hive临时表中 取 分组排序后所有排列第一的元素集合


select b.* from
select *, row_number() over (partition by passenger_phone order by hour_num desc) as od from
select passenger_phone , substr(create_time,12,2) as chuxing_hour, count(*) as hour_num from taxi.order where concat(year,month) =’201606’ and is_succ_order=1 and starting_lat>0 and dest_lat>0 group by passenger_phone , substr(create_time,12,2)
) b
where b.od=1 ;


第二步:再对临时表 t 进行分区,按聚合字段 hour_num 降序排序,每一条记录加上行号, 形成临时表 b

第三步:取出 表 b 中所有行号 为 1 的记录,即是。
