make: *** [dbdimp.o] Error 1
/usr/bin/make -- NOT OK
Skipping test because of notest pragma
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Solution: if you install mysql (what version ?), make sure your lib*.so and "linked" files are in a directoy, in case you install mysql from RPM check the file path and locate the directory where your RPM install the *.so library. If you did install from source wich is the best solution (in my case) by default everything is installed in /usr/local/mysql.
After you successfully install mysql, add you /usr/mysql/lib/mysql directory to the /etc/ld.so.conf and save it, then load it by running "ldconfig -f /etc/ld.so.conf", and walla!, all your *.so files are accessible from any where in the system.
Note that if you system has Perl and CPAN, then it would be the easiest way to install all the packages you want, just type "cpan from shell". The first time CPAN is executed it will make you some question, just answer them and at the end choose only http servers rather than ftp because the are faster.
After all the questions, just type " install cpan" -->run "install Boundle::CPAN" and it will update your cpan.
Now make sure that you can run mysql_client from any part of the system, if you can't, do this "export PATH=$PATH:PATH_TO_YOU_MYSQL_BASE_DIR/bin" and try again by running mysql or any MySQL bin file.
After every thing is up, run CPAN again, just type "o conf prerequisites_policy ask" -->run "install DB::Mysql"
I hope all of these lines help you