
The std::for_each() algorithm allows us to iterate over a given range of elements and perform operations over them.

Whenever you are iterating over the elements in a array or in a container and performing some different operations over them like accessing, modifying etc. Although you can achieve the same by typing complete for loop but it save you time and number of lines of code, also it reduces the chance of some bugs.

std::for_each:Applies a specified function object to each element in a forward order within a range and returns the function object.

for_each loop applies a function to the range of elements of a collection. In other words each element from the collection will be passed to the function as a parameter and function will be executed the number of times elements present in a collection.

The algorithm std::for_each() applies a function to all elements in a collection. This algorithm takes three arguments: the first two provide the iterators that describe the sequence to be evaluated, and the third is a one-argument function. The algorithm std::for_each() applies the function to each value of the sequence, passing the value as an argument.



#include "for_each.hpp"
#include  // for_each

// reference: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/for_each
struct Sum {
	Sum() : sum{ 0 } { }
	void operator()(int n) { sum += n; }
	int sum;

int test_for_each1()
	std::vector nums{ 3, 4, 2, 8, 15, 267 };

	std::cout << "before:";
	for (auto const &n : nums) {
		std::cout << ' ' << n;
	std::cout << '\n';

	std::for_each(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [](int &n){ n++; });

	// calls Sum::operator() for each number
	Sum s = std::for_each(nums.begin(), nums.end(), Sum());

	std::cout << "after: ";
	for (auto const &n : nums) {
		std::cout << ' ' << n;
	std::cout << '\n';
	std::cout << "sum: " << s.sum << '\n';

	return 0;

// reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/for_each/
void myfunction(int i) {  // function:
	std::cout << ' ' << i;

struct myclass {           // function object type:
	void operator() (int i) { std::cout << ' ' << i; }
} myobject;

int test_for_each2()
	std::vector myvector;

	std::cout << "myvector contains:";
	for_each(myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), myfunction);
	std::cout << '\n';

	// or:
	std::cout << "myvector contains:";
	for_each(myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), myobject);
	std::cout << '\n';

	return 0;

// reference: http://thispointer.com/stdfor_each-tutorial-usage-details-with-examples/
void addNames(std::vector & vecNames)
void printName(std::string name)
	std::cout << name << std::endl;

class NameChecker {
	std::string m_biggerName;
	int m_nameCount;
	NameChecker() : m_biggerName(""), m_nameCount(0)
	void operator()(std::string name)
		if (m_biggerName.size() < name.size())
			m_biggerName = name;

	const std::string& getBiggerName() const {
		return m_biggerName;

	int getNameCount() const {
		return m_nameCount;

void example_1(std::vector & vecNames)
	// Display Each name in vector using std::for_each and global function
	std::for_each(vecNames.begin(), vecNames.end(), printName);

void example_2(std::vector & vecNames)
	// Now Display Each name in vector using std::for_each and Lambda function
	std::for_each(vecNames.begin(), vecNames.end(), [](std::string name)
		std::cout << name << std::endl;
void example_3(std::vector & vecNames)
	// Now count the number of names and in end print the biggest name
	// Let's do this with std::for_each and a function object.
	NameChecker nameCheckerObj = std::for_each(vecNames.begin(), vecNames.end(), NameChecker());

	std::cout << std::endl << "Biggest Name = " << nameCheckerObj.getBiggerName() << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl << "Total Names = " << nameCheckerObj.getNameCount() << std::endl;


int test_for_each3()
	std::vector vecNames;


	return 0;

// reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e5sk9w9k.aspx
// The function object multiplies an element by a Factor
class MultValue {
	Type Factor;   // The value to multiply by
	// Constructor initializes the value to multiply by
	MultValue(const Type& _Val) : Factor(_Val) {

	// The function call for the element to be multiplied
	void operator ( ) (Type& elem) const
		elem *= Factor;

// The function object to determine the average
class Average {
	long num;      // The number of elements
	long sum;      // The sum of the elements
	// Constructor initializes the value to multiply by
	Average() : num(0), sum(0)

	// The function call to process the next elment
	void operator ( ) (int elem)
		num++;      // Increment the element count
		sum += elem;   // Add the value to the partial sum

	// return Average
	operator double()
		return  static_cast  (sum) / static_cast  (num);

int test_for_each4()
	using namespace std;
	vector  v1;
	vector ::iterator Iter1;

	// Constructing vector v1
	for (int i = -4; i <= 2; i++) {

	cout << "Original vector  v1 = ( ";
	for (Iter1 = v1.begin(); Iter1 != v1.end(); Iter1++)
		cout << *Iter1 << " ";
	cout << ")." << endl;

	// Using for_each to multiply each element by a Factor
	for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), MultValue(-2));

	cout << "Multiplying the elements of the vector v1\n "
		<< "by the factor -2 gives:\n v1mod1 = ( ";
	for (Iter1 = v1.begin(); Iter1 != v1.end(); Iter1++)
		cout << *Iter1 << " ";
	cout << ")." << endl;

	// The function object is templatized and so can be
	// used again on the elements with a different Factor
	for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), MultValue(5));

	cout << "Multiplying the elements of the vector v1mod\n "
		<< "by the factor 5 gives:\n v1mod2 = ( ";
	for (Iter1 = v1.begin(); Iter1 != v1.end(); Iter1++)
		cout << *Iter1 << " ";
	cout << ")." << endl;

	// The local state of a function object can accumulate
	// information about a sequence of actions that the
	// return value can make available, here the Average
	double avemod2 = for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), Average());
	cout << "The average of the elements of v1 is:\n Average ( v1mod2 ) = "
		<< avemod2 << "." << endl;

	return 0;

// reference: https://www.tutorialcup.com/cplusplus/for-each-loop.htm
void fun1(int x)
	std::cout << x << " ";

struct Class1 { // object type function
	void operator() (int x)
		std::cout << x << " ";
} obj1;

int test_for_each5()
	int arr[] = { 11, 21, 4, 13 };
	std::for_each(arr, arr + 4, fun1);
	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::for_each(arr, arr + 4, obj1);

	return 0;

