(0)->11(9)->72(12)->64(22)->63(18)->24(17)->45(6)->13(16)->1(0) totalDemand = 100.0
Vehicle 6: 1(0)->54(13)->4(23)->61(13)->40(21)->78(2)->43(23)->1(0) totalDemand = 95.0
Vehicle 7: 1(0)->73(2)->55(2)->10(23)->56(14)->57(7)->70(9)->66(2)->36(2)->27(4)->48(2)->20(12)->76(6)->21(15)->1(0) totalDemand = 100.0
Vehicle 8: 1(0)->52(3)->65(6)->34(1)->16(2)->42(13)->47(11)->26(12)->58(21)->62(22)->31(9)->1(0) totalDemand = 100.0
Vehicle 9: 1(0)->35(2)->3(22)->38(14)->9(9)->44(3)->17(6)->69(9)->79(2)->7(23)->25(7)->1(0) totalDemand = 97.0
Vehicle 10: 1(0)->12(14)->53(6)->29(20)->80(24)->49(7)->19(26)->15(2)->1(0) totalDemand = 99.0
最优解: 1828.28
最优解: 1315.22
最优解: 715.89
public class VRPLibReader {
private InstanceReader reader;
private int dimension;
private int vehicleCapacity;
private double[][] coord;
private double[][] distance;
private int[] demand;
private double[][] pickup;
private LocalTime[][] timeWindows;
private int[] standTime;
private int[] depots;
public VRPLibReader(InstanceReader reader) {
this.reader = reader;
private void readHeader() {
String line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.equalsIgnoreCase("NODE_COORD_SECTION")) {
String[] split = line.split(":");
String key = split[0].trim();
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("DIMENSION")) {
dimension = Integer.valueOf(split[1].trim());
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("CAPACITY")) {
vehicleCapacity = Integer.valueOf(split[1].trim());
line = reader.readLine();
if (line == null) {
private void readCoordinates() {
coord = new double[dimension][2];
String line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.equalsIgnoreCase("DEMAND_SECTION")) {
parseRow(line, coord);
line = reader.readLine();
private void parseRow(String line, double[][] coord) {
String[] split = line.split("\\s+");
int i = Integer.valueOf(split[0].trim()) - 1;
coord[i][0] = Double.valueOf(split[1].trim());
coord[i][1] = Double.valueOf(split[2].trim());
private void readDemand() {
demand = new int[dimension];
String line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.equalsIgnoreCase("DEPOT_SECTION")) {
String[] split = line.split("\\s+");
int i = Integer.valueOf(split[0].trim()) - 1;
demand[i] = Integer.valueOf(split[1].trim());
line = reader.readLine();
private void readPickup() {
pickup = new double[dimension][2];
String line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.equalsIgnoreCase("TIME_WINDOW_SECTION")) {
parseRow(line, pickup);
line = reader.readLine();
private void readTimeWindows() {
timeWindows = new LocalTime[dimension][2];
String line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.equalsIgnoreCase("STANDTIME_SECTION")) {
String[] split = line.split("\\s+");
int i = Integer.valueOf(split[0].trim()) - 1;
String startTime = split[1].trim();
String endTime = split[2].trim();
if (startTime.equals("")) {
startTime = "0" + split[2].trim();
endTime = split[3].trim();
if (endTime.equals("")) {
endTime = "0" + split[4].trim();
timeWindows[i][0] = LocalTime.parse(startTime);
timeWindows[i][1] = LocalTime.parse(endTime);
line = reader.readLine();
private void readStandtime() {
standTime = new int[dimension];
String line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.equalsIgnoreCase("DEPOT_SECTION")) {
String[] split = line.split("\\s+");
int i = Integer.valueOf(split[0].trim()) - 1;
standTime[i] = Integer.valueOf(split[1].trim());
line = reader.readLine();
private void readDepots() {
depots = new int[2];
String line = reader.readLine();
int i = 0;
while (!line.equalsIgnoreCase("EOF")) {
depots[i] = Double.valueOf(line.trim()).intValue();
line = reader.readLine();
private void convertCoordToDistance() {
distance = new double[dimension][dimension];
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < dimension; j++) {
if (i != j) {
double x1 = coord[i][0];
double y1 = coord[i][1];
double x2 = coord[j][0];
double y2 = coord[j][1];
distance[i][j] = euclideanDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2);
distance[j][i] = distance[i][j];
private static double euclideanDistance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
double xDistance = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
double yDistance = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDistance, 2) + Math.pow(yDistance, 2));
public int getDimension() {
return dimension;
public double[][] getDistance() {
return distance;
public int getVehicleCapacity() {
return vehicleCapacity;
public int[] getDemand() {
return demand;
public int[] getDepots() {
return depots;
private static final double EARTH_RADIUS = 6371.393; // 平均半径,单位:km
* 通过AB点经纬度获取距离
* @return 距离(单位:米)
public static double getDistance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
// 经纬度(角度)转弧度。弧度用作参数,以调用Math.cos和Math.sin
double radiansAX = Math.toRadians(y1); // A经弧度
double radiansAY = Math.toRadians(x1); // A纬弧度
double radiansBX = Math.toRadians(y2); // B经弧度
double radiansBY = Math.toRadians(x2); // B纬弧度
// 公式中“cosβ1cosβ2cos(α1-α2)+sinβ1sinβ2”的部分,得到∠AOB的cos值
double cos = Math.cos(radiansAY) * Math.cos(radiansBY) * Math.cos(radiansAX - radiansBX)
+ Math.sin(radiansAY) * Math.sin(radiansBY);
double acos = Math.acos(cos); // 反余弦值
return EARTH_RADIUS * acos; // 最终结果
public class GreedySolver {
private final int noOfVehicles;
private final Node[] nodes;
private final double[][] distances;
private final int noOfCustomers;
private final Vehicle[] vehicles;
private double cost;
public GreedySolver(VRPRunner jct) throws IOException {
VRPLibReader reader = new VRPLibReader(new InstanceReader(new File(jct.instance)));
this.noOfCustomers = reader.getDimension();
this.noOfVehicles = reader.getDimension();
this.distances = reader.getDistance();
this.cost = 0;
nodes = new Node[noOfCustomers];
for (int i = 0; i < noOfCustomers; i++) {
nodes[i] = new Node(i, reader.getDemand()[i]);
this.vehicles = new Vehicle[this.noOfVehicles];
for (int i = 0; i < this.noOfVehicles; i++) {
vehicles[i] = new Vehicle(reader.getVehicleCapacity());
private boolean unassignedCustomerExists(Node[] Nodes) {
for (int i = 1; i < Nodes.length; i++) {
if (!Nodes[i].IsRouted)
return true;
return false;
public GreedySolver solve() {
double CandCost, EndCost;
int VehIndex = 0;
while (unassignedCustomerExists(nodes)) {
int CustIndex = 0;
Node Candidate = null;
double minCost = (float) Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (vehicles[VehIndex].routes.isEmpty()) {
if(!nodes[CustIndex].IsRouted) {
nodes[CustIndex].IsRouted = true; //不会被当成真实节点
for (int i = 0; i < noOfCustomers; i++) {
if (!nodes[i].IsRouted) {
if (vehicles[VehIndex].initCheckIfFits(nodes[i].demand)) {
CandCost = distances[vehicles[VehIndex].currentLocation][i];
if (minCost > CandCost) {
minCost = CandCost;
CustIndex = i;
Candidate = nodes[i];
if (Candidate == null) {
//Not a single Customer Fits
if (VehIndex + 1 < vehicles.length) //We have more vehicles to assign
if (vehicles[VehIndex].currentLocation != 0) {//End this route
EndCost = distances[vehicles[VehIndex].currentLocation][0];
this.cost += EndCost;
VehIndex = VehIndex + 1; //Go to next Vehicle
} else //We DO NOT have any more vehicle to assign. The problem is unsolved under these parameters
System.out.println("\nThe rest customers do not fit in any Vehicle\n" +
"The problem cannot be resolved under these constrains");
} else {
vehicles[VehIndex].AddNode(Candidate);//If a fitting Customer is Found
nodes[CustIndex].IsRouted = true;
this.cost += minCost;
EndCost = distances[vehicles[VehIndex].currentLocation][0];
this.cost += EndCost;
return this;
public void print() {
for (int j = 0; j < noOfVehicles; j++) {
if (!vehicles[j].routes.isEmpty()) {
System.out.print("Vehicle " + j + ":");
int RoutSize = vehicles[j].routes.size();
for (int k = 0; k < RoutSize; k++) {
if (k == RoutSize - 1) {
} else {
System.out.print(vehicles[j].routes.get(k).NodeId + "->");
System.out.println("\nBest Value: " + this.cost + "\n");
public Vehicle[] getVehicles() {
return vehicles;
public double getCost() {
return cost;
public class TabuSearchSolver {
private final double[][] distances;
private final int noOfVehicles;
private final int TABU_Horizon;
private final int iterations;
private final Vehicle[] BestSolutionVehicles;
private Vehicle[] vehicles;
private double cost;
private double BestSolutionCost;
public TabuSearchSolver(VRPRunner jct) throws IOException {
VRPLibReader reader = new VRPLibReader(new InstanceReader(new File(jct.instance)));
this.noOfVehicles = reader.getDimension();
this.TABU_Horizon = jct.TabuHorizon;
this.distances = reader.getDistance();
this.iterations = jct.iterations;
GreedySolver greedySolver = new GreedySolver(jct);
this.vehicles = greedySolver.getVehicles();
this.cost = greedySolver.getCost();
this.BestSolutionVehicles = new Vehicle[this.noOfVehicles];
for (int i = 0; i < this.noOfVehicles; i++) {
this.BestSolutionVehicles[i] = new Vehicle(reader.getVehicleCapacity());
public TabuSearchSolver solve() {
//We use 1-0 exchange move
ArrayList<Node> routesFrom;
ArrayList<Node> routesTo;
int MovingNodeDemand = 0;
int VehIndexFrom, VehIndexTo;
double BestNCost, NeighborCost;
int SwapIndexA = -1, SwapIndexB = -1, SwapRouteFrom = -1, SwapRouteTo = -1;
int iteration_number = 0;
int DimensionCustomer = this.distances[1].length;
int TABU_Matrix[][] = new int[DimensionCustomer + 1][DimensionCustomer + 1];
this.BestSolutionCost = this.cost;
Vehicle toVehicle = null;
Vehicle fromVehicle = null;
while (iteration_number < iterations) {
BestNCost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (VehIndexFrom = 0; VehIndexFrom < this.vehicles.length; VehIndexFrom++) {
routesFrom = this.vehicles[VehIndexFrom].routes;
int RoutFromLength = routesFrom.size();
for (int i = 1; i < (RoutFromLength - 1); i++) { //Not possible to move depot!
for (VehIndexTo = 0; VehIndexTo < this.vehicles.length; VehIndexTo++) {
routesTo = this.vehicles[VehIndexTo].routes;
int RouteToLength = routesTo.size();
for (int j = 0; (j < RouteToLength - 1); j++) {//Not possible to move after last Depot!
MovingNodeDemand = routesFrom.get(i).demand;
if ((VehIndexFrom == VehIndexTo) || this.vehicles[VehIndexTo].CheckIfFits(MovingNodeDemand)) {
//If we assign to a different route check capacity constrains
//if in the new route is the same no need to check for capacity
if (!((VehIndexFrom == VehIndexTo) && ((j == i) || (j == i - 1)))) // Not a move that Changes solution cost
// minnus length after remove from fromRouting, and insert into to toRouting
double MinusCost1 ;
for (int o = 0; o < TABU_Matrix[0].length; o++) {
for (int p = 0; p < TABU_Matrix[0].length; p++) {
if (TABU_Matrix[o][p] > 0) {
routesFrom = this.vehicles[SwapRouteFrom].routes;
routesTo = this.vehicles[SwapRouteTo].routes;
this.vehicles[SwapRouteFrom].routes = null;
this.vehicles[SwapRouteTo].routes = null;
Node SwapNode = routesFrom.get(SwapIndexA);
int NodeIDBefore = routesFrom.get(SwapIndexA - 1).NodeId;
int NodeIDAfter = routesFrom.get(SwapIndexA + 1).NodeId;
int NodeID_F = routesTo.get(SwapIndexB).NodeId;
int NodeID_G = routesTo.get(SwapIndexB + 1).NodeId;
Random TabuRan = new Random();
int randomDelay1 = TabuRan.nextInt(5);
int randomDelay2 = TabuRan.nextInt(5);
int randomDelay3 = TabuRan.nextInt(5);
if (SwapRouteFrom == SwapRouteTo) {
if (SwapIndexA < SwapIndexB) {
routesTo.add(SwapIndexB, SwapNode);
} else {
routesTo.add(SwapIndexB + 1, SwapNode);
} else {
routesTo.add(SwapIndexB + 1, SwapNode);
// update vehicle load
this.vehicles[SwapRouteFrom].routes = routesFrom;
this.vehicles[SwapRouteFrom].load -= SwapNode.demand;
this.vehicles[SwapRouteTo].routes = routesTo;
this.vehicles[SwapRouteTo].load += SwapNode.demand;
this.cost += BestNCost;
if (this.cost < this.BestSolutionCost) {
iteration_number = 0;
} else {
this.vehicles = this.BestSolutionVehicles;
this.cost = this.BestSolutionCost;
return this;
public boolean exceedMaxLoad(List<Node> nodes, int capacity) {
double vechileTotalDemand = 0;
for(Node node : nodes) {
vechileTotalDemand += node.demand;
return vechileTotalDemand > capacity;
private void SaveBestSolution() {
this.BestSolutionCost = this.cost;
for (int j = 0; j < this.noOfVehicles; j++) {
if (!this.vehicles[j].routes.isEmpty()) {
int RoutSize = this.vehicles[j].routes.size();
for (int k = 0; k < RoutSize; k++) {
Node n = this.vehicles[j].routes.get(k);
public void print() {
System.out.println("==========================the result===============================");
int vechileCount = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < this.noOfVehicles; j++) {
if (!this.vehicles[j].routes.isEmpty() && this.vehicles[j].routes.size() > 2) {
System.out.print("Vehicle " + vechileCount + ": ");
int RoutSize = this.vehicles[j].routes.size();
for (int k = 0; k < RoutSize; k++) {
Node node = this.vehicles[j].routes.get(k);
if (k == RoutSize - 1) {
System.out.print((node.NodeId + 1) + "("+ node.demand +")");
} else {
System.out.print((node.NodeId) + 1 + "("+ node.demand +")" + "->");
System.out.println(" totalDemand = " + getDemand(this.vehicles[j].routes));
System.out.println("\nBest Value: " + this.cost + "\n");
private double getDemand(List<Node> nodes) {
double vechileTotalDemand = 0;
for(Node node : nodes) {
vechileTotalDemand += node.demand;
return vechileTotalDemand;
public class VRPRunner {
@Parameter(names = {"--algorithm", "-alg"}, required = true)
private String alg = "tabu";
@Parameter(names = {"--instance", "-i"})
public String instance = "datasets/big/Golden_20.vrp";
@Parameter(names = "--iterations")
public int iterations = 1000;
@Parameter(names = "--tabu")
public Integer TabuHorizon = 10;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
VRPRunner jct = new VRPRunner();
JCommander jCommander = new JCommander(jct);
switch (jct.alg) {
case "tabu": {
new TabuSearchSolver(jct)
case "greedy": {
new GreedySolver(jct)