Patent Evaluation

Patent Evaluation_第1张图片
patent evaluation.png
  • Background
  • Patent valuation methods
    • Quantitative approach
      • Cost-based approach
      • Market-based method
      • Income-based method
      • Option-based method
    • Qualitative approach
      • How would you define the patented technology innovation compared to the actual state of the art?
    • Which level of its life cycle has the patent reached?
    • What is the geographic coverage of the reference market?


Intellectual property assets such as patents are the core of many organizations and transactions related to technology. Licenses and assignments of intellectual property rights are common operations in the technology markets, as well as the use of these types of assets as loan security. These uses give rise to the growing importance of financial valuation of intellectual property, since knowing the economic value of patents is a critical factor in order to define their trading conditions.[1]


Patent valuation methods

Different approaches of patent valuation are used by companies and organizations. Generally, these approaches are divided in two categories: the quantitative and qualitative valuation. While the quantitative approach relies on numerical and measurable data with the purpose to calculate the economic value of the intellectual property, the qualitative approach is focused on the analysis of the characteristics and potential uses of the intellectual property, such as the legal, technological, marketing or strategic aspects of the patented technologies. Qualitative valuation deals also with assessing the risks and opportunities associated to the intellectual property of the company.[2]


Quantitative approach

Several methodologies are used on the quantitative approach, but generally they can be grouped in four methods:[3]

  • Cost-based method
  • Market-based method
  • Income-based method
  • Option-based method


  • 基于成本的策略
  • 基于市场的策略
  • 基于收入的策略
  • 基于选择的策略
Cost-based method

This method is based on the principle that there is a direct relation between the costs expended in the development of the intellectual property and its economic value. Two different techniques are mainly used to measure costs:


  • Reproduction cost method: Estimations are performed by gathering all costs associated with the purchase or development of a replica of the patent under valuation.
  • Replacement cost method: Estimations are performed on the basis of the costs that would be spent to obtain an equivalent patent asset with similar use or function.

In both methods, present prices are taken into account, i.e. the expenditures as of the valuation date and not the historical costs when these actually happened.[4]
For assessing costs, two cost sources of two sorts should be included: direct expenditures, such as costs with materials, labor and management; and opportunity costs, relating to the lost profits due to delays in market entrance or investment opportunities lost with the aim of developing the assets.

Market-based method

The market-based valuation method relies on the estimation of value based on similar market transactions (e.g. similar license agreements) of comparable patent rights.Given that often the asset under valuation is unique, the comparison is performed in terms of utility, technological specificity and property, having also in consideration the perception of the asset by the market.Data on comparable or similar transactions may be accessed in the following sources:

  • Company annual reports.
  • Specialized royalty rate databases and publications.
  • In court decisions concerning damages.


  • 公司的年度总结
  • 专业版税率相关的数据和出版物
  • 法院的判决赔偿
Income-based method

This method is based on the principle that the value of an asset is intrinsic to the expected income flows it generates. After the income is estimated, the result is discounted by an appropriate discount factor with the objective to adjust it to the present circumstances and therefore to determine the net present value of the intellectual property. There are different methods of calculation of the future cash flows, such as:

  • Discounted cash flow method: This method aims to estimate future cash flows, which are projected and after discounted by applying an appropriate discount factor. The main source of information to estimate the cash flows is generally the business plan of the company that exploits or intends to exploit the asset.
  • Relief-from-royalty method: In this method the value of the asset is considered as the value of the royalty payments from which the company is relieved due to its ownership of the asset. Hence, the appropriate royalty rate must be determined, allowing the estimation of the future royalty income stream. A discount rate is applied to determine the present value of the asset.
    Relief-from-royalty 策略:该策略中,资产价值被认为是特许使用金的价值,公司的特许试用金标志着该资产的所有权。因此,非常有必要设定适当的特许使用金率,这就给未来的特权收入评估提供了可能。折现率被应用于当前的资产价值评估当中。
Option-based method

Differently from the other methods, the option methodology takes into consideration the options and opportunities related to the investment. It relies on option pricing models (e.g. Black-Scholes) for stock options to achieve a valuation of a given intellectual property asset. In these cases, patents may be valued using the techniques developed for financial options, as applied via a real options framework.The key parallel is that a patent provides its owner the right to exclude others from using the underlying invention, so both patents and stock options represent a right to exploit an asset in the future, and to exclude others from using it. The patent (option) will have value to the buyer (owner) only to the extent that the expected price in the future exceeds the opportunity cost of earning just as much in a risk-less alternative. Thus patent rights can be thought of as corresponding to a call option and may be valued correspondingly.

Qualitative approach

This method does not rely on purely financial analytical data. In fact, the valuation in this method is performed through the analysis of different indicators with the purpose of rating the patent right, i.e. of determining its importance quality in terms of aspects that can impact the value of an intellectual property asset, covering legal aspects, the technology level of the innovation, market details and company organization. Commonly, the method is implemented through questionnaires comprising all these different criteria. Examples of questions included in such questionnaires can be:


  • How would you define the patented technology innovation compared to the actual state of the art?
  • Which level of its life cycle has the patent reached?
  • What is the geographic coverage of the reference market?

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