Go Hunting

Go Hunting

By Steve Pavlina

I think the best way for us to make sure our diets are in line with our morals is to stay connected with the end-to-end processes that we support through our food choices.

For example,if you're a meat eater, then I would strongly reconmmend that you go hunting once in a while and eat what you kill.I think it's important to have that experience, so you can fully appreciate your chioces.If you can't personally kill an animal and prepare it for consumption, that would signal a major internal incongruency,so perhaps it would be wise to reevaluate your food choices.

I wouldn't say you need to do this every time you eat meat,but do it at least once a year to stay connected to the process from killing to consuming.For someone who only eats fish,then going fishing would suffice.

I see inner congruency as a matter of degree more than essence.Improving the congruency between our values and our decisions is a lifelong process. It 's not about achieving perfection.As soon as you complete one step,you may think you've achieved some new level of moral godhood for a while, but shortly thereafter the next steps will present themselves.

I think about 9 billion farm animals are slaughtered for food each year in the USA.I wonder how many of these deaths would occur if the end consumers had to do the killing personally.I think we can all agree taht it would be a lot less than 9 billion killings.

If you eat meat but you 've never personally and deliberately killed and eaten an animal,and you resisit even making the attempt,does that make you an chicken ? Yeah,I think it does. After all, if you values support the most basic process that makes it possible be eat meat :to deliberately kill an animal and eat its flesh.

There are lots of ways to extend the ideas in this article of course.Food choices are just one application.The over all point is that if you can't bring yourself to participate in the processes you 're supporting right now through your choices,then do you really respect those processes?

And if you continue to make chioces you don't respect,then do you really respect yourself?

When you take steps to increase the congruency between your values and your choices,your self-respect increases.And with greater self-respect ,you're less likely to allow yourself to be trapped in abusive situations,and you're more likely to maintain high standards for your life,both personally and professionally.

If your values and your choices are out of sync,it means you don't value yourself.












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