Random Systems

1 Randomness

Randomness is the lack of pattern or predictability in events. A random sequence of events, symbols or steps has no order and does not follow an intelligible pattern or combination.

Random Systems_第1张图片
Fig.1.Randomness in three dimensions

(The figure and the code is from the Web)

2 Randomness for uniform distrubution

Now we get some random numbers in a two dimensional uniform distribution.

Random Systems_第2张图片
Fig.2.Randomness in two dimensions


Now let's see randomness in two dimensions again. We draw a picture that shows that if we comtain 200 random numbers for four times, the results don't relate to each other.

Random Systems_第3张图片
Fig.3.Randomness in two dimensions(2)


From above, we can find that as for random phenomenon, if the initial conditions are the same, there are many different results and there are little relation between them.

Random Systems_第4张图片

From above, we know that if we catch a random number once after another, there are little relation between them.

Now, we use randomness to calculate a integral.
![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\int_{0}^{1} xdx)
First, we use randomness to produce random points in

Random Systems_第5张图片

and then we cound the points that below the line

The results all approaches to 0.5. So the integral is 0.5.
![]( http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\int_{0}^{1} xdx\ =\frac{1}{2})

3 Randomness for normal distrubution

The normal distrubution is

\ =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e {-\frac{(x-\mu){2}}{2\sigma^{2}}})
When![]( http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\mu \ = 0)
![]( http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\sigma \ = 1)
the normal distrubution is called the standard normal distrybution which is showed by
![]( http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\ f(x)\ = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi }}e {-\frac{x{2}}{2}})

Random Systems_第6张图片
Fig.6.normal distrubution

This is the histogram that shows the distrubution of the numbers that got from the normal distrubution which satisfies![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\mu\ = 200)
![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\sigma\ = 25)
. (The figure and the code are from the web.)

As we know,if we measure a physical quantity, there must exist error and the distrubution of the error is normal distrubution. Now we suppose that we measure the length of a box, and the results satisfies the normal distrubution that ![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\mu\ = 100)
![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\sigma\ = 1)
The results is

Random Systems_第7张图片
Fig.7.numbers from a normal distrubution

From above, we can see that with the more n, the obviously that the distrubution of the measuremental results is normal distrubution.

4 The normal distrubution for two dimensions

The expression of the two-dimensional normal distrubution is ![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\ f(x,y)\ =(2 \pi \sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}\sqrt{1-\rho{2}}){-1}\ exp{\frac{1}{2 (1- \rho^{2})}[ \frac{(x-\mu_{1}){2}}{\sigma_{1}{2}}+ \frac{2\rho (x-\mu_{1})(y- \mu_{2})}{ \sigma_{1} \sigma{2}}+ \frac{(y-\mu_{2}){2}}{\sigma_{2}{2}}]})

If![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\rho\ = 0)
![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\mu_{1}\ =\mu_{2}\ = 0)
![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\sigma_{1}\ =\sigma_{2}\ = 1)

the distrubution is written as
![](http://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\ f(x,y)\ = \frac{1}{2\pi}\ e{-(x{2} +y^{2})})
Now let's study this distrubution.

Random Systems_第8张图片
Fig.8.two dimensions for n=100
Random Systems_第9张图片
Fig.9.two dimensions for n=500

These points are gotten from the two-dimensional normal distrubution.

5 Conclusion

I discussed the random numbers for mormal distrubution and the normal distrubution for one dimension and two dimensions. And I use them to calculate an integral and study the distrubution of measurement errors.

[1] Computational Physics(Second Edition)
[2] matplotlib
[3] LaTeX

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