
You will learn

  • How to make your program more readable by learning how to maintain ABAPDoc comments.
  • How to synchronize the documentation and to display it, both in the ABAP Development Tools (ADT) and in SAP GUI.

Step 1: Open your ABAP class

First, open your ABAP class.



Step 2: Add an ABAPDoc comment

To improve readability, add an ABAPDoc comment to the class immediately before the method definition, for example:"! Method reads invoice items from database .

NOTE: You must insert the ABAPDoc comment immediately before the declaration; otherwise you will get a warning from ADT.

Image depicting step2-add-abap-doc-comment

ABAPDoc comments can be used to document APIs and are displayed in the Element Info. All ABAPDoc comments begin with "! .


Step 3: Add parameters to ABAPDoc

You can also use ABAPDoc to document method parameters with a Quick Assist. Place the cursor inside of the ABAPDoc comment. Then choose **Ctrl+1** to open the Quick Assist menu and double-click on Add missing parameters to documentation:

Image depicting step3-add-parameters

The ABAPDoc comment is extended by a @parameter ... |. You can now use this to document the method parameters: To do so, just enter the documentation after the pipe symbol (|).

Image depicting step3a-parameters-added


Step 4: Synchronize short texts

We have documented our method using ABAPDoc. However, we also want to see the same short texts in the description fields of the form-based Class Builder in SAP GUI.To do this, we need to tag the required text in the ABAPDoc as “synchronized” to ensure that it is synchronized with the Class Builder.

  1. Mark the short text for your method in ABAPDoc as “synchronized” by surrounding it with the tag



  2. Do the same for the short text of your parameter lt_result:


Image depicting step4-sync-texts


Step 5: Save and activate

Save ( Ctrl+S ) and activate ( Ctrl+F3 ) the class.


Step 6: Link with Editor

Finally you will check that the synchronized short texts are also shown in the Class Builder. First we have to open the class in SAP GUI.To easily find the class in SAP GUI, first choose Link with Editor:



Step 7: View the ABAPDoc comments in SAP GUI

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the class ZCL_INVOICE_RETRIEVAL and choose Open with SAP GUI from the context menu:

  2. The method description shows the text we entered in the ABAPDoc comment in the synchronized tag:

  3. Now choose Parameters. You will see that the description of the parameter has also been synchronized:


  4. Finally, close the class in SAP GUI and return to your ABAP program by choosing Close:

    Image depicting step8-close


Step 8: Display element info

  1. Back in the ABAP Program, position the cursor on the method call GET_ITEMS_FROM_DB and display the Element Info of the method by choosing Element Info (F2). In addition to the method signature it also shows the ABAPDoc you wrote before:


  2. Close the Element Info by choosing ESC.

The code for your class should now look like this:



CLASS zcl_invoice_retrieval DEFINITION

    TYPES: ty_table_of_zso_invoice_item TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zso_invoice_item WITH DEFAULT KEY.


Read items from DB

"! Method reads invoice items from the database "! @parameter lt_result |

Table of invoice items

"! METHODS get_items_from_db RETURNING VALUE(lt_result) type ty_table_of_zso_invoice_item. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_invoice_retrieval IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_items_from_db. SELECT snwd_bpa~company_name, snwd_so_inv_item~gross_amount, snwd_so_inv_item~currency_code, snwd_so_inv_head~payment_status FROM snwd_so_inv_item JOIN snwd_so_inv_head ON snwd_so_inv_item~parent_key = snwd_so_inv_head~node_key JOIN snwd_bpa ON snwd_so_inv_head~buyer_guid = snwd_bpa~node_key INTO TABLE @lt_result WHERE snwd_so_inv_item~currency_code = 'USD' ORDER BY snwd_bpa~company_name. LOOP AT lt_result ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(). CASE -payment_status. WHEN 'P'. -payment_status = abap_true. WHEN OTHERS. -payment_status = abap_false. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.


Step 9: Test yourself

Create an ABAPDoc comment for the parameter PLANETYPE, including the explanatory text Type of plane.

Enter the comment in the box below and choose Submit Answer.
