Flink提供了丰富的客户端操作来提交任务或与任务交互,我们从五个方面介绍Flink客户端的具体操作,分别是Flink命令行模式,scala-shell模式, sql-client 模式,restful模式,界面模式.
提交一个example任务,-d 表示detached模式,即提交了后会退出shell,如果不加-d shell会一直在运行不退出。
bin/flink run -d examples/streaming/TopSpeedWindowing.jar
bin/flink list -m localhost:8081
bin/flink list -z localhost:2181
------------------ Running/Restarting Jobs -------------------
20.05.2019 16:04:11 : 5f1a16394dc207969a0cff904ca57726 : CarTopSpeedWindowingExample (RUNNING)
停止任务,并设置savepoint 路径
bin/flink cancel -m locahost:8081 -s /tmp/savepoint 5f1a16394dc207969a0cff904ca57726
Cancelling job 5f1a16394dc207969a0cff904ca57726 with savepoint to /tmp/savepoint.
Cancelled job 5f1a16394dc207969a0cff904ca57726. Savepoint stored in file:/tmp/savepoint/savepoint-5f1a16-26cd0491e260.
ll /tmp/savepoint/
drwxrwxr-x 2 hadoopuser hadoopuser 4096 May 20 16:20 savepoint-5f1a16-26cd0491e260
bin/flink run -d -s /tmp/savepoint/savepoint-5f1a16-26cd0491e260/ examples/streaming/TopSpeedWindowing.jar
Job has been submitted with JobID 9e9a1bab6256175706ffaa0e0f4f6535
Starting job 9e9a1bab6256175706ffaa0e0f4f6535 from savepoint /tmp/savepoint/savepoint-5f1a16-26cd0491e260/
bin/flink savepoint -m localhost:2181 9e9a1bab6256175706ffaa0e0f4f6535 /tmp/savepoint/
Triggering savepoint for job 9e9a1bab6256175706ffaa0e0f4f6535.
Waiting for response...
Savepoint completed. Path: file:/tmp/savepoint/savepoint-9e9a1b-bbfb61c5013e
You can resume your program from this savepoint with the run command.
ll /tmp/savepoint/
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 2 hadoopuser hadoopuser 4096 May 20 16:20 savepoint-5f1a16-26cd0491e260
drwxrwxr-x 2 hadoopuser hadoopuser 4096 May 20 16:29 savepoint-9e9a1b-bbfb61c5013e
修改任务的并行度,修改并行度的前提是集群设置了 state.savepoints.dir 属性,因为每次modify会触发一次savepoint操作。
bin/flink modify -p 2 9e9a1bab6256175706ffaa0e0f4f6535
查看任务的执行信息,可以将json粘贴到https://flink.apache.org/visualizer/ 查看执行计划
bin/flink info examples/streaming/TopSpeedWindowing.jar
----------------------- Execution Plan -----------------------
{"nodes":[{"id":1,"type":"Source: Custom Source","pact":"Data Source","contents":"Source: Custom Source","parallelism":1},{"id":2,"type":"Timestamps/Watermarks","pact":"Operator","contents":"Timestamps/Watermarks","parallelism":1,"predecessors":[{"id":1,"ship_strategy":"FORWARD","side":"second"}]},{"id":4,"type":"Window(GlobalWindows(), DeltaTrigger, TimeEvictor, ComparableAggregator, PassThroughWindowFunction)","pact":"Operator","contents":"Window(GlobalWindows(), DeltaTrigger, TimeEvictor, ComparableAggregator, PassThroughWindowFunction)","parallelism":1,"predecessors":[{"id":2,"ship_strategy":"HASH","side":"second"}]},{"id":5,"type":"Sink: Print to Std. Out","pact":"Data Sink","contents":"Sink: Print to Std. Out","parallelism":1,"predecessors":[{"id":4,"ship_strategy":"FORWARD","side":"second"}]}]}
bin/flink stop -m localhost:2181 9e9a1bab6256175706ffaa0e0f4f6535
提交任务: -m表示yarn-cluster模式,-yqu表示队列,-yd表示detached模式,不加的话默认是attach模式
bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yqu root.up -yd examples/streaming/TopSpeedWindowing.jar
2019-05-20 17:17:00,719 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor - The Flink YARN client has been started in detached mode. In order to stop Flink on YARN, use the following command or a YARN web interface to stop it:
yarn application -kill application_1558187257311_0010
Please also note that the temporary files of the YARN session in the home directory will not be removed.
Job has been submitted with JobID 14ca15c60c5bc641ab5774bc7c1e69eb
job name为显示 Flink per-job Cluster。
启动yarn-session: -n 表示2个tm,-jm 表示1024mb内存,-tm 表示1024mb内存,-qu 表示队列,需要主要的是此模式下tm进程并不会提前启动
bin/yarn-session.sh -n 2 -jm 1024 -tm 1024 -qu root.up
2019-05-20 17:25:12,446 INFO org.apache.flink.shaded.curator.org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
2019-05-20 17:25:12,694 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.rest.RestClient - Rest client endpoint started.
Flink JobManager is now running on dn2:21667 with leader id 0e57fedd-6030-4c12-b455-638f7db4a65c.
JobManager Web Interface: http://dn2:17269
jobname显示为flink session cluster。上述方式是attach模式启动,命令行不会自动退出,也可以在启动时加上-d 表示detached模式启动,如果ctrl+c退出attach模式或者想进入detached模式的命令行,可以使用
bin/yarn-session.sh -id application_1558187257311_0012
cat /tmp/.yarn-properties-hadoopuser
#Generated YARN properties file
#Mon May 20 17:25:12 CST 2019
bin/flink run examples/batch/WordCount.jar
2019-05-20 17:40:25,796 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli - Found Yarn properties file under /tmp/.yarn-properties-hadoopuser.
2019-05-20 17:40:25,796 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli - Found Yarn properties file under /tmp/.yarn-properties-hadoopuser.
2019-05-20 17:40:26,113 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli - YARN properties set default parallelism to 2
2019-05-20 17:40:26,113 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli - YARN properties set default parallelism to 2
YARN properties set default parallelism to 2
2019-05-20 17:40:26,267 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli - No path for the flink jar passed. Using the location of class org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnClusterDescriptor to locate the jar
2019-05-20 17:40:26,267 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli - No path for the flink jar passed. Using the location of class org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnClusterDescriptor to locate the jar
2019-05-20 17:40:26,276 WARN org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor - Neither the HADOOP_CONF_DIR nor the YARN_CONF_DIR environment variable is set.The Flink YARN Client needs one of these to be set to properly load the Hadoop configuration for accessing YARN.
2019-05-20 17:40:26,347 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor - Found application JobManager host name 'dn2' and port '17269' from supplied application id 'application_1558187257311_0012'
Starting execution of program
Executing WordCount example with default input data set.
Use --input to specify file input.
Printing result to stdout. Use --output to specify output path.
点击ApplicationMaster ui地址进去查看:
注意⚠️:当有多个yarn session时 可以在提交任务时指定 -yid ${appid} 参数提交到具体指定的yarn-session中。
bin/start-scala-shell.sh local
bin/start-scala-shell.sh remote dn2 17269
bin/start-scala-shell.sh yarn -n 1 -jm 1024 -tm 1024 -nm scala-shell-yarn -qu root.up
scala> val text = benv.fromElements("hello word hi word thanks word hello")
text: org.apache.flink.api.scala.DataSet[String] = org.apache.flink.api.scala.DataSet@6764201e
scala> val counts = text.flatMap{_.split("\\W+")}.map{(_,1)}.groupBy(0).sum(1)
counts: org.apache.flink.api.scala.AggregateDataSet[(String, Int)] = org.apache.flink.api.scala.AggregateDataSet@76b49d0
scala> counts.print()
scala> val text = senv.fromElements("hello word hi word thanks word hello")
scala scalaNothingTypeInfo scopt senv seqToCharSequence short2Short shortArrayOps shortWrapper specialized statistics sun sys
scala> val text = senv.fromElements("hello word hi word thanks word hello")
text: org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.DataStream[String] = org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.DataStream@7e24d565
scala> val counts = text.flatMap{_.split("\\W+")}.map{(_,1)}.keyBy(0).sum(1)
counts: org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.DataStream[(String, Int)] = org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.DataStream@43b5274e
scala> counts.print()
res1: org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStreamSink[(String, Int)] = org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStreamSink@79832158
scala> senv.execute("Stream Word Count")
res2: org.apache.flink.api.common.JobExecutionResult = org.apache.flink.api.common.JobExecutionResult@6514666f
bin/sql-client.sh embedded
可以输入help 查看相关帮助说明
The following commands are available:
QUIT Quits the SQL CLI client.
CLEAR Clears the current terminal.
HELP Prints the available commands.
SHOW TABLES Shows all registered tables.
SHOW FUNCTIONS Shows all registered user-defined functions.
DESCRIBE Describes the schema of a table with the given name.
EXPLAIN Describes the execution plan of a query or table with the given name.
SELECT Executes a SQL SELECT query on the Flink cluster.
INSERT INTO Inserts the results of a SQL SELECT query into a declared table sink.
SOURCE Reads a SQL SELECT query from a file and executes it on the Flink cluster.
SET Sets a session configuration property. Syntax: 'SET ='. Use 'SET' for listing all properties.
RESET Resets all session configuration properties.
select "hello word"
explain select 'a';
== Abstract Syntax Tree ==
LogicalValues(tuples=[[{ 0 }]])
== Optimized Logical Plan ==
DataStreamCalc(select=[_UTF-16LE'a' AS EXPR$0])
DataStreamValues(tuples=[[{ 0 }]])
== Physical Execution Plan ==
Stage 5 : Data Source
content : collect elements with CollectionInputFormat
Stage 6 : Operator
content : select: (_UTF-16LE'a' AS EXPR$0)
ship_strategy : FORWARD
写的很详细。restAPi 目前用处最多的还是用于监控。