
Create Table Student(
sno char(10) not null,
sname varchar(20),
sage smallint,
ssex char(1),
sdept char(2),
primary key (sno),
check(ssex in ('M','F')))

Create Table Course(
cno char(10) not null,
cname varchar(20),
cpno char(10) null,
credit smallint,
primary key (cno),
foreign key (cpno) references Course)

Create Table SC(
sno char(10) not null,
cno char(10) not null,
grade smallint,
primary key(sno,cno),
foreign key (sno) references Student,
foreign key (cno) references Course,
check(grade>=0 and grade<=100))

Insert into Student(sno,sname,sage,ssex,sdept)
Insert into Student(sno,sname,sage,ssex,sdept)
Insert into Student(sno,sname,sage,ssex,sdept)
Insert into Student(sno,sname,sage,ssex,sdept)

Insert into Course(cno,cname,cpno,credit)
Insert into Course(cno,cname,cpno,credit)
Insert into Course(cno,cname,cpno,credit)
Insert into Course(cno,cname,cpno,credit)
Insert into Course(cno,cname,cpno,credit)
Insert into Course(cno,cname,cpno,credit)
Insert into Course(cno,cname,cpno,credit)

Insert into SC Values('95001','1',92);
Insert into SC Values('95001','2',85);
Insert into SC Values('95001','3',88); 
Insert into SC Values('95002','2',90);
Insert into SC Values('95002','3',80);
Insert into SC Values('95003','2',80);
Insert into SC Values('95003','1',90);


select count(*) from Student;    
select count(distinct Sno) from SC;
select avg(Grade) from SC where cno='1';
select max(Grade) from SC where cno='1';
select sum(credit) from SC,Course where sno='201215012' and SC.Cno=Course.Cno;
select Cno,Count(Sno) from SC Group by Cno;
select sno from SC group by sno having count(*)=3;
select Sno,avg(Grade) from SC Group by Sno having avg(Grade)>=90;
select First.Cno,Second.Cpno from Course First,Course Second where First.Cpno=Second.Cno;  
select Student.*,SC.* from Student,SC where Student.Sno=SC.Sno;
select Student.Sno,sname from Student,SC where Student.Sno=SC.Sno and Cno='2' and Grade>80;
select Count(*) from SC where SC.cno in (select SC.cno from SC where cno in (Select cno from Course where Cname='数据库')) Group by SC.cno;

select Sname from Student,SC where Student.Sno=SC.Sno Group by Student.Sname having Count(*)=3 and avg(Grade)>85;

select count(*) from (select Sno from sc where sc.cno in(select cno from course where cname='数据库' or cname='数学') 
group by SC.Sno having count(*)=2) as S(Sno);

select count(*) from (select SC.sno from SC where SC.sno in (select Sno from sc where sc.cno in(
select cno from course where cname='数据库' or cname='数学') 
group by SC.Sno having count(*)=2)group by Sc.sno having count(*)=2) as S(Sno);

 select count(*)from(select sum(credit) from (select CD.sno,CD.cno,Course.credit from Course,(select sno,cno from SC where sno in
(select sno from SC where cno in (Select cno from Course where Cname='数据库'))) as CD(sno,cno) where CD.cno=Course.cno) as DF(sno,cno,credit) group by sno)
 as FG(c) where c>6

select sno,sname from(select SC.sno,SC.cno,Student.sname,Course.cname from Student,SC,Course 
where SC.cno=Course.cno and Student.sno=SC.sno) as xsc(sno,cno,sname,cname) where cname='数据库'

select sno from (select Sno from sc where sc.cno in(select cno from course where cname='数学')) as SDD(sno) where 

(select SC.sno,SC.cno,Student.sname,Course.cname from Student,SC,Course where SC.cno=Course.cno and Student.sno=SC.sno)
