App发起指南(An App Launch Guide中文版)

这篇文章是 An App Launch Guide 的中文译本,作为我尝试做独立开发者的一片入门教程。 水平有限,翻译不到之处还望赐教,邮箱[email protected]


This guide is aimed at indie developers who are building and launching their iOS apps largely by themselves. The guide will walk through planning, pre-launch, marketing, product development, QA, and launch.
这篇指南主要针对那些自主开发运营IOS应用的独立开发者。指南将涉及规划, 预发行, 市场, 产品开发, QA, 发行。

The goal is to combine the concrete product development schedule with an equally concrete marketing schedule so that nothing is missed.

The outline below will combine marketing and product deadlines into a single timeline, so that you can plan for both the marketing and product cycle in tandem.



My name is Adam Wulf, and I've developed mobile apps in an enterprise company, for a number of clients at a small design agency, and currently as an indie developer. I have recently launched Loose Leaf and am launching Remotely very soon, and I launched Here File File long ago.
This guide is a collection of lessons learned.

我是Adam Wulf,曾在一家大型公司开发移动应用,也曾在设计公司设计移动应用,目前是一名独立开发者。近来我发起了Loose Leaf,并即将发起Remotely ,很久以前发起过Here File File 。



This guide goes through all of the necessary steps for validating, building, marketing, and launching your product, specifically focused on app dev. In particular, this guide covers:

Helpful books and resources
Narrowing down your app idea
Validating that idea
Defining your business model
Validating with a prototype
Building your app
Post-launch growth

  1. 书籍、资料。

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