JVM 学习笔记

JVM学习笔记-方法区(Method Area)

  方法区(Method Area)与Java堆一样,是各个线程共享的内存区域,它用于存储已被虚拟机加载的类信息、常量、静态变量、即时编译器编译后的代码等数据。虽然Java虚拟机规范把方法区描述为堆的一个逻辑部分,但是它却有一个别名叫做Non-Heap(非堆),目的应该是与Java堆区分开来。
  对于习惯在HotSpot虚拟机上开发和部署程序的开发者来说,很多人愿意把方法区称为“永久代”(Permanent Generation),本质上两者并不等价,仅仅是因为HotSpot虚拟机的设计团队选择把GC分代收集扩展至方法区,或者说使用永久代来实现方法区而已。对于其他虚拟机(如BEA JRockit、IBM J9等)来说是不存在永久代的概念的。即使是HotSpot虚拟机本身,根据官方发布的路线图信息,现在也有放弃永久代并“搬家”至Native Memory来实现方法区的规划了。

  《深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践》 作者: 周志明

Inside a Java Virtual Machine instance, information about loaded types is stored in a logical area of memory called the method area. When the Java Virtual Machine loads a type, it uses a class loader to locate the appropriate class file. The class loader reads in the class file–a linear stream of binary data–and passes it to the virtual machine. The virtual machine extracts information about the type from the binary data and stores the information in the method area. Memory for class (static) variables declared in the class is also taken from the method area.
  在Java虚拟机中,关于被装载类型的信息存储在一个逻辑上被称为方法区(Method Area)的内存中,当虚拟机装载某个类型时,它使用类装载器定位相应的class文件,然后读入这个class文件——一个线性二进制数据流——然后将它传输到虚拟机中。紧接着虚拟机提取其中的类型信息,并将这些信息存储到方法区(Method Area)。该类型中的类变量(static变量)同样也是存储在方法区(Method Area)中。

The manner in which a Java Virtual Machine implementation represents type information internally is a decision of the implementation designer. For example, multi-byte quantities in class files are stored in big-endian (most significant byte first) order. When the data is imported into the method area, however, a virtual machine can store the data in any manner. If an implementation sits on top of a little-endian processor, the designers may decide to store multi-byte values in the method area in little-endian order.

The virtual machine will search through and use the type information stored in the method area as it executes the application it is hosting. Designers must attempt to devise data structures that will facilitate speedy execution of the Java application, but must also think of compactness. If designing an implementation that will operate under low memory constraints, designers may decide to trade off some execution speed in favor of compactness. If designing an implementation that will run on a virtual memory system, on the other hand, designers may decide to store redundant information in the method area to facilitate execution speed. (If the underlying host doesnít offer virtual memory, but does offer a hard disk, designers could create their own virtual memory system as part of their implementation.) Designers can choose whatever data structures and organization they feel optimize their implementations performance, in the context of its requirements.

All threads share the same method area, so access to the method areaís data structures must be designed to be thread-safe. If two threads are attempting to find a class named Lava, for example, and Lava has not yet been loaded, only one thread should be allowed to load it while the other one waits.

The size of the method area need not be fixed. As the Java application runs, the virtual machine can expand and contract the method area to fit the applicationís needs. Also, the memory of the method area need not be contiguous. It could be allocated on a heap–even on the virtual machineís own heap. Implementations may allow users or programmers to specify an initial size for the method area, as well as a maximum or minimum size.

The method area can also be garbage collected. Because Java programs can be dynamically extended via class loader objects, classes can become “unreferenced” by the application. If a class becomes unreferenced, a Java Virtual Machine can unload the class (garbage collect it) to keep the memory occupied by the method area at a minimum. The unloading of classes–including the conditions under which a class can become “unreferenced”–is described in Chapter 7, “The Lifetime of a Class.”

  《Inside the Java Virtual Machine 2nd Edition》 作者:Bill Venners

JVM学习笔记-类型信息(Type Information)

For each type it loads, a Java Virtual Machine must store the following kinds of information in the method area:

  • The fully qualified name of the type
  • The fully qualified name of the type’s direct superclass (unless the
    type is an interface or class java.lang.Object, neither of which have
    a superclass)
  • Whether or not the type is a class or an interface
  • The typeís modifiers ( some subset of` public, abstract, final)
    这个类型的访问修饰符(public, abstract或final的某个子集)。
  • An ordered list of the fully qualified names of any direct

Inside the Java class file and Java Virtual Machine, type names are always stored as fully qualified names. In Java source code, a fully qualified name is the name of a typeís package, plus a dot, plus the typeís simple name. For example, the fully qualified name of class Object in package java.lang is java.lang.Object. In class files, the dots are replaced by slashes, as in java/lang/Object. In the method area, fully qualified names can be represented in whatever form and data structures a designer chooses.
  在Java class文件和虚拟机中,类型名总是以全限定名出现。在Java源代码中,全限定名由类所属包的名称加一个“.”,再加上类名组成。例如,类Object的所属包为java.lang,那么它的全限定名应该是java.lang.Object,但在class文件里,所有的“.” 都被斜杠“/”代替,这样就成为java/lang/Object。至于全限定名在方法区中的表示,则因不同的设计者有不同的选择而不同,可以用任何形式和数据结构来表示。
In addition to the basic type information listed above, the virtual machine must also store for each loaded type:

  • The constant pool for the type
  • Field information
  • Method information
  • All class (static) variables declared in the type, except constants
  • A reference to class ClassLoader
  • A reference to class Class

JVM学习笔记-常量池(Constant Pool)

For each type it loads, a Java Virtual Machine must store a constant pool. A constant pool is an ordered set of constants used by the type, including literals (string, integer, and floating point constants) and symbolic references to types, fields, and methods. Entries in the constant pool are referenced by index, much like the elements of an array. Because it holds symbolic references to all types, fields, and methods used by a type, the constant pool plays a central role in the dynamic linking of Java programs.
  虚拟机必须为每个被装载的类型维护一个常量池。常量池就是该类型所用常量的一个有序集合,包括直接常量(String ,integer和floating point常量)和对其他类型、字段和方法的符号引用。池中的数据项就像数组一样是通过索引访问的。因为常量池存储了相应类型所用到的所有类型、字段和方法的符号引用,所以它在Java程序的动态连接中起着核心作用。

Following the magic and version numbers in the class file is the constant pool. As mentioned in Chapter 5, “The Java Virtual Machine,” the constant pool contains the constants associated with the class or interface defined by the file. Constants such as literal strings, final variable values, class names, and method names are stored in the constant pool. The constant pool is organized as a list of entries. A count of the number of entries in the list, constant_pool_count, precedes the actual list, constant_pool.


Many entries in the constant pool refer to other entries in the constant pool, and many items that follow the constant pool in the class file refer back to entries in the constant pool. Throughout the class file, constant pool entries are referred to by the integer index that indicates their position in the constant_pool list. The first entry in the list has an index of one, the second has an index of two, and so on. Although there is no entry in the constant_pool list that has an index of zero, the missing zeroeth entry is included in the constant_pool_count. For example, if a constant_pool list includes fourteen entries (with indexes one through fourteen), the constant_pool_count would be fifteen.

Each constant pool entry starts with a one-byte tag that indicates the type of constant making its home at that position in the list. Once a Java Virtual Machine grabs and interprets this tag, it knows what to expect after the tag. Table 6-3 shows the names and values of the constant pool tags.

Table 6-3. Constant pool tags

Entry Type Tag Value Description
CONSTANT_Utf8 1 A UTF-8 encoded Unicode string
CONSTANT_Integer 3 An int literal value
CONSTANT_Float 4 A float literal value
CONSTANT_Long 5 A long literal value
CONSTANT_Double 6 A double literal value
CONSTANT_Class 7 A symbolic reference to a class or interface
CONSTANT_String 8 A String literal value
CONSTANT_Fieldref 9 A symbolic reference to a field
CONSTANT_Methodref 10 A symbolic reference to a method declared in a class
CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref 11 A symbolic reference to a method declared in an interface
CONSTANT_NameAndType 12 Part of a symbolic reference to a field or method

For each tag shown in Table 6-3, there is a corresponding table. The name of the table is formed by appending “_info” to the tag name. For example, the table that corresponds to the CONSTANT_Class tag is called CONSTANT_Class_info. The CONSTANT_Utf8_info table stores a compressed form of Unicode strings. The tables for the various kinds of constant pool entries are described in detail later in this chapter.

The constant pool plays an important role in the dynamic linking of Java programs. In addition to literal constant values, the constant pool contains the following kinds of symbolic references:

  • fully qualified names of classes and interfaces 类和字段的全限定名。
  • field names and descriptors 字段的名称和描述符
  • method names and descriptors 方法的名称和描述符

A field is an instance or class variable of the class or interface. A field descriptor is a string that indicates the fieldís type. A method descriptor is a string that indicates the methodís return type and the number, order, and types of its parameters. The constant poolís fully qualified names and method and field descriptors are used at run time to link code in this class or interface with code and data in other classes and interfaces. The class file contains no information about the eventual memory layout of its components, so classes, fields, and methods cannot be referenced directly by the bytecodes in the class file. The Java Virtual Machine resolves the actual address of any referenced item at run time given a symbolic reference from the constant pool. For example, bytecode instructions that invoke a method give constant pool index of a symbolic reference to the method to invoke. This process of using the symbolic references in the constant pool is described in more detail in Chapter 8, “The Linking Model.”

The constant pool is an ordered list of cp_info tables, each of which follows the general form shown in Table 6-8. The tag item of a cp_info table, an unsigned byte, indicates the tableís variety and format. cp_info tables come in eleven varieties, each of which is described in detail in the following sections.
Table 6-8. General form of a cp_info table

Type Name Count
u1 tag 1
u1 info depends on tag value

JVM学习笔记-字段信息(Field Information)

For each field declared in the type, the following information must be stored in the method area. In addition to the information for each field, the order in which the fields are declared by the class or interface must also be recorded. Hereís the list for fields:

  • The field’s name
  • The field’s type
  • The field’s modifiers (some subset of public, private, protected,static, final, volatile, transient)

JVM学习笔记-方法信息(Method Information)

For each method declared in the type, the following information must be stored in the method area. As with fields, the order in which the methods are declared by the class or interface must be recorded as well as the data. Hereís the list:

  • The method’s name
  • The method’s return type (or void)
  • The number and types (in order) of the method’s parameters
  • The method’s modifiers (some subset of public, private, protected,static, final, synchronized, native, abstract)
    In addition to the items listed above, the following information must also be stored with each method that is not abstract or native:
  • The method’s bytecodes
  • The sizes of the operand stack and local variables sections of the method’s stack frame (these are described in a later section of this chapter)
  • An exception table (this is described in Chapter 17, “Exceptions”)

JVM学习笔记-类(静态)变量(Class Variables)

Class variables are shared among all instances of a class and can be accessed even in the absence of any instance. These variables are associated with the class–not with instances of the class–so they are logically part of the class data in the method area. Before a Java Virtual Machine uses a class, it must allocate memory from the method area for each non-final class variable declared in the class.

Constants (class variables declared final) are not treated in the same way as non-final class variables. Every type that uses a final class variable gets a copy of the constant value in its own constant pool. As part of the constant pool, final class variables are stored in the method area–just like non-final class variables. But whereas non-final class variables are stored as part of the data for the type that declares them, final class variables are stored as part of the data for any type that uses them. This special treatment of constants is explained in more detail in Chapter 6, “The Java Class File.”

JVM学习笔记-指向ClassLoader类的引用(A Reference to Class ClassLoader)

For each type it loads, a Java Virtual Machine must keep track of whether or not the type was loaded via the primordial class loader or a class loader object. For those types loaded via a class loader object, the virtual machine must store a reference to the class loader object that loaded the type. This information is stored as part of the type’s data in the method area.

The virtual machine uses this information during dynamic linking. When one type refers to another type, the virtual machine requests the referenced type from the same class loader that loaded the referencing type. This process of dynamic linking is also central to the way the virtual machine forms separate name spaces. To be able to properly perform dynamic linking and maintain multiple name spaces, the virtual machine needs to know what class loader loaded each type in its method area. The details of dynamic linking and name spaces are given in Chapter 8, “The Linking Model.”

JVM学习笔记-指向Class类的引用(A Reference to Class Class)

An instance of class java.lang.Class is created by the Java Virtual Machine for every type it loads. The virtual machine must in some way associate a reference to the Class instance for a type with the typeís data in the method area.

Your Java programs can obtain and use references to Class objects. One static method in class Class, allows you to get a reference to the Class instance for any loaded class:

// A method declared in class java.lang.Class:
public static Class forName(String className);


If you invoke forName(“java.lang.Object”), for example, you will get a reference to the Class object that represents java.lang.Object. If you invoke forName(“java.util.Enumeration”), you will get a reference to the Class object that represents the Enumeration interface from the java.util package. You can use forName() to get a Class reference for any loaded type from any package, so long as the type can be (or already has been) loaded into the current name space. If the virtual machine is unable to load the requested type into the current name space, forName() will throw ClassNotFoundException.

An alternative way to get a Class reference is to invoke getClass() on any object reference. This method is inherited by every object from class Object itself:

// A method declared in class java.lang.Object:
public final Class getClass();


If you have a reference to an object of class java.lang.Integer, for example, you could get the Class object for java.lang.Integer simply by invoking getClass() on your reference to the Integer object.
Given a reference to a Class object, you can find out information about the type by invoking methods declared in class Class. If you look at these methods, you will quickly realize that class Class gives the running application access to the information stored in the method area. Here are some of the methods declared in class Class:



// Some of the methods declared in class java.lang.Class:
public String getName();
public Class getSuperClass();
public boolean isInterface();
public Class[] getInterfaces();
public ClassLoader getClassLoader()


These methods just return information about a loaded type. getName() returns the fully qualified name of the type. getSuperClass() returns the Class instance for the typeís direct superclass. If the type is class java.lang.Object or an interface, none of which have a superclass, getSuperClass() returns null. isInterface() returns true if the Class object describes an interface, false if it describes a class. getInterfaces() returns an array of Class objects, one for each direct superinterface. The superinterfaces appear in the array in the order they are declared as superinterfaces by the type. If the type has no direct superinterfaces, getInterfaces() returns an array of length zero. getClassLoader() returns a reference to the ClassLoader object that loaded this type, or null if the type was loaded by the primordial class loader. All this information comes straight out of the method area.

JVM学习笔记-方法区示例与常量池解析(Method Area Use And Constant Pool Resolution)

As an example of how the Java Virtual Machine uses the information it stores in the method area, consider these classes:


// On CD-ROM in file jvm/ex2/Lava.java
class Lava {

    private int speed = 5; // 5 kilometers per hour

    void flow() {



// On CD-ROM in file jvm/ex2/Volcano.java
class Volcano {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Lava lava = new Lava();





The following paragraphs describe how an implementation might execute the first instruction in the bytecodes for the main() method of the Volcano application. Different implementations of the Java Virtual Machine can operate in very different ways. The following description illustrates one way–but not the only way–a Java Virtual Machine could execute the first instruction of Volcanoís main() method.
  下面的段落描述了某个实现是如何执行Volcano程序中main()方法的字节码中第一条指令的。不同的虚拟机实现可能会用完全不同的方法来操作,下 面描述的只是其中一种可能,但是并不是仅有的一种,下面看一下Java虚拟机是如何执行Volcano程序中main()方法的第一条指令的。

To run the Volcano application, you give the name “Volcano” to a Java Virtual Machine in an implementation-dependent manner. Given the name Volcano, the virtual machine finds and reads in file Volcano.class. It extracts the definition of class Volcano from the binary data in the imported class file and places the information into the method area. The virtual machine then invokes the main() method, by interpreting the bytecodes stored in the method area. As the virtual machine executes main(), it maintains a pointer to the constant pool (a data structure in the method area) for the current class (class Volcano).
  要运行Volcano程序,首先得以某种“依赖于实现的”方式告诉虚拟机“Volcano”这个名字。之后虚拟机将找到并读入相应的class文件 “Volcano.class”,然后他会从导入的class文件里的二进制数据中提取类型信息并放到方法区中。通过执行保存在方法区中的字节码,虚拟机开始执行main()方法,在执行时,他会一直持有指向当前类(Volcano类)的常量池(方法区中的一个数据结构)的指针。

Note that this Java Virtual Machine has already begun to execute the bytecodes for main() in class Volcano even though it hasnít yet loaded class Lava. Like many (probably most) implementations of the Java Virtual Machine, this implementation doesnít wait until all classes used by the application are loaded before it begins executing main(). It loads classes only as it needs them.
  注意,虚拟机开始执行Volcano类中main()方法的字节码的时候,尽管Lava类还没被装载,但是和大多数(也许是所有)虚拟机实现一样,他不会等到把程序中用到的所有类都装载后才开始运行程序。恰好相反,他只需在需要时才装载相应的类 。

main()’s first instruction tells the Java Virtual Machine to allocate enough memory for the class listed in constant pool entry one. The virtual machine uses its pointer into Volcanoís constant pool to look up entry one and finds a symbolic reference to class Lava. It checks the method area to see if Lava has already been loaded.

The symbolic reference is just a string giving the classís fully qualified name: “Lava”. Here you can see that the method area must be organized so a class can be located–as quickly as possible–given only the classís fully qualified name. Implementation designers can choose whatever algorithm and data structures best fit their needs–a hash table, a search tree, anything. This same mechanism can be used by the static forName() method of class Class, which returns a Class reference given a fully qualified name.
  这个符号引用仅仅是一个给出了类Lava的全限定名“Lava”的字符串。为了能让虚拟机尽可能快地从一个名称找到类,设计者应当选择最佳的数据结构和算法。这里可以采用各种方法,如散列表、搜索树等等。同样的算法也可以用于实现Class类的forName()方法,这个方法根据给定的全限定名返回 Class引用。

When the virtual machine discovers that it hasnít yet loaded a class named “Lava,” it proceeds to find and read in file Lava.class. It extracts the definition of class Lava from the imported binary data and places the information into the method area.

The Java Virtual Machine then replaces the symbolic reference in Volcanoís constant pool entry one, which is just the string “Lava”, with a pointer to the class data for Lava. If the virtual machine ever has to use Volcanoís constant pool entry one again, it wonít have to go through the relatively slow process of searching through the method area for class Lava given only a symbolic reference, the string “Lava”. It can just use the pointer to more quickly access the class data for Lava. This process of replacing symbolic references with direct references (in this case, a native pointer) is called constant pool resolution. The symbolic reference is resolved into a direct reference by searching through the method area until the referenced entity is found, loading new classes if necessary.
  紧接着,虚拟机以一个直接指向方法区Lava类数据的指针类替换常量池第一项(就是那个字符串“Lava”)—-以后就可以用这个指针来快速访问Lava类了。这个替换过程称为常量池解析 ,即把常量池中的符号引用替换为直接引用。这是通过在方法区中搜索被引用的元素实现的,在这期间可能又需要装载其他类。在这里,我们替换掉符号引用的“直接引用”是一个本地指针。

Finally, the virtual machine is ready to actually allocate memory for a new Lava object. Once again, the virtual machine consults the information stored in the method area. It uses the pointer (which was just put into Volcanoís constant pool entry one) to the Lava data (which was just imported into the method area) to find out how much heap space is required by a Lava object.
  终于,虚拟机转变为一个新的Lava对象分配内存。此时,它又需要方法区中的信息。还记得刚刚放到Volcano类常量池第一项的指针吗?现在虚拟机用它 来访问Lava类型信息(此前刚放到方法区中的),找到其中记录的这样一个信息:一个Lava对象需要分配多少堆空间。

A Java Virtual Machine can always determine the amount of memory required to represent an object by looking into the class data stored in the method area. The actual amount of heap space required by a particular object, however, is implementation-dependent. The internal representation of objects inside a Java Virtual Machine is another decision of implementation designers. Object representation is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.

Once the Java Virtual Machine has determined the amount of heap space required by a Lava object, it allocates that space on the heap and initializes the instance variable speed to zero, its default initial value. If class Lavaís superclass, Object, has any instance variables, those are also initialized to default initial values. (The details of initialization of both classes and objects are given in Chapter 7, “The Lifetime of a Class.”)

The first instruction of main() completes by pushing a reference to the new Lava object onto the stack. A later instruction will use the reference to invoke Java code that initializes the speed variable to its proper initial value, five. Another instruction will use the reference to invoke the flow() method on the referenced Lava object.
  当把新生成的Lava对象的引用压到栈中,main()方法的第一条指令也完成了。接下来的指令通过这个引用调用Java代码(该代码把speed变量初始化为正确初始值5)。另外一条指令将用这个引用调用Lava对 象引用的flow()方法。


  对于大多数应用来说,Java堆(Java Heap)是Java虚拟机所管理的内存中最大的一块。Java堆是被所有线程共享的一块内存区域,在虚拟机启动时创建。此内存区域的唯一目的就是存放对象实例,几乎所有的对象实例都在这里分配内存。这一点在Java虚拟机规范中的描述是:所有的对象实例以及数组都要在堆上分配①,但是随着JIT编译器的发展与逃逸分析技术的逐渐成熟,栈上分配、标量替换②优化技术将会导致一些微妙的变化发生,所有的对象都分配在堆上也渐渐变得不是那么“绝对”了。

  Java堆是垃圾收集器管理的主要区域,因此很多时候也被称做“GC堆”(Garbage Collected Heap,幸好国内没翻译成“垃圾堆”)。如果从内存回收的角度看,由于现在收集器基本都是采用的分代收集算法,所以Java堆中还可以细分为:新生代和老年代;再细致一点的有Eden空间、From Survivor空间、To Survivor空间等。如果从内存分配的角度看,线程共享的Java堆中可能划分出多个线程私有的分配缓冲区(Thread Local Allocation Buffer,TLAB)。不过,无论如何划分,都与存放内容无关,无论哪个区域,存储的都仍然是对象实例,进一步划分的目的是为了更好地回收内存,或者更快地分配内存。在本章中,我们仅仅针对内存区域的作用进行讨论,Java堆中的上述各个区域的分配和回收等细节将会是下一章的主题。

  《深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践》 作者: 周志明

Whenever a class instance or array is created in a running Java application, the memory for the new object is allocated from a single heap. As there is only one heap inside a Java Virtual Machine instance, all threads share it. Because a Java application runs inside its “own” exclusive Java Virtual Machine instance, there is a separate heap for every individual running application. There is no way two different Java applications could trample on each otherís heap data. Two different threads of the same application, however, could trample on each otherís heap data. This is why you must be concerned about proper synchronization of multi-threaded access to objects (heap data) in your Java programs.
The Java Virtual Machine has an instruction that allocates memory on the heap for a new object, but has no instruction for freeing that memory. Just as you canít explicitly free an object in Java source code, you canít explicitly free an object in Java bytecodes. The virtual machine itself is responsible for deciding whether and when to free memory occupied by objects that are no longer referenced by the running application. Usually, a Java Virtual Machine implementation uses a garbage collector to manage the heap.

  java 程序在运行时创建的 所有类实例或数组都放在同一个堆中 。而 一个Java 虚拟机实例 只存在一个堆内存空间 ,因此所有的线程均 共享这个堆 。又由于一个java 程序独占一个Java 虚拟机实例,因而每个java 程序都有他自己的堆内存—- 他们之间不会相互影响。但是同 一个Java 程序的多线程却共享着同一个堆空间 ,在这种情况下,就得考虑多线程访问对象(堆数据)的同步问题了。


  《Inside the Java Virtual Machine 2nd Edition》 作者:Bill Venners

JVM学习笔记-程序计数器(The Program Counter)

  程序计数器(Program Counter Register)是一块较小的内存空间,它的作用可以看做是当前线程所执行的字节码的行号指示器。在虚拟机的概念模型里(仅是概念模型,各种虚拟机可能会通过一些更高效的方式去实现),字节码解释器工作时就是通过改变这个计数器的值来选取下一条需要执行的字节码指令,分支、循环、跳转、异常处理、线程恢复等基础功能都需要依赖这个计数器来完成。



  《深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践》 作者: 周志明

Each thread of a running program has its own pc register, or program counter, which is created when the thread is started. The pc register is one word in size, so it can hold both a native pointer and a returnValue. As a thread executes a Java method, the pc register contains the address of the current instruction being executed by the thread. An “address” can be a native pointer or an offset from the beginning of a method’s bytecodes. If a thread is executing a native method, the value of the pc register is undefined.

  《Inside the Java Virtual Machine 2nd Edition》 作者:Bill Venners


  与程序计数器一样,Java虚拟机栈(Java Virtual Machine Stacks)也是线程私有的,它的生命周期与线程相同。虚拟机栈描述的是Java方法执行的内存模型:每个方法被执行的时候都会同时创建一个栈帧(Stack Frame①)用于存储局部变量表、操作栈、动态链接、方法出口等信息。每一个方法被调用直至执行完成的过程,就对应着一个栈帧在虚拟机栈中从入栈到出栈的过程。




  《深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践》 作者: 周志明

When a new thread is launched, the Java Virtual Machine creates a new Java stack for the thread. As mentioned earlier, a Java stack stores a threadís state in discrete frames. The Java Virtual Machine only performs two operations directly on Java Stacks: it pushes and pops frames.

The method that is currently being executed by a thread is the thread’s current method. The stack frame for the current method is the current frame. The class in which the current method is defined is called the current class, and the current classís constant pool is the current constant pool. As it executes a method, the Java Virtual Machine keeps track of the current class and current constant pool. When the virtual machine encounters instructions that operate on data stored in the stack frame, it performs those operations on the current frame.

When a thread invokes a Java method, the virtual machine creates and pushes a new frame onto the threadís Java stack. This new frame then becomes the current frame. As the method executes, it uses the frame to store parameters, local variables, intermediate computations, and other data.

A method can complete in either of two ways. If a method completes by returning, it is said to have normal completion. If it completes by throwing an exception, it is said to have abrupt completion. When a method completes, whether normally or abruptly, the Java Virtual Machine pops and discards the method’s stack frame. The frame for the previous method then becomes the current frame.

All the data on a threadís Java stack is private to that thread. There is no way for a thread to access or alter the Java stack of another thread. Because of this, you need never worry about synchronizing multi-threaded access to local variables in your Java programs. When a thread invokes a method, the methodís local variables are stored in a frame on the invoking threadís Java stack. Only one thread can ever access those local variables: the thread that invoked the method.

Like the method area and heap, the Java stack and stack frames need not be contiguous in memory. Frames could be allocated on a contiguous stack, or they could be allocated on a heap, or some combination of both. The actual data structures used to represent the Java stack and stack frames is a decision of implementation designers. Implementations may allow users or programmers to specify an initial size for Java stacks, as well as a maximum or minimum size.

  《Inside the Java Virtual Machine 2nd Edition》 作者:Bill Venners

JVM学习笔记-栈帧(The Stack Frame)

The stack frame has three parts: local variables, operand stack, and frame data. The sizes of the local variables and operand stack, which are measured in words, depend upon the needs of each individual method. These sizes are determined at compile time and included in the class file data for each method. The size of the frame data is implementation dependent.

When the Java Virtual Machine invokes a Java method, it checks the class data to determine the number of words required by the method in the local variables and operand stack. It creates a stack frame of the proper size for the method and pushes it onto the Java stack.

JVM学习笔记-局部变量区(Local Variables)

The local variables section of the Java stack frame is organized as a zero-based array of words. Instructions that use a value from the local variables section provide an index into the zero-based array. Values of type int, float, reference, and returnValue occupy one entry in the local variables array. Values of type byte, short, and char are converted to int before being stored into the local variables. Values of type long and double occupy two consecutive entries in the array.

To refer to a long or double in the local variables, instructions provide the index of the first of the two consecutive entries occupied by the value. For example, if a long occupies array entries three and four, instructions would refer to that long by index three. All values in the local variables are word-aligned. Dual-entry longs and doubles can start at any index.

The local variables section contains a method’s parameters and local variables. Compilers place the parameters into the local variable array first, in the order in which they are declared. Figure 5-9 shows the local variables section for the following two methods:




// On CD-ROM in file jvm/ex3/Example3a.java
class Example3a {

    public static int runClassMethod(int i, long l, float f,

        double d, Object o, byte b) {

        return 0;


    public int runInstanceMethod(char c, double d, short s,

        boolean b) {

        return 0;




JVM 学习笔记_第1张图片

Figure 5-9
Note that Figure 5-9 shows that the first parameter in the local variables for runInstanceMethod() is of type reference, even though no such parameter appears in the source code. This is the hidden this reference passed to every instance method. Instance methods use this reference to access the instance data of the object upon which they were invoked. As you can see by looking at the local variables for runClassMethod() in Figure 5-9, class methods do not receive a hidden this. Class methods are not invoked on objects. You can’t directly access a class’s instance variables from a class method, because there is no instance associated with the method invocation.


Note also that types byte, short, char, and boolean in the source code become ints in the local variables. This is also true of the operand stack. As mentioned earlier, the boolean type is not supported directly by the Java Virtual Machine. The Java compiler always uses ints to represent boolean values in the local variables or operand stack. Data types byte, short, and char, however, are supported directly by the Java Virtual Machine. These can be stored on the heap as instance variables or array elements, or in the method area as class variables. When placed into local variables or the operand stack, however, values of type byte, short, and char are converted into ints. They are manipulated as ints while on the stack frame, then converted back into byte, short, or char when stored back into heap or method area.

Also note that Object o is passed as a reference to runClassMethod(). In Java, all objects are passed by reference. As all objects are stored on the heap, you will never find an image of an object in the local variables or operand stack, only object references.

Aside from a methodís parameters, which compilers must place into the local variables array first and in order of declaration, Java compilers can arrange the local variables array as they wish. Compilers can place the methodís local variables into the array in any order, and they can use the same array entry for more than one local variable. For example, if two local variables have limited scopes that donít overlap, such as the i and j local variables in Example3b below, compilers are free to use the same array entry for both variables. During the first half of the method, before j comes into scope, entry zero could be used for i. During the second half of the method, after i has gone out of scope, entry zero could be used for j.
  除了Java方法的参数(编译器首先严格按照它们的声明顺序放到局部变量数组中,而对于真正的局部变量,它可以任意决定放置顺序,甚至可以用一个索引指代两个局部变量)— 比如当两个局部变量的作用域不重叠时,像下面Example3b中的局部变量i和j就是这种情况:在方法的前半段,在j开始生效前,0号索引的入口可以被用来代表i在方法的后半段,i已经超过了有效作用域,0号入口就可以用来表示j了。


// On CD-ROM in file jvm/ex3/Example3b.java
class Example3b {

    public static void runtwoLoops() {

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {



        for (int j = 9; j = 0; --j) {






As with all the other runtime memory areas, implementation designers can use whatever data structures they deem most appropriate to represent the local variables. The Java Virtual Machine specification does not indicate how longs and doubles should be split across the two array entries they occupy. Implementations that use a word size of 64 bits could, for example, store the entire long or double in the lower of the two consecutive entries, leaving the higher entry unused.

JVM学习笔记-操作数栈(Operand Stack)

Like the local variables, the operand stack is organized as an array of words. But unlike the local variables, which are accessed via array indices, the operand stack is accessed by pushing and popping values. If an instruction pushes a value onto the operand stack, a later instruction can pop and use that value.

The virtual machine stores the same data types in the operand stack that it stores in the local variables: int, long, float, double, reference, and returnType. It converts values of type byte, short, and char to int before pushing them onto the operand stack.

Other than the program counter, which canít be directly accessed by instructions, the Java Virtual Machine has no registers. The Java Virtual Machine is stack-based rather than register-based because its instructions take their operands from the operand stack rather than from registers. Instructions can also take operands from other places, such as immediately following the opcode (the byte representing the instruction) in the bytecode stream, or from the constant pool. The Java Virtual Machine instruction set’s main focus of attention, however, is the operand stack.

The Java Virtual Machine uses the operand stack as a work space. Many instructions pop values from the operand stack, operate on them, and push the result. For example, the iadd instruction adds two integers by popping two ints off the top of the operand stack, adding them, and pushing the int result. Here is how a Java Virtual Machine would add two local variables that contain ints and store the int result in a third local variable:


iload_0    // push the int in local variable 0 onto the stack

iload_1    // push the int in local variable 1 onto the stack

iadd       // pop two ints, add them, push result

istore_2   // pop int, store into local variable 2


In this sequence of bytecodes, the first two instructions, iload_0 and iload_1, push the ints stored in local variable positions zero and one onto the operand stack. The iadd instruction pops those two int values, adds them, and pushes the int result back onto the operand stack. The fourth instruction, istore_2, pops the result of the add off the top of the operand stack and stores it into local variable position two. In Figure 5-10, you can see a graphical depiction of the state of the local variables and operand stack while executing the above instructions. In this figure, unused slots of the local variables and operand stack are left blank.
JVM 学习笔记_第2张图片

JVM学习笔记-帧数据区(Frame Data)

In addition to the local variables and operand stack, the Java stack frame includes data to support constant pool resolution, normal method return, and exception dispatch. This data is stored in the frame data portion of the Java stack frame.

Many instructions in the Java Virtual Machine’s instruction set refer to entries in the constant pool. Some instructions merely push constant values of type int, long, float, double, or String from the constant pool onto the operand stack. Some instructions use constant pool entries to refer to classes or arrays to instantiate, fields to access, or methods to invoke. Other instructions determine whether a particular object is a descendant of a particular class or interface specified by a constant pool entry.


Whenever the Java Virtual Machine encounters any of the instructions that refer to an entry in the constant pool, it uses the frame dataís pointer to the constant pool to access that information. As mentioned earlier, references to types, fields, and methods in the constant pool are initially symbolic. When the virtual machine looks up a constant pool entry that refers to a class, interface, field, or method, that reference may still be symbolic. If so, the virtual machine must resolve the reference at that time.


Aside from constant pool resolution, the frame data must assist the virtual machine in processing a normal or abrupt method completion. If a method completes normally (by returning), the virtual machine must restore the stack frame of the invoking method. It must set the pc register to point to the instruction in the invoking method that follows the instruction that invoked the completing method. If the completing method returns a value, the virtual machine must push that value onto the operand stack of the invoking method.


The frame data must also contain some kind of reference to the method’s exception table, which the virtual machine uses to process any exceptions thrown during the course of execution of the method. An exception table, which is described in detail in Chapter 17, “Exceptions,” defines ranges within the bytecodes of a method that are protected by catch clauses. Each entry in an exception table gives a starting and ending position of the range protected by a catch clause, an index into the constant pool that gives the exception class being caught, and a starting position of the catch clauseís code.

When a method throws an exception, the Java Virtual Machine uses the exception table referred to by the frame data to determine how to handle the exception. If the virtual machine finds a matching catch clause in the method’s exception table, it transfers control to the beginning of that catch clause. If the virtual machine doesnít find a matching catch clause, the method completes abnormally. The virtual machine uses the information in the frame data to restore the invoking methodís frame. It then rethrows the same exception in the context of the invoking method.

In addition to data to support constant pool resolution, normal method return, and exception dispatch, the stack frame may also include other information that is implementation dependent, such as data to support debugging.

JVM学习笔记-本地方法栈(Native Method Stacks)

  本地方法栈(Native Method Stacks)与虚拟机栈所发挥的作用是非常相似的,其区别不过是虚拟机栈为虚拟机执行Java方法(也就是字节码)服务,而本地方法栈则是为虚拟机使用到的Native方法服务。虚拟机规范中对本地方法栈中的方法使用的语言、使用方式与数据结构并没有强制规定,因此具体的虚拟机可以自由实现它。甚至有的虚拟机(譬如Sun HotSpot虚拟机)直接就把本地方法栈和虚拟机栈合二为一。与虚拟机栈一样,本地方法栈区域也会抛出StackOverflowError和OutOfMemoryError异常。

  《深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践》 作者: 周志明

In addition to all the runtime data areas defined by the Java Virtual Machine specification and described above, a running Java application may use other data areas created by or for native methods. When a thread invokes a native method, it enters a new world in which the structures and security restrictions of the Java Virtual Machine no longer hamper its freedom. A native method can likely access the runtime data areas of the virtual machine (it depends upon the native method interface), but can also do anything else it wants. It may use registers inside the native processor, allocate memory on any number of native heaps, or use any kind of stack.
   前面提到的所有运行时数据区都是Java虚拟机规范中明确定义的,除此之外,对于一个运行中的Java程序而言,他还可能会用到一些本地方法相关的数据区。当某个线程调用一个本地方法时,他就进入了一个全新的并且不再受虚拟机限制的世界 ,本地方法可以通过本地方法接口 来访问虚拟机得运行时数据区,但不止于此,他还可以做任何他想做的事情。比如,他甚至可以直接使用本地处理器中的寄存器,或者直接从本地内存的堆中分配任意数量的内存等等。总之,他和虚拟机拥有同样的权限(或者说能力)。

Native methods are inherently implementation dependent. Implementation designers are free to decide what mechanisms they will use to enable a Java application running on their implementation to invoke native methods.

Any native method interface will use some kind of native method stack. When a thread invokes a Java method, the virtual machine creates a new frame and pushes it onto the Java stack. When a thread invokes a native method, however, that thread leaves the Java stack behind. Instead of pushing a new frame onto the threadís Java stack, the Java Virtual Machine will simply dynamically link to and directly invoke the native method. One way to think of it is that the Java Virtual Machine is dynamically extending itself with native code. It is as if the Java Virtual Machine implementation is just calling another (dynamically linked) method within itself, at the behest of the running Java program.
  任何本地方法接口都会使用某种本地方法栈。当线程调用Java方法时,虚拟机会创建一个新的栈帧并压入java栈。然而当他调用的是本地方法时,虚拟机会保持Java栈不变 ,不再在线程的java栈中压入新的帧,虚拟机只是简单地动态连接并直接调用指定的本地方法。可以把这看做是虚拟机利用本地方法来动态扩展自己 。就如同Java虚拟机的实现在按照其中运行的Java程序的吩咐,调用属于虚拟机内部的另一个(动态连接的)方法。

If an implementationís native method interface uses a C-linkage model, then the native method stacks are C stacks. When a C program invokes a C function, the stack operates in a certain way. The arguments to the function are pushed onto the stack in a certain order. The return value is passed back to the invoking function in a certain way. This would be the behavior of the of native method stacks in that implementation.
  如果某个虚拟机实现的本地方法接口是使用C连接模型的话,那个他的本地方法栈就是C栈。我们知道,当C程序调用一个C函数时,其栈操作都是确定的。传递 给该函数的参数已某个确定的顺序压入栈,他的返回值也以确定的方式传回调用者。同样,这就是改虚拟机实现中本地方法栈的行为。

A native method interface will likely (once again, it is up to the designers to decide) be able to call back into the Java Virtual Machine and invoke a Java method. In this case, the thread leaves the native method stack and enters another Java stack.

Figure 5-13 shows a graphical depiction of a thread that invokes a native method that calls back into the virtual machine to invoke another Java method. This figure shows the full picture of what a thread can expect inside the Java Virtual Machine. A thread may spend its entire lifetime executing Java methods, working with frames on its Java stack. Or, it may jump back and forth between the Java stack and native method stacks.
  图5-13描绘了这种情况,就是当一个线程调用一个本地方法时,本地方法又回调虚拟机中的另一个Java方法。这幅图展示了java虚拟机内部线程运行的全景 图。一个线程可能在整个生命周期中都执行Java方法,操作他的Java栈;或者他可能毫无障碍地在Java栈和本地方法栈之间跳转。
JVM 学习笔记_第3张图片

As depicted in Figure 5-13, a thread first invoked two Java methods, the second of which invoked a native method. This act caused the virtual machine to use a native method stack. In this figure, the native method stack is shown as a finite amount of contiguous memory space. Assume it is a C stack. The stack area used by each C-linkage function is shown in gray and bounded by a dashed line. The first C-linkage function, which was invoked as a native method, invoked another C-linkage function. The second C-linkage function invoked a Java method through the native method interface. This Java method invoked another Java method, which is the current method shown in the figure.
  上图所示,该线程首先调用了两个Java方法,而第二个Java方法又调用了一个本地方法,这样导致虚拟机使用了一个本地方法栈。图中的本地方法栈显示为 一个连续的内存空间。假设这是一个C语言栈,期间有两个C函数,他们都以包围在虚线中的灰色块表示。第一个C函数被第二个Java方法当做本地方法调用, 而这个C函数又调用了第二个C函数。之后第二个C函数被第二个Java方法当做本地方法调用,而这个C函数又调用了第二个C函数。之后第二个C函数又通过 本地方法接口回调了一个Java方法(第三个Java方法)。最终这个Java方法又调用了一个Java方法(他成为图中的当前方法)。

As with the other runtime memory areas, the memory they occupied by native method stacks need not be of a fixed size. It can expand and contract as needed by the running application. Implementations may allow users or programmers to specify an initial size for the method area, as well as a maximum or minimum size.

JVM学习笔记-特殊字符串(Special Strings)

Special Strings 特殊字符串

The symbolic references contained in the constant pool involve three special kinds of strings: fully qualified names, simple names, and descriptors. All symbolic references include the fully qualified name of a class or interface. Symbolic references to fields include a simple field name and field descriptor in addition to a fully qualified type name. Symbolic references to methods include a simple method name and method descriptor in addition to a fully qualified name.

The same special strings are used to describe the class or interface that is defined by the class file. The class or interface name, the superclass name (if any), and the names of any superinterfaces are all given as fully qualified names. For each field declared by the class or interface, the constant pool contains a simple name and field descriptor. For each method declared by the class or interface, the constant pool contains a simple name and method descriptor.

Fully Qualified Names 全限定名

Whenever constant pool entries refer to classes and interfaces, they give the fully qualified name of the class or interface. In the class file, fully qualified names have their dots replaced with slashes. For example, the representation of the fully qualified name of java.lang.Object in the class file is java/lang/Object. The fully qualified name of java.util.Hashtable in the class file is java/util/Hashtable.

Simple Names 简单名称

The names of fields and methods appear in constant pool entries as simple (not fully qualified) names. For example, a constant pool entry that refers to the String toString() method of class java.lang.Object would give its method name as “toString”. A constant pool entry that refers to the java.io.PrintStream out field of class java.lang.System would specify the field name simply as “out”.

Descriptors 描述符

Symbolic references to fields and methods include a descriptor string in addition to a fully qualified class or interface name and a simple field or method name. A field descriptor gives the fieldís type. A method descriptor gives the methodís return type and the number and types of the methodís parameters.

Field and method descriptors are defined by the context free grammar shown below. Nonterminals of this grammar, such as FieldType, are shown in italic font. Terminals, such as B or V, are shown in fixed width font. The asterisk character (*) stands for zero or more occurrences of the item that precedes it placed side by side (with no intervening white space).













[ ComponentType




( ParameterDescriptor* ) ReturnDescriptor


The meaning of each of the BaseType terminals is shown in Table 6-5. The V terminal represents methods that return void.

Table 6-5. BaseType terminals

Terminal Type
B byte
C char
D double
F float
I int
J long
S short
Z boolean

Some examples of field descriptors are shown in Table 6-6.
Table 6-6. Examples of field descriptors

Descriptor Field Declaration
I int i;
[[J long[][] windingRoad;
[Ljava/lang/Object; java.lang.Object[] stuff;
Ljava/util/Hashtable; java.util.Hashtable ht;
[[[Z boolean[][][] isReady;

Some examples of method descriptors are shown in Table 6-7. Note that method descriptors don’t include the hidden this parameter passed as the first argument to all instance methods.
Table 6-7. Examples of method descriptors

Descriptor Method Declaration
()I int getSize();
()Ljava/lang/String; String toString();
([Ljava/lang/String;)V void main(String[] args);
()V void wait()
(JI)V void wait(long timeout, int nanos)
(ZILjava/lang/String;II)Z boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toOffset, String other, int ooffset, int len);
([BII)I int read(byte[] b, int off, int len);

JVM学习笔记-Class文件(Class File)

What is a Java Class File?
The Java class file is a precisely defined binary file format for Java programs. Each Java class file represents a complete description of one Java class or interface. There is no way to put more than one class or interface into a single class file. The precise definition of the class file format ensures that any Java class file can be loaded and correctly interpreted by any Java Virtual Machine, no matter what system produced the class file or what system hosts the virtual machine.
  Java class文件是对Java程序二进制文件格式的精确定义。每一个Javaclass文件都对一个Java类或者Java接口做出了全面描述。一个class文件中只能包含一个类或者接口。无论Java class文件在何种系统上产生,无论虚拟机在何种系统上运行,对Java class文件的精确定义使得所有Java虚拟机都能够正确地读取和解释所有Javaclass文件。

Although the class file is related to the Java language architecturally, it is not inextricably linked to the Java language. As shown in Figure 6-1, you could write programs in other languages and compile them to class files, or you could compile your Java programs to a different binary file format. Nevertheless, most Java programmers will likely use the class file as the primary vehicle for delivering their programs to Java Virtual Machines.

JVM 学习笔记_第4张图片

As mentioned in earlier chapters, the Java class file is a binary stream of 8-bit bytes. Data items are stored sequentially in the class file with no padding between adjacent items. The lack of padding helps keep class files compact. Items that occupy more than one byte are split up into several consecutive bytes that appear in big-endian (higher bytes first) order.
  如前所述,Java class文件是8位字节的二进制流。数据项按顺序存储在class文件中,相邻的项之间没有任何间隔,这样可以使class文件紧凑。占据多个字节空间的项按照高位在前的顺序分为几个连续的字节存放。

Just as your Java classes can contain varying numbers of fields, methods, method parameters, local variables, and so on, the Java class file can contain many items that vary in size or number from one class file to another. In the class file, the size or length of a variable-length item precedes the actual data for the item. This allows class file streams to be parsed from beginning to end, reading in the size of an item first followed by the item data.
  和Java的类可以包含多个不同的字段,方法,方法参数,局部变量等一样,Java class文件也能够包含许多不同大小的项。在class文件中,可变长度项的大小和长度位于其实际数据之前。这个特性使得calss文件流可以从头到尾被顺序解析,首先读出项的大小,然后读出项的数据。
What’s in a Class File?
The Java class file contains everything a Java Virtual Machine needs to know about one Java class or interface. The remainder of this chapter describes the class file format using tables. Each table has a name and shows an ordered list of items that can appear in a class file. Items appear in the table in the order in which they appear in the class file. Each item has a type, a name, and a count. The type is either a table name or one of the “primitive types” shown in Table 6-1. All values stored in items of type u2, u4, and u8 appear in the class file in big-endian order.
  Java class文件中包含了Java虚拟机所知道的,关于类或者接口的所有信息。本章剩余部分将用表格形式描述class文件格式。每个表格都有一个名字,每个表格都显示了在class文件中出现的项的有序列表。这些项按照出现在class文件中的顺序在表中列出。每一项都包括类型、名称及该项的数量。类型或者未表名,或者为如表6-1所示的“基本类型”。所有存储在类型u2,u4和u8项中的值,在class文件中以高位在前的形式出现。

Table 6-1. Class file “primitive types”

- -
u1 a single unsigned byte
u2 two unsigned bytes
u4 four unsigned bytes
u8 eight unsigned bytes

The major components of the class file, in their order of appearance in the class file, are shown in Table 6-2. Each of these components is described in more detail below.

Table 6-2. Format of a ClassFile Table

Type Name Count
u4 magic 1
u2 minor_version 1
u2 major_version 1
u2 constant_pool_count 1
cp_info constant_pool constant_pool_count - 1
u2 access_flags 1
u2 this_class 1
u2 super_class 1
u2 interfaces_count 1
u2 interfaces interfaces_count
u2 fields_count 1
field_info fields fields_count
u2 methods_count 1
method_info methods methods_count
u2 attributes_count 1
attribute_info attributes attributes_count


Each field (class variable and instance variable) declared in a class or interface is described by a field_info table in the class file. The format of the field_info table is shown in Table 6-20.

Table 6-20. Format of a field_info table

Type Name Count
u2 access_flags 1
u2 name_index 1
u2 descriptor_index 1
u2 attributes_count 1
attribute_info attributes attributes_count

The modifiers used in declaring the field are placed into the fieldís access_flags item. Table 6-21 shows the bits used by each flag.

Table 6-21. Flags in the access_flags item of field_info tables

Flag Name Value Meaning if Set Set By
ACC_PUBLIC 0x0001 Field is public Classes and interfaces
ACC_PRIVATE 0x0002 Field is private Classes only
ACC_PROTECTED 0x0004 Field is protected Classes only
ACC_STATIC 0x0008 Field is static Classes and interfaces
ACC_FINAL 0x0010 Field is final Classes and interfaces
ACC_VOLATILE 0x0040 Field is volatile Classes only
ACC_TRANSIENT 0x0080 Field is transient Classes only

For fields declared in a class (not an interface), at most one of ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_PRIVATE, and ACC_PROTECTED may be set. ACC_FINAL and ACC_VOLATILE must not both be set. All fields declared in interfaces must have the ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC, and ACC_FINAL flags set.

All unused bits in access_flags must be set to zero and ignored by Java Virtual Machine implementations.


The name_index gives the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info entry that gives the simple (not fully qualified) name of the field.


The descriptor_index gives the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info entry that gives the descriptor of the field.

attributes_count and attributes

The attributes item is a list of attribute_info tables. The attributes_count indicates the number of attribute_info tables in the list. Two kinds of attributes defined by the Java Virtual Machine specification that may appear in this item are ConstantValue and Synthetic. These two attributes are described in detail later in this chapter.



Each method declared in a class or interface or generated by the compiler is described in the class file by a method_info table. The two types of compiler-generated methods that may appear in class files are instance initialization methods (named < init) and class initialization methods (named < clinit). For more information on the compiler-generated methods, see Chapter 7, “The Lifetime of a Class.” The format of the method_info table is shown in Table 6-22.


Table 6-22. Format of a method_info table

Type Name Count
u2 access_flags 1
u2 name_index 1
u2 descriptor_index 1
u2 attributes_count 1
attribute_info attributes attributes_count



The modifiers used in declaring the method are placed into the methodís access_flags item. Table 6-23 shows the bits used by each flag.

Table 6-23. Flags in the access_flags item of method_info tables

Flag Name Value Meaning if Set Set By
ACC_PUBLIC 0x0001 Method is public Classes and all methods of interfaces
ACC_PRIVATE 0x0002 Method is private Classes only
ACC_PROTECTED 0x0004 Method is protected Classes only
ACC_STATIC 0x0008 Method is static Classes only
ACC_FINAL 0x0010 Method is final Classes only
ACC_SYNCHRONIZED 0x0020 Method is synchronized Classes only
ACC_NATIVE 0x0100 Method is native Classes only
ACC_ABSTRACT 0x0400 Method is abstract Classes and all methods of interfaces

For methods declared in a class (not an interface), at most one of ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_PRIVATE, and ACC_PROTECTED may be set. If a methodís ACC_FINAL flag is set, then its ACC_SYNCHRONIZED, ACC_NATIVE, and ACC_ABSTRACT flags must not be set. If a methodís ACC_PRIVATE or ACC_STATIC flag is set, then its ACC_ABSTRACT flag must not be set. All methods declared in interfaces must have their ACC_PUBLIC and ACC_ABSTRACT flags set.

Instance initialization (< init) methods may only use flags ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_PRIVATE, and ACC_PROTECTED. Because class initialization ( < clinit) methods are invoked by the Java Virtual Machine, never directly by Java bytecodes, the the access_flags for < clinit methods is ignored.
  实例初始化方法()可以只使用ACC_PUBLIC、ACC_PRIVATE和ACC_PROTECTED标志。因为类与接口初始化方法()只由Java虚拟机直接调用,永远不会被Java字节码直接调用,这样,< clinit>方法的access_flags中的标志位,除去ACC_STRICT之外的所有位都应该被忽略。

All unused bits in access_flags must be set to zero and ignored by Java Virtual Machine implementations.


The name_index gives the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info entry that gives the simple (not fully qualified) name of the method.


The descriptor_index gives the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info entry that gives the descriptor of the method.

attributes_count and attributes

The attributes item is a list of attribute_info tables. The attributes_count indicates the number of attribute_info tables in the list. Three kinds of attributes that are defined by the Java Virtual Machine specification that may appear in this item are Code, Exceptions, and Synthetic. These three attributes are described in detail later in this chapter.



As mentioned above, attributes appear in several places inside a Java class file. They can appear in the ClassFile, field_info, method_info, and Code_attribute tables. The Code_attribute table, an attribute itself, is described later in this section.
  如前所述,属性在Java class文件中多处出现。它们可以出现在ClassFile,field_info、method_info和Code_attribute表中。Code_attribute表本身即为一个属性。

Every attribute follows the same general format of the attribute_info table, shown in Table 6-24. The first two bytes of an attribute, the attribute_name_index, form an index into the constant pool of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info table that contains the string name of the attribute. Each attribute_info, therefore, identifies its “type” by the first item in its table much like cp_info tables identify their type by the initial tag byte. The difference is that whereas the type of a cp_info table is indicated by an unsigned byte value, such as 3 (CONSTANT_Integer_info), the type of an attribute_info table is indicated by a string.

Following the attribute_name_index is a four-byte attribute_length item, which gives the length of the entire attribute_info table minus the initial six bytes. This length is necessary because anyone, following certain rules (outlined below), is allowed to add attributes to a Java class file. Java Virtual Machine implementations are allowed to recognize new attributes. Implementations must ignore any attributes they donít recognize. The attribute_length allows virtual machines to skip unrecognized attributes as they parse the class file.

Anyone who wishes to add a new attribute to a Java class file must follow these two rules:

  1. Any attribute that is not predefined by the specification must not
    affect the semantics of class or interface types. New attributes can
    only add more information to the class file, such as information
    used during debugging.
  2. The attribute must be named using the reverse Internet domain name
    scheme that is defined for package naming in the Java Language
    Specification. For example, if your Internet domain name were
    artima.com and you wished to create a new attribute named
    CompilerVersion, you would name the attribute:

  如果需要向Java class文件中加入新的属性,除Sun公司以外的任何人都必须遵循下列两个步骤:
  1. 任何不是由规范进行与定义的属性都不能影响类或者接口类型的语义。新的属性只能向class文件添加新的信息,如在调试过程中用到的信息等。
  2. 属性必须使用与Internet域名方案颠倒的命名方式,Internet域名方案是针对Java语言规范中包的命名所定义的。例如,如果拥有Internet域名artima.com,而需要创建的新属性为CompilerVersion,那么属性则应该命名为com.artima.CompilerVersion。

Table 6-24. Format of an attribute_info table

Type Name Count
u2 attribute_name_index 1
u4 attribute_length 1
u1 info attribute_length


The attribute_name_index gives the index in the constant pool of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info entry that contains the name of the attribute.


The attribute_length item indicates the length in bytes of the attribute data excluding the initial six bytes that contain the attribute_name_index and attribute_length.


The info item contains the attribute data.

JVM学习笔记-属性格式(Attributes Types)


The Java Virtual Machine specification defines eight types of attributes, shown in Table 6-25. All Java Virtual Machine implementations must recognize three of these attributes: Code, ConstantValue, and Exceptions. Implementations can choose whether to recognize or ignore the other predefined attributes. (The InnerClasses and Synthetic attributes were added in Java 1.1). All of these predefined attributes are described in detail later in this chapter.
  如表6-24所示,Java虚拟机规范定义了8种属性(实际上是9种)。为了正确地解释Javaclass文件,所有Java虚拟机实现都必须能够识别下列三种属性:Code,ConstantValue和Exception。为了正确地实现Java和Java 2 平台类库,虚拟机实现必须能够识别InnerClasses和Synthetic属性,但可以自主选择究竟是识别还是忽略其他一些与定义的属性(在Java1.1中,加入了Deprecated、InnerClasses和Synthetic属性(attribute))。所有这些预定义的属性将在本章详细阐述。

Table 6-25. Types of attribute_info tables defined by the specification

Name Used By Description
Code method_info The bytecodes and other data for one method
ConstantValue field_info The value of a final variable
Deprecated field_info、method_info The fields and methods are discouraged from using
Exceptions method_info The checked exceptions that a method may throw
InnerClasses ClassFile A description of the inner classes defined inside a class
LineNumberTable Code_attribute A mapping of line numbers to bytecodes for one method
LocalVariableTable Code_attribute A description of the local variables for one method
SourceFile ClassFile The name of the source file
Synthetic field_info, method_info An indicator that a field or method was generated by the compiler

JVM学习笔记-动态连接和解析(Dynamic Linking and Resolution)

When you compile a Java program, you get a separate class file for each class or interface in your program. Although the individual class files may appear to be independent, they actually harbor symbolic connections to one another and to the class files of the Java API. When you run your program, the Java Virtual Machine loads your programís classes and interfaces and hooks them together in a process of dynamic linking. As your program runs, the Java Virtual Machine builds an internal web of interconnected classes and interfaces.
  当编译Java程序的时候,会得到程序中每一个类或者接口的独立的class文件。虽然独立看上去毫无关联,但是他们之间通过接口(harbor)符号互相联系,或者与Java API的class文件相联系。当运行程序的时候,Java虚拟机装载程序的类和接口,并且在动态连接的过程中把它们互相勾连起来。在程序运行中,Java虚拟机内部组织了一张互相连接的类和接口的网。

A class file keeps all its symbolic references in one place, the constant pool. Each class file has a constant pool, and each class or interface loaded by the Java Virtual Machine has an internal version of its constant pool. The internal constant pool is an implementation-specific data structure that maps to the constant pool in the class file. Thus, after a type is initially loaded, all the symbolic references from the type reside in the typeís internal constant pool.

At some point during the running of a program, if a particular symbolic reference is to be used, it must be resolved. Resolution is the process of finding the entity identified by the symbolic reference and replacing the symbolic reference with a direct reference. Because all symbolic references reside in the constant pool, this process is often called constant pool resolution.

As described in Chapter 6, “The Java Class File,” the constant pool is organized as a sequence of items. Each item has a unique index, much like an array element. A symbolic reference is one kind of item that may appear in the constant pool. Java Virtual Machine instructions that use a symbolic reference specify the index in the constant pool where the symbolic reference resides. For example, the getstatic opcode, which pushes the value of a static field onto the stack, is followed in the bytecode stream by an index into the constant pool. The constant pool entry at the specified index, a CONSTANT_Fieldref_info entry, reveals the fully qualified name of the class in which the field resides, and the name and type of the field.

Keep in mind that the Java Virtual Machine contains a separate internal constant pool for each class and interface it loads. When an instruction refers to the fifth item in the constant pool, it is referring to the fifth item in the constant pool for the current class, the class that defined the method the Java Virtual Machine is currently executing.

Several instructions, from the same or different methods, may refer to the same constant pool entry, but each constant pool entry is resolved only once. After a symbolic reference has been resolved for one instruction, subsequent attempts to resolve it by other instructions take advantage of the hard work already done, and use the same direct reference resulting from the original resolution.
Linking involves not only the replacement of symbolic references with direct ones, it also involves checking for correctness and permission. As mentioned in Chapter 7, “The Lifetime of a Class,” the checking of symbolic references for existence and access permission (one aspect of the full verification phase) is likely performed during resolution. For example, when a Java Virtual Machine resolves a getstatic instruction to a field of another class, the Java Virtual Machine checks to make sure that:

  • The other class exists.
  • This class has permission to access the other class.
  • The named field exists in the other class.
  • The field has the expected type (symbolic references to fields
    include the field type).
  • This class has permission to access the field.
  • That the field is really static–a class variable and not an instance variable.

If any of these checks fail, an error is thrown and resolution fails. Otherwise, the symbolic reference is replaced by the direct reference and resolution succeeds.

As described in Chapter 7, “The Lifetime of a Class,” different implementations of the Java Virtual Machine are permitted to perform resolution at different times during the execution of a program. An implementation may choose to link everything up front by following all symbolic references from the initial class, then all symbolic references from subsequent classes, until every symbolic reference has been resolved. In this case, the application would be completely linked before its main() method was ever invoked. This approach is called early resolution. Alternatively, an implementation may choose to wait until the very last minute to resolve each symbolic reference. In this case, the Java Virtual Machine would resolve a symbolic reference only when it is first used by the running program. This approach is called late resolution. Other implementations could choose a resolution strategy in-between these two extremes.

Although a Java Virtual Machine implementation has some freedom in choosing when to resolve symbolic references, every Java Virtual Machine must give the outward impression that it uses late resolution. No matter when a particular Java Virtual Machine performs its linking, it will always throw any error that results from attempting to resolve a symbolic reference at the point in the execution of the program where the symbolic reference was actually used for the first time. In this way, it will always appear to the user as if the linking were late. If a Java Virtual Machine does early linking, and during early linking discovers that a class file is missing, it wonít report the class file missing by throwing the appropriate error until later in the program when something in that class file is actually used. If the class is never used by the program, the error will never be thrown.

JVM学习笔记-引用计数收集器(Reference Counting Collectors)

Reference Counting Collectors

Reference counting was an early garbage collection strategy. In this approach, a reference count is maintained for each object on the heap. When an object is first created and a reference to it is assigned to a variable, the objectís reference count is set to one. When any other variable is assigned a reference to that object, the object’s count is incremented. When a reference to an object goes out of scope or is assigned a new value, the object’s count is decremented. Any object with a reference count of zero can be garbage collected. When an object is garbage collected, any objects that it refers to have their reference counts decremented. In this way the garbage collection of one object may lead to the subsequent garbage collection of other objects.

An advantage of this approach is that a reference counting collector can run in small chunks of time closely interwoven with the execution of the program. This characteristic makes it particularly suitable for real-time environments where the program can’t be interrupted for very long. A disadvantage is that reference counting does not detect cycles: two or more objects that refer to one another. An example of a cycle is a parent object that has a reference to a child object that has a reference back to the parent. These objects will never have a reference count of zero even though they may be unreachable by the roots of the executing program. Another disadvantage of reference counting is the overhead of incrementing and decrementing the reference count each time.

Because of the disadvantages inherent in the reference counting approach, this technique is currently out of favor. It is more likely that the Java Virtual Machines you encounter in the real world will use a tracing algorithm in their garbage-collected heaps.

JVM学习笔记-跟踪收集器(Tracing Collectors)

Tracing Collectors

Tracing garbage collectors trace out the graph of object references starting with the root nodes. Objects that are encountered during the trace are marked in some way. Marking is generally done by either setting flags in the objects themselves or by setting flags in a separate bitmap. After the trace is complete, unmarked objects are known to be unreachable and can be garbage collected.

The basic tracing algorithm is called “mark and sweep.” This name refers to the two phases of the garbage collection process. In the mark phase, the garbage collector traverses the tree of references and marks each object it encounters. In the sweep phase, unmarked objects are freed, and the resulting memory is made available to the executing program. In the Java Virtual Machine, the sweep phase must include finalization of objects.

JVM学习笔记-压缩收集器(Compacting Collectors)

Compacting Collectors

Garbage collectors of Java Virtual Machines will likely have a strategy to combat heap fragmentation. Two strategies commonly used by mark and sweep collectors are compacting and copying. Both of these approaches move objects on the fly to reduce heap fragmentation. Compacting collectors slide live objects over free memory space toward one end of the heap. In the process the other end of the heap becomes one large contiguous free area. All references to the moved objects are updated to refer to the new location.

Updating references to moved objects is sometimes made simpler by adding a level of indirection to object references. Instead of referring directly to objects on the heap, object references refer to a table of object handles. The object handles refer to the actual objects on the heap. When an object is moved, only the object handle must be updated with the new location. All references to the object in the executing program will still refer to the updated handle, which did not move. While this approach simplifies the job of heap defragmentation, it adds a performance overhead to every object access.

JVM学习笔记-拷贝收集器(Copying Collectors)

Copying Collectors

Copying garbage collectors move all live objects to a new area. As the objects are moved to the new area, they are placed side by side, thus eliminating any free space that may have separated them in the old area. The old area is then known to be all free space. The advantage of this approach is that objects can be copied as they are discovered by the traversal from the root nodes. There are no separate mark and sweep phases. Objects are copied to the new area on the fly, and forwarding pointers are left in their old locations. The forwarding pointers allow the garbage collector to detect references to objects that have already been moved. The garbage collector can then assign the value of the forwarding pointer to the references so they point to the objectís new location.

A common copying collector algorithm is called “stop and copy.” In this scheme, the heap is divided into two regions. Only one of the two regions is used at any time. Objects are allocated from one of the regions until all the space in that region has been exhausted. At that point program execution is stopped and the heap is traversed. Live objects are copied to the other region as they are encountered by the traversal. When the stop and copy procedure is finished, program execution resumes. Memory will be allocated from the new heap region until it too runs out of space. At that point the program will once again be stopped. The heap will be traversed and live objects will be copied back to the original region. The cost associated with this approach is that twice as much memory is needed for a given amount of heap space because only half of the available memory is used at any time.

You can see a graphical depiction of a garbage-collected heap that uses a stop and copy algorithm in Figure 9-1. This figure shows nine snapshots of the heap over time. In the first snapshot, the lower half of the heap is unused space. The upper half of the heap is partially filled by objects. That portion of the heap that contains objects is painted with diagonal gray lines. The second snapshot shows that the top half of the heap is gradually being filled up with objects, until it becomes full as shown in the third snapshot.

At that point, the garbage collector stops the program and traces out the graph of live objects starting with the root nodes. It copies each live object it encounters down to the bottom half of the heap, placing each object next to the previously copied object. This process is shown in snapshot four.
Snapshot five shows the heap after the garbage collection has finished. Now the top half of the heap is unused, and the bottom half is partially filled with live objects. The sixth snapshot shows the bottom half is now becoming gradually filled with objects, until it too becomes full in snapshot seven.
Once again, the garbage collector stops the program and traces out the graph of live objects. This time, it copies each live object it encounters up to the top half of the heap, as shown in snapshot eight. Snapshot nine shows the result of the garbage collection: the bottom half is once again unused space and the top half is partially filled with objects. This process repeats again and again as the program executes.




JVM学习笔记-分代收集器(Generational Collectors)

Generational Collectors

One disadvantage of simple stop and copy collectors is that all live objects must be copied at every collection. This facet of copying algorithms can be improved upon by taking into account two facts that have been empirically observed in most programs in a variety of languages:
Most objects created by most programs have very short lives.

Most programs create some objects that have very long lifetimes.
  1) 大多数程序所创建的大部分对象都只有很短的生命周期
  2) 大多数程序都创建一些具有非常长生命周期的对象

A major source of inefficiency in simple copying collectors is that they spend much of their time copying the same long-lived objects again and again.

Generational collectors address this inefficiency by grouping objects by age and garbage collecting younger objects more often than older objects. In this approach, the heap is divided into two or more sub-heaps, each of which serves one “generation” of objects. The youngest generation is garbage collected most often. As most objects are short-lived, only a small percentage of young objects are likely to survive their first collection. Once an object has survived a few garbage collections as a member of the youngest generation, the object is promoted to the next generation: it is moved to another sub-heap. Each progressively older generation is garbage collected less often than the next younger generation. As objects “mature” (survive multiple garbage collections) in their current generation, they are moved to the next older generation.

The generational collection technique can be applied to mark and sweep algorithms as well as copying algorithms. In either case, dividing the heap into generations of objects can help improve the efficiency of the basic underlying garbage collection algorithm.

JVM学习笔记-调用Java方法(Invoking a Java Method)

Invoking a Java Method

As mentioned in Chapter 5, “The Java Virtual Machine,” the virtual machine creates a new stack frame for each Java (not native) method it invokes. The stack frame contains space for the method’s local variables, its operand stack, and any other information required by a particular virtual machine implementation. The size of the local variables and operand stack are calculated at compile-time and placed into the class file, so the virtual machine knows just how much memory will be needed by the method’s stack frame. When it invokes a method, it creates a stack frame of the proper size for that method. The virtual machine pushes the new stack frame onto the Java stack.

For an instance method, the virtual machine pops the objectref and args from the operand stack of the calling method’s stack frame. It places the objectref on the new stack frame as local variable 0, and all the args as local variable 1, 2, and so on. The objectref is the implicit this pointer that is passed to any instance method.

For a class method, the virtual machine just pops the args from the operand stack of the calling method’s frame and places them onto the new stack frame as local variable 0, 1, 2, and so on.

Once the objectref and args (or just the args, for a class method) have been placed into the local variables of the new frame, the virtual machine makes the new stack frame current and sets the program counter to point to the first instruction in the new method.
JVM 学习笔记_第5张图片

JVM学习笔记-本地方法调用(Invoking a Native Method)

Invoking a Native Method
As mentioned in Chapter 5, “The Java Virtual Machine,” the virtual machine invokes native methods in an implementation dependent manner. When invoking a native method, the virtual machine does not push a new stack frame onto the Java stack for the native method. At the point in which the thread enters the native method, it leaves the Java stack behind. When the native method returns, the Java stack will once again be used.

